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Heart 2 Heart partnership to invest $1,000,000 in Mexico in 2017-18
In 2017-18 Heart 2 Heart is undertaking an aggressive and comprehensive plan of projects in central Mexico, where we are going to jointly invest $1,000,000 in global grantsand smaller projectsacross two Rotary districtsin the heart of Mexico. At a time when we only hear negatives being discussed between two neighboring countries, it is Rotary International, Rotary clubs and districts throughout the United Statesand Mexico(including Zones 30 and 31), and The Rotary Foundation working hard together to improve the lives of those less fortunate. It is also through this partnership, in the heart of Mexico and in the heart of the United States, where global grants are being funded in the U.S.for clean water.
The proposed 2017-18 projects in Mexico include 70 kidney transplants for low income patients suffering from renal disease/failure, heart surgeries with the placement of 400 pacemakers in low income patients, basic education training for elementary students, neurological center equipment and training, equipment and supplies for theHospital de las Americas, WASH projects in elementary schoolswithhygieneeducation and anti-bullying training, equipment and training at theGuadalajara children's cancer center (project in honor of John and Judy Germ),equipment and training for the newMexico City cleft lip and palate surgery center (project in honor of John and Judy Germ), wheelchair refurbishment and distribution, and school renovations.
The 26 Rotary districts in the Heart of America have worked diligently for over a decade to implement projects through Heart 2 Heart, and Heart 2 Heart has become a model program within Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation. In 2016-17 every Heart of America district (and our other partner District 5630 in Nebraska) contributed to a global grant as part of Heart 2 Heart,and in 2017-18 we asked for your thoughtful consideration to again support the projects and humanitarian work. Please review your current available District Designated Funds and look to invest those monies in projects making the greatest impact, such as those listed above as part of Heart 2 Heart. In addition, for all who are interested in the annual Heart 2 Heart 2017 Rotary trip to see current and proposed projects,we will travel to Mexico City between November 8th to November 15th, 2017.
see more information.
Together we are Rotary Making a Difference!
Sincerely, Heart 2 Heart Advisory Group
Don Peterson, Stacey Self, David Bixler, Ed Hardesty, Jerry Wall, Big Rich Churchman, Steve Hopper, Larry Howell, Mike Nowobilski, David Matthews, Steve Sorenson, Roger Sims, Tom Dusing, Judy Hagen, Brad Sexauer, John Salyers, James Glass, Ryan Glass, Dick Bowers, Jerry Wear, Paul Bucurel, Bill Walker, Linda Mong, Tim Lee, and Ron Appuhn
How a district can participate in Heart 2 Heart
Any district from any zone can participate by providing DDF to one or more of the following eight global grant projects that are being offered:
1.GG 1860954 Holtz-Beahon Kidney Transplant Program 2018 – This signature project provides life-saving kidney transplants for 52-70 uninsured people with severe renal disease and limited economic means. Estimated budget is $156,000.
2.GG 1860955 Vickie Blade Pacemaker Project – This signature project provides life-saving pacemakers for 400 uninsured people with heart disease and limited economic means. Estimated budget is $116,000.
3.GG 1754279 education skills basic Spanish and math – The project provides workshops and materials for increasing basic Spanish and math skills as an expansion of a successful pilot program. Budget is $88,026. US sponsor is District 6170 Arkansas. This project is fully funded.
4.Neurological center equipment and training – This project provides specialized equipment and training at a center for children with severe neurological challenges and is a follow up project to a recent successful global grant at this center. Estimated budget is $44,000. US sponsor is District 5630 Nebraska (club to be determined).
5.GG 1860644 John & Judy Germ cleft lip and palate surgery center equipment – The Vallejo club in Mexico has obtained space and staffing for a new cleft lip and palate surgery services in the Mexico City metro area. The grant project would supply necessary equipment for the center. Estimated budget is $180,000 - $200,000. US sponsor is Kingston, TN D6780.
6.Hospital equipment and supplies - The project would provide used but usable equipment and supplies (provided through Project CURE) at two locations in District 4170. One location will be Hospital de las Americas in Ecatepec and the other location is to be determined. Estimated budget is $55,000.
7.GG 1860645 WASH challenge pilot project – District 4170 wishes to establish a consistent project that brings in water and sanitation in schools, along with water and hygieneeducation and anti-bullying training (similar to programs being done in Central America). In essence, this matches with our vision of moving to a program where the water tank systems are combined with sanitation improvements at each target school, and thus would replace the solo water tank system program as one of our signature projects. Estimated budget is $40,000 for a handful of schools as a pilot. US sponsor is Greater Lake Charles, LA District 6200.
8.GG 1860416 John & Judy Germ children’s cancer center equipment in District 4140 Guadalajara– The Hospital Civil de Guadalajara provides services for needy children with severe cancer challenges. Their program is similar to the one at St. Judes in Memphis, and the two hospitals actually work together on children’s cases and on groundbreaking research. The grant project funds equipment that helps both areas. The host club will provide $95,000 cash and the host district will provide $5,000 DDF, so they are clearly very invested in the success of this project. Estimated budget is $249,000.
We have proposed two global grant projects in honor of John and Judy Germ. The two projects were intentionally selected because they provide one project in each district in Mexico and, most importantly, these projects specifically address children in need. John and Judy have worked tirelessly for decades in support of children, and what better way to acknowledge this by naming these projects in their honor. These projects also provide a way for us to thank John and Judy for all they have done for our zones over the years and for their fantastic year as the RI President team. The children’s cancer center project will be fully funded quickly, so we are encouraging each district to consider the cleft lip and palate surgery center as part of an allocation to the Heart 2 Heart projects.
Districts can also help by actively promoting club (and individual) participation in Heart 2 Heart global grants and other projects, as outlined below.
How a club can participate in Heart 2 Heart
Heart 2 Heart welcomes all clubs from any and all districts to be a partner in Heart 2 Heart. All the club has to do is to financially participate, at any level. We recommend the following minimum contribution:
$200 for a global grant project (recommendation is for the kidney transplant project or the pacemaker project)
$150 to buy one wheelchair for our wheelchair challenge.
For a total of $350.
Our wheelchair challenge is to raise enough funds to purchase at least 200 wheelchairs per zone (total 400 wheelchairs for $60,000). With 1200+ clubs in our two zones, we should be able to meet and exceed this challenge.
We are also looking to raise $15,000 to $20,000 for minor but necessary renovations and improvements at six schools in Tlaquepaque (Guadalajara). We are working on the detailed list that can be prioritized and implemented based on contributions.
We hope you would agree that every club can participate with Heart 2 Heart at this minimum level, regardless of size and other international commitments.
There are other benefits to the clubs beyond humanitarian service.
Participation in a global grant and in partnered projects will help all clubs with their efforts to achieve one or more parts the “Focus and Increase Humanitarian Service” section of the Presidential Citation for 2017-18. The citation currently states that only sponsors of global grants and participants in district grants qualify for one of the stated criteria. However, we have received official word that financial participation in a global grant will also qualify for this criterion, and that opens the door for every single club to get involved. (RI will send out specific details on this in a few weeks.) Since Heart 2 Heart accepts contributions from any club for any amount, quite literally every club in any zone can achieve this one part.
In addition, another criterion refers to partnered projects, where Heart 2 Heart can also qualify. Plus, a club that donates to a global grant may be more easily able to achieve the criterion of 10% more total giving to the Rotary Foundation.
Sending a club member to Mexico for the annual visit in November is another great way to help Heart 2 Heart long term for each district and club.
Why we chose this particular wheelchair project
We are working with the Toluca Suroeste club on our wheelchair project (in partnership with World Access Project). What makes this program so much different from the other excellent wheelchair projects are the following:
1. The refurbished wheelchairs are not just the same kind in different sizes. They are multiple varieties, designed to meet a wide variety of individual needs. This really is the best way to serve a poor population with very diversified wheelchair needs.
2. Richard St. Denis, the leader of World Access project, is a Rotarian of about eight years, and his club is very involved with the project. We are looking at this as a Rotary multi-club, multi-district project. Heart 2 Heart only works with Rotary projects.
3. Their program not only offers wheelchairs, it offers crutches and other devices to help mobility. Also, their program does not just provide a wheelchair and then go away. Recipients are trained on usage and maintenance, and workshops to help with life adjustments will improve the possibilities for each individual. This is a huge programmatic difference when compared with other wheelchair options.
4. World Access Project also offers an on-going service opportunity available for wheelchair delivery, maintenance, and mobility access in a controlled environment and at a reasonable cost.
The logistics of being a partner in the Heart 2 Heart program
Districts who wish to participate through DDF contributions should contact Ron Appuhn via e-mail. No paperwork, no hassles, no extra meetings. Contributions are entered into each grant for each participating district.
Clubs can participate by sending a check made payable to “The Rotary Foundation DAF” with a notation of “Heart 2 Heart Projects Fund.” Checks should be mailed to Ron Appuhn (please do not mail to the Rotary Foundation) at his home address below. The club should indicate how the contribution should be allocated and should also include the Rotary club number on the check. All clubs are welcome to join and are considered partners in all the projects, regardless of the size of contributions. No paperwork, no hassles, no extra meetings. Yes, it is that easy to be a partner in Heart 2 Heart.
Our Donor Advised Fund will process payments for projects and grants so that clubs receive Paul Harris credit where applicable. Tax receipts will be provided for contributions above $250, in accordance with IRS regulations.
Individuals who wish to contribute to the wheelchair or school projects can do so by direct payment to “The Rotary Foundation DAF” with a notation of “Heart 2 Heart Projects Fund.” Checks should be mailed to Ron Appuhn (please do not mail to the Rotary Foundation) at his home address below. The individual should indicate how the contribution should be allocated. Individuals who wish to contribute to a global grant project should contact Ron Appuhn directly for consultation on the payment options that best meet the needs of the individual donor.
Any questions concerning logistics can be addressed to Ron Appuhn via e-mail or phone.
Ron Appuhn
8673 Belle Mina Way
Knoxville, TN 37923
July 12, 2017