The purpose of the Alpha Alpha State (Pennsylvania) [ Rosebud Recognition] is to recognize and honor a new member who has given outstanding service to her chapter and Alpha Alpha State activities and has promoted the purposes and the policies of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International.
Criteria for Selection
- The nominee must be an active member of Alpha Alpha State.
- The nominee must have a minimum of 3-5 years of membership in Alpha Alpha State of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International.
- The nominee must have served in a leadership role in her chapter as an officer, committee chairman and/or committee member and have contributed significantly to the work of chapter activities/events.
- The nominee must have given service to Alpha Alpha State in ONE or more of the following roles:
- Through state committee work, working in a volunteer role at a state conference or convention, presenting a workshop, singing in the convention choir, etc.
- By attending a Northeast Regional Conference or an International Convention with the Pennsylvania delegation.
- Being a volunteer or presenter at a multi-chapter, state, regional or international conference or event.
- The nominee must have been endorsed by her chapter’s officers, and the nomination filed without her knowledge.
- Each chapter has the privilege of nominating for this honor one member of Alpha Alpha State for each biennium. It should be emphasized that the award is given for activity and involvement at both chapter and state levels. The description of her work should be linked to at least one of the seven Delta Kappa Gamma Purposes.
- Chapters have the privilege and are encouraged to resubmit the name of a prior nominee who was not selected, as long as the nominee continues to meet the membership duration criterion.
- No member may receive the award a second time.
- The award is presented in even-numbered years.
IMPORTANT: Make sure your nomination is complete, neatly presented and offered in secrecy.
The nomination form may be emailed in a PDF format to Carol Hartley, or sent by USPS, postmarked no later than March 15, 2018 to Carol Hartley, Chairman, Alpha Alpha State Achievement Award Committee, 924 Marietta Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17603. Forms submitted after this deadline will not be considered.