St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School
Dear Parents/Carers
Award Assembly
There will be no Award Assembly tomorrow (Friday 1st March).
CAFOD Fundraising
Over the next few weeks each class will be organising a fundraiser to collect as much money as possible for CAFOD.
YEAR 6 - REDS have organised a ‘Celebrity Dress-Up Day’. Children are asked to dress up as somebody famous on Thursday 7th March (World Book Day). As usual we would ask for a £1 donation per child.
Additionally KS2 (Year 3 – 6) children are invited to write a poem about the celebrity or famous person they are dressing up as. There will be a charge of 50p per entry and there will be a prize per class awarded.
Reception and KS1 (Year 1 & 2) – are invited to write a sentence or short piece of writing about the celebrity or famous person they are dressing up as. Again, there will be a charge of 50p per entry and a prize per class awarded.
YEAR 6 - BLUES are having a sponsored silence for seven Year 6 children on Tuesday 19th March. Each class will sponsor the following children to be silent between 9am and 3.30pm:
Reception will sponsor– Ella Collins Year 3 will sponsor – Louise Conlon
Year 1 will sponsor – Courtney Clewes Year 4 will sponsor – Abbie-Mae Shaw
Year 2 will sponsor – James Stanaway Year 5 will sponsor – Saul Alkins
Year 6 will sponsor – Filip Fabrowski
Sponsor forms will be sent round to each class and there will be a prize for the class with most sponsors.
YEAR 6 - GREENS have organised ‘Cake It Up’. Raffle tickets will be on sale in class every day (20p per ticket). 1st prize – Large Cake 2nd Prize – Plate of small cakes
Tickets will be drawn every Friday in assembly. (Starting Friday 8th March)
YEAR 6 - YELLOWS have organised an Easter Egg Hunt on the last week of half term. It will be £1 to enter – more details to follow.
School Meals – Beef
Please note as per the website, on 13th February The Painsley Catholic Academy decided to withdraw all beef products from its menu and substitute them with chicken until further notice.
Lost Property
Oliver Wildsmith in Year 1 has misplaced his sweatshirt. It is aged 5-6 and is named. Please could you check to see if your child has taken it home by mistake. Thank you.
Easter Dinner
On Thursday 21st March the Dinner Staff are offering an Easter Lunch. The cost is £2.10 per child. The menu for this day is Roast Turkey Dinner. For children who do not normally have a school meal on a Thursday and would like to have an Easter Lunch please complete the slip below with money in an envelope by Friday 8th March. Please make cheques payable to ‘The Painsley Catholic Academy’.
Scholastic Book Club
You should have all received a Scholastic Book Club brochure. If you would like to place an order please send in the order form and payment by Wednesday 13th March. Please make cheques payable to ‘The Painsley Catholic Academy’.
Star Child
As you are aware on Friday we have an achievement assembly at 3pm where all parents are welcome. Parents of children who have been selected to be ‘Star Child’ will be notified BY TEXT on a Thursday before 1pm. Congratulations and well done to the following ‘Star Children’ for Friday 15th February:
Principals Award: Chimelu Descallar (Year 3)
Foundation: George Mycock
Year 1: Finlay Hughes Year 4: Charlie Edmonds
Year 2: Jonathan Irwin Year 5: Krystian Rurtka
Year 3: Martha Waugh Year 6: Courtney Clewes
Dates For Your Diary
March 2013
Mon 4th – Fri 8th – Year 5 – Laches Wood
Thurs 7th – First Holy Communion meeting for parent & children at school – 6pm
Thurs 7th – ‘Celebrity Dress-Up Day’
Wed 13th – First Confession at Church – 6pm
Mon 18th – Confirmation
Mon 18th – Year 4 representing St Joseph’s at Painsley Academy Gymnastics Festival – letter to follow
Tues 19th – Year 6 Sponsored Silence
Thurs 21st – Easter Dinner
Wed 27th – Last day of term
Thurs 28th March – Fri 12th April – Easter Holidays
Mrs L Sassi
Vice Principal
Easter Lunch
I would like my child/children ______Year ______to have an Easter Lunch
on Thursday 21st March. I enclose £ ______(£2.10 per child). Cheques to be made payable to ‘The
Painsley Catholic Academy’
Signed ______Name______(please print)