Technical Seminar
Title : Options and Outlook for Chiller Refrigerants
Date : 27 October 2003 (Monday)
Time / Duration : 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Venue : Hong Kong Polytechnic University Lecture Theatre N003
Introduction : With recognition that there are no ideal refrigerants and that none is likely to be found, users must work with available candidates. Selection criteria range from environmental and safety considerations to performance and compatibility issues. The seminar will review the progression in refrigerants, from historical selections through current options and projections for the future. It will examine the global environmental issues that catalyzed recent changes. It then will discuss candidate refrigerants in the context of future availability (or phase-out based on controls for environmental protection), efficiency, toxicity, flammability, and escalating future costs. The discussion will highlight the actions that design engineers, building owners and managers, and refrigeration contractors and technicians can take to address the issues cited and influence future refrigerant options.
Speaker: : James M. Calm - Fellow of ASHRAE and a member of both Sigma Xi (an honorary international society for research) and Tau Beta Pi (honorary society for engineering). Within ASHRAE, Mr. Calm serves on the standing committees responsible for the Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration {ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 15), as vice chair for the standard on Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants (ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 34), and as vice chair of the Energy Standard for Buildings (ANSI/IESNA/ASHRAE 90.1). He is a recipient of both the Distinguished and Exceptional Service Awards from ASHRAE.
Fee : Free of charge
Language : English
Application : Open to ASHRAE members and Non-ASHRAE members, but priority will be given to ASHRAE members. Please complete and return the below application form by e-mail before 17 October 2003. Number of participants is 60. Quota will be allocated on first-come-first-served basis. Successful applicants will be informed individually by e-mail or phone. Applicants who do not receive a reply before 22 October 2003 may assume their application unsuccessful.
Technical Seminar: Options and Outlook for Chiller Refrigerants
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For any inquiries, please contact: Mr. Edward Chan (2988 0850 / )
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