Homework 2.5

Arrival Charts and Consideration

Name: ______Date: ______Score: ______

True or False:

  1. All airports have STARs: T / F
  2. STARs are a way to transition from the enroute structure to the approach environment: T / F
  3. STARs always utilize VORs: T / F
  4. ATC will only assign a STAR at the request of the pilot: T / F
  5. A descend via clearance requires that you comply with the altitudes on the STAR: T / F
  6. A pilot will always fly direct to the Final Approach Fix with a STAR: T / F
  7. A STAR may have an altitude restriction, but never an airspeed restriction: T / F
  8. STARs are not approaches and therefore do not need to be briefed: T / F
  9. Some airports require that the crew be specially qualified or trained for commercial ops: T / F
  10. Piper Archer’s must always comply with Vertical Navigation Planning information: T / F

Short Answer (You will need TERPs for these questions)

  1. At ONT (Ontario, CA) Where does the SETER THREE arrival begin?
  2. When approaching ONT from the South, what approach frequency should be expected?
  1. Without DME or GPS, how is SETER intersection identified?
  2. What altitude can the pilot descend to after crossing SETER?
  3. After crossing BANDS intersection, what altitude is expected?
  4. When landing Ontario International, what happens after crossing SETER without GPS?
  5. What is the distance from BERDU to the Paradise VOR (PDZ)?
  1. After arriving at the Paradise VOR (PDZ), what is the next step with Chino as the arrival airport?
  2. When is a plane required to hold at JLI?
  1. A pilot files OCN.SETER3. Is this correct? Why or why not?

Approach Charts and Procedures

Name: ______Date: ______Score: ______

Fill in the Blank:

  1. A ______approach meets ICAO Annex 10 standards and has a navigational system that provides both Course Deviation information and Glide Path Deviation information.
  2. An ______approach provides both Course Deviation information and Glide Path Deviation information but does not meet the standards under ICAO Annex 10.
  3. A ______approach only provides lateral guidance (course deviation information).
  4. A ______is a means of transitioning from the enroute structure to the approach environment.
  5. The ______approach segment is designed to align the aircraft with the approach course.
  6. The minimum safe altitude (MSA) provides ______feet of obstacle clearance in mountainous areas and ______feet of obstacle clearance in non-mountainous areas
  7. The MSA provides only ______. ______and communication information is not guaranteed.
  8. A decision altitude (or height) is only found on ______approaches.
  9. At the ______, the pilot must initiate a missed approach.
  10. A ______is stated on nonprecision approaches. This is the lowest altitude that a pilot may fly on the approach course.
  11. A ______is a step down fix between the FAF and the MAP. An aircraft may not descend for landing until after this is passed.
  12. Approach categories for aircraft are based on ______or ______.
  13. Piper Archers fall into approach category ____.
  14. The circling radius for a Piper Archer is _____ from the center of the airport.
  15. An aircraft can descend to ______feet below the minimums if the approach lights are in sight.

Short Answer

  1. When can an aircraft descend below minimums on an approach?
  2. What is the “runway environment?”
  1. What is a side-step maneuver?

Questions 4-14 concern the ILS or LOC 26 into Denver International.

  1. What is the Intermediate Fix on the ILS 26 approach?
  1. At what altitude does GRASP need to be crossed?
  2. What is the approach course?
  3. What is the Localizer frequency? Is this the same frequency for the glide slope?
  1. What is the glide slope angle?
  2. What is the Threshold Crossing Height?
  1. What is the missed approach point for the ILS 26?
  1. What is the missed approach point for the LOC 26?
  1. What type of approach lighting system does this approach have?
  1. The approach lighting system is inoperative at the time of approach. What are the new minimums?
  1. What is the missed approach procedure?

For the following questions, use the VOR/DME 15 into Martin State.

  1. Is there a final approach course for the VOR/DME into Martin State?
  1. What is the missed approach point for this approach?
  1. When the tower is closed, is there airport lighting?
  1. What is the approach control frequency?
  1. What is the missed approach procedure?
  1. What is the FAF?
  1. The local altimeter setting isn’t received. The pilot opts to use Baltimore International’s Altimeter setting. What are the minimums?
  1. The ATIS is reporting OVC at 800 feet and visibility 1 SM. Can the approach be attempted?