Student handout 3: The Stone in the Road
Exploring the text
1. In small groups, brainstorm and record all the reasons that the people who passed by the stone might have given for not moving it themselves.
What does this story suggest about people’s ordinary behaviour? What examples can you think of, from your own experience, which illustrate the same idea?
What lesson was the King teaching his people about being part of a community? What does the folktale tell us about the role of kings and kingship? Who do we expect to play the role of teaching us how to be good citizens in our society?
Working beyond the text
2. The King in the folktale had a particular idea about the qualities of a good citizen.
Create a concept map like the one below to show what you understand about what it means to be a good citizen.
3. Rights and responsibilities
Citizenship can be viewed as a balance sheet between rights and responsibilities.
The following table shows examples of each.
Rights /Responsibilities
• Voting at elections (18 and over)• Protection of the law
• Access to public services (schools, hospitals, libraries etc)
• Security and safety / • To vote
• To obey the rule of law
• To pay taxes
Brainstorm other items that can be added to either column. Is there always a responsibility that goes with a right and vice versa?
4. Communities and responsibility
List all the communities of which you are a part. Begin with your family and school, then branch out. When you have done this show how strong your feelings of responsibility are to each of these communities by completing the circle map below. The closer a circle is to YOU, the greater the responsibility you feel for that community. Share your ‘maps’ with each other by posting them on a display board in your classroom.
5. In groups of five, brainstorm together what you think it means to be a good citizen in:
•your family
•your school
•your local community
•your nation
•your planet.
After this each member of the group will take responsibility for producing a poster for display around your school about one of these ‘groups’. The purpose of the poster is to inform members of your school about what it means to be a good citizen in your particular context.
6. Good citizens
In groups produce a list of people whom you regard as ‘good citizens’. These may include someone in your family, someone local, or a national or international figure. For each of these people write down a list of the things they do and the qualities that they show. Do people in the list share particular qualities?
Contribute your group list to a class list. What qualities do ‘good citizens’ have in common?
Individually or in groups, research one of these people. Include photographs, media reports or interviews if appropriate. Produce a Good Citizen Poster outlining achievements and qualities of good citizens.