DGSOM – Department Chairs & CAO’s
Notify the supervisor that the envelope drill has begun and gather as many available staff members as possible to join a huddle. If it is not possible to take staff away from their duties to huddle, the supervisor should round with staff members individually to review this drill. Read the scenario aloud and work together as a group (if possible) to discuss these questions and complete the activities requested. There are not always clear right and wrong answers. This exercise is intended to promote learning through engaging in discussion, brainstorming and problem-solving openly with your peers. This is not a test, rather an opportunity to identify ways to improve our emergency preparedness. There is a section at the end of this form to express your concerns and offer suggestions to the Emergency Preparedness Team. Your participation is greatly appreciated.
A powerful earthquake just hit Southern California lasting nearly one minute. In your area, you experienced significant shaking and unsecured objects have fallen onto desks, tables, and the floor.
Power is out (except for areas on emergency generator power). Water is running, but pressure is noticeably low and it appears cloudy. There are no apparent fires, hazardous materials spills or other dangerous hazards in your area beyond fallen debris.
Three staff members have sustained injuries from falling objects; however all are ambulatory and capable of continuing to work.
VOIP phones are able to dial internal extensions, but unable to dial external phone numbers. Several staff members have attempted to use their personal cell phones to make outside calls, but there is no signal. Computers plugged into red outlets, laptops and WOWs with battery power can access email, internet, and most clinical applications.
Supply and equipment room floors are littered with items that have fallen from supply carts, including several pieces of equipment that have been damaged by falling to the floor. Some ceiling tiles have also broken loose and fallen to the floor.
Department/Unit Name: ______
- Do you have updated call lists to contact your internal staff and key stakeholders? Y / N
- What are your downtime procedures if IT systems go offline? ______
- Do you have capabilities to telecommute? Y /N
- Who decides when space is safe to reoccupy following an earthquake? ______
- What alternate operating locations and/or facilities have you identified where you can continue working if your immediate facility is red tagged from significant structural damage? ______
*Please assess the following components listed below for mission continuity of the DGSOM*
Patient Care
- Do you have updated contact information and multiple ways to communicate with hospital affiliated clinics or FPG clinics when cell phone towers are down? Y / N
- Has a committee been gathered to discuss the prioritization of emergency support to impacted clinics and contingencies for the continuity of care? Y / N
What contingencies have been identified? ______
- Has an academic committee assessed how to handle disruption to courses and contingencies as to how the courses could be completed? Y / N
- Who can decide if classes will be canceled, and what process in place to supplement or continue courses if they are a requirement for graduating students? ______
- Who decides when research space is safe to reoccupy following an earthquake? ______
- What measures do you have in place to ensure the continuity of research if significant infrastructure or equipment damage occurs?______
- Do you have a list of key stakeholders and vendors with their contact information? Y / N
- Do you have multiple ways to communicate with community partners to relay new impacts to your operations or other pertinent information (e.g. call center, emergency telephone hotline, website, and messages,)? Y / N
-- FAX THIS COMPLETED FORM TO (310) 267-3757 ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, 2012 --