1. Clubhouse/All Weather Pitch2. Wodson Park


All members are responsible for taking due care and attention to ensure the Club operates in a safe manner at all times.

For each event; match, training session, youth tournament etc.,the Club’s nominated person (Senior Coach or Team Captain/Manager) is responsible for a mobile phone and fully equipped first aid kit being available at the pitch. At away games the Home Club can be expected to have the necessary first aid kit but the nominated person should check before playing.

1. The Clubhouse/All Weather Pitch

The Club’s nominated person is responsible for ensuring that the pitch and its surrounds are safe and free from dangerous objects,particularly that the hockey and football goals not being used are pushed well clear of the playing surface and surrounds.

Care must be taken when opening the Dugouts as the covers are heavy.

A mobile phone and fully equipped first aid kit must be available at the pitchwhile it is in use. A reserve first aid kit is kept in the Club House.

The pitch gates should be closed and locked after use.

In the Clubhouse the Boiler Room must be kept locked at all times and the hatch to the Bar must be kept closed to prevent entry by children.

The fireguards on the 2 gas fires in use are fixed in place and must not be moved or covered by clothing etc.

As the Clubhouse is used by small children care must be taken not to fall over them and their toys.

For accidents/incidents that occur in the clubhouse see the Emergency Procedureslocated on the Noticeboard.

Wodson Park

East Herts District Council is responsible for the operation of the Wodson Park Sport & Recreation Centre and astro and operates its own Health and Safety Policy. This policy requires that the Sport Centre keep the playing area and its surrounds in a safe condition.

The Sport Centre is also required to have a qualified First Aider available to deal with any accidents/incidents that may occur.

The Club is immediately responsible for dealing with an accident or incident on or adjacent to the astro playing area at Wodson Park and the Club’s nominated person (Senior Coach or Team Captain/Manager) is responsible for a mobile phone and fully equipped first aid kit being available at the pitch.




In the event of an accident or incident at the pitch or in the clubhouse members should follow these emergency procedures.

In the event of an accident or incident in the clubhouse:

-Enquire as to whether a First Aider is present, if none is available

-Stay calm but act swiftly to observe the situation.

-Listen to what the injured person is saying. Ask him/her questions such as:

  • Are you OK?
  • Are you in pain?
  • Where does it hurt?
  • Reassure them , “Qualified help is on its way”

In the event of an accident requiring specialist treatment call 999 on the clubhouse phone or an available mobile phone for an Ambulance. Ensure you give clear instructions on the pitch/clubhouse’s location (Mangrove Road Hertford, first or second turning after Simon Balle School. Club Post Code SG13 8AJ).

-Whilst waiting for the ambulance or first aider to arrive do not move the injured person.

-Contact the injured person’s parent, carer or nominated contact. Folder of all Senior Members details is kept behind the Bar and with the Secretary

-Complete the club’s incident/accident report form and give to:

Julia Hawkins (Hertford Hockey Club Welfare Officer)



2. Wodson Park Sport & Recreation Centre

The Club’s nominated person (Team Captain) will be responsible for activating the Emergency Procedures.

  1. Before the start of a game the club’s nominated person will:

-Ensure that a mobile phone is available.

-Ensure that a fully equipped first aid kit is available.

-Ensure that the pitch and its surrounds are safe and free from dangerous objects. If a problem does exist then contact should be made with the Wodson Park Sport & Recreation Centre Reception (01920 487091).

  1. In the event of an accident or incident:

-Enquire as to whether a First Aider is present, if none is available

-Stay calm but act swiftly to observe the situation.

-Listen to what the injured person is saying. Ask him/her questions such as:

  • Are you OK?
  • Are you in pain?
  • Where does it hurt?
  • Reassure them , “Qualified help is on its way”

In the event of an accident requiring specialist treatment call the Wodson Park Sport & Recreation Centre Reception (01920 487091).

- Ask for a Nominated First Aider to come to the astro pitch.

-While waiting for the Nominated First Aider to arrive do not move the injured person.

-Deal with the rest of the team and ensure adequate supervision of junior members.

-Contact the injured person’s parent, carer or nominated contact

-Complete the club’s incident/accident report form and give to:

Julia Hawkins (Hertford Hockey Club Welfare Officer)

Hertford HC Safety and Emergency Procedures 2010