1) I do agree with his conclusion that he is a racist. He assumed that Tim Hanks naturally did not do his work and turn up on late on purpose – dispositional rather than situational. He assumed that the problems where problems of his personality – lack of motivation for example.
2) Prejudice is assuming that a person or group can be generalized, either in a good or bad way. Discrimination is the dislike and subsequent behavior towards a person depending on their inherent traits like race. Discrimination is usually negative, and assumes the worst of people as inferior.
3) Someone who disagrees says that the teacher is not racist, but simply prejudiced against Tim.
4) The racism of the bus driver is through generalization – he did not know Tim, but hated him just because he was black, as well as acting upon that hate. The teacher knew Tim, but assumed some generalizations of his personality, and while he did not act like the bus driver, though he did judge quickly and jump to conclusions.
5) My parents would believe that Shanhainese people are cheaper and less loose with money, as well as liking to argue over small issues. This is more of the racism of the bus driver, judging people based on assumptions with no personal experiences.
60 I don’t remember the first time I met an African American, though I do remember my first African American friend. My views were affected by television – I felt that they were different from me, though not necessarily inferior or superior, just different. Later, I came to see African Americans as more similar and equal, though I still felt that they were different.