Ref: GL/BGI/Mock/Jan’17
Dear Parents/Carers
Year 11 English & MathsMock Examinations Week
Y11 English & Maths mock examinations week will commence week beginning 13th February 2017. Your child is expected to attend school as normal during this time and attend normal lessons when not in examinations.
You will find a general timetable on the reverse of this letter, this outlines all the examinations taking place in the mock examination week. The individual timetables, which list all of your child’s exams will be distributed to your child at a later date and will show your child’s seat number.
It is essential that students prepare fully for these examinations over the next couple of weeks to ensure that their performance in the examinations is a good representation of their current attainment. This will enable their teachers and subject teams to target individuals for appropriate intervention. If your child requires any assistance around strategies for revision they should seek support from their subject teachers who will be able to advise accordingly.
All these examinations will take place in the Sports Hall unless otherwise stated on the timetable.
Please check the start times of the exams carefully and make sure your child arrives on time.
They are responsible for taking the correct equipment to the examinations: 2 x BLACK pens, 2 x HB pencils, an eraser, ruler, pencil sharpener and calculator. Calculator instructions and cases are not allowed and anything stored on the calculator should be cleared. Equipment should be in a transparent pencil case.
Students must not be in possession of a mobile phone or any other electronic device during an examination. Please advise your child to leave these, switched off, with their belongings. Bags and coats are not allowed in the exam hall. It is your child’s responsibility to leave them in a safe place, preferably a locker. Water may be brought into the exam room in a clear bottle with the label removed.
We would appreciate it if you could support your child to prepare by ensuring they revise and get plenty of sleep prior to the mock examinations commencing.
Good luck to all students sitting these mock examinations.
Yours faithfully
Miss G LawtonMr B Gilder
Exams & Cover OfficerHead of Upper School