Gold Hill Middle School
Candidate Checklist
Candidate Name: ______
Current Grade:______
Please make sure the following sheets are attached when turning in your packet. Incomplete packets will not be accepted and therefore, you will not be eligible for tryouts. This sheet should be the front page of your packet.
The deadline is Thursday, April 28.
_____Information Sheet
_____Emergency Contact
_____Parent permission form/statement of intent/financial obligation form
_____ Current Physical (Dated after April 1, 2016)
Dear Parent(s):
I am very excited about working with your child throughout the tryout process: May2, 3, 4 & 5
Please note that there are several forms to be filled out and signed by the candidate and the parent. All forms must have a signature in order for your child to be eligible for tryouts.
Please understand that tryouts are a closed event. It is important that you and your child fully understand the tryout process and squad expectations prior to trying out for the team. The attached forms should be read completely. The packet should be signed and returned to my box in the front office no later thanApril 28. Any forms received after this date may not be considered.
Please talk with your child about expectations, time commitment, and regulations. We want members of our squad to feel they can make such a commitment and you can support them in this. We look forward to meeting you and your child and will be more than happy to assist you with further needs.
Best Regards,
Amy Rhodes
Name______Current Grade______
Cheer Information
Have you cheered before? ______If so, where? ______
How long have you cheered? ______Stunt position(s)? ______
Tumbling Skills
(Please mark with an “M” to show that you haveMASTEREDon a “dead mat” without a spot. Please mark with an “S” to show that you are close to getting this skill, but still need a spotter.):
Standing Skills: / Running Skills:_____ / Back Walk-Over / _____ / Toe-touch BHS / _____ / RO BHS
_____ / Front Walk-Over / _____ / Toe-touch Multiple BHSs / _____ / RO Multiple BHSs
_____ / Back Handspring / _____ / Toe-touch Tuck / _____ / RO BHS Tuck
_____ / Multiple BHSs / _____ / Toe-Touch Full / _____ / RO Tuck
_____ / BHS Tuck / _____ / RO BHS Layout
_____ / Tuck / _____ / RO BHS Full
_____ / Aerial / _____ / Other Adv. Skill
_____ / Other Adv. Skill
What stunting experience/skills have you mastered at your stunting position listed above? *Be specific*
Do you have any extracurricular activities that would interfere with cheerleading?
If so, what are they?
Please use the back of this sheet to give additional information as to why you would make a good Gold Hill Middle School Cheerleader.
Emergency Contact Sheet
Candidate Name: ______
Candidate Phone #: ______
Candidate Home Address ______
Mother’s Name: ______
Mother’s Phone #:______
Mother’s E-mail Address: ______
Father’s Name: ______
Father’s Phone #:______
Father’s E-mail Address: ______
Other’s Name: ______
Other’s Relationship to candidate: ______
Other’s Phone #:______
Permission Form
We have read and understand the expectations, time commitment, and regulations required for the cheerleaders at Gold Hill. Candidates will be chosen based on tryout performance scores from outside judges, attitude during tryouts and previous year (if applicable), and work ethic. We understand that membership on the Gold Hill Cheer Squad is a privilege that is earned and must be maintained. The coach reserves the right to dismiss a team member at any time if grades are not maintained, behavior is irresponsible or not representative of the team (including on social media), or if a team member is not pulling her weight and putting forth her best effort. The coaches will not tolerate poor attitudes or unwillingness to work for the success of the squad.
Parent SignatureCandidate Signature
Statement of Intent
I, ______, wish to submit my name as a candidate for the 2016-17Gold Hill Cheerleading Program. I realize that I must return this form along with the application packet by April 28th to be eligible for tryouts. I agree to attend all scheduled practices and accept the decision of the coaches is final. I am willing to abide by the rules set for this tryout and those set for the team(s). I will be on time to all practices and will have transportation to and from all practices, events, games, etc. I understand that by trying out for the GHMS cheerleading program, I am obligated to become part of the team if chosen.
Candidate SignatureDate
Financial Obligation
I have read the “Financial Obligation” portion of this packet and have discussed it with my child. I understand that the costs are an estimate and there may be some changes. In the event that my child is selected and is unable to fulfill her obligations as a cheerleader, I understand that the money paid cannot be refunded.
Parent SignatureDate
Rules and Regulations for Tryouts
- TRYOUT DATES: May 2, 3, 45
- May 2 & 3: Tryout Clinic to learn tryout material and skills
- May 4: Final Rehearsal
- May 5: Closed Tryouts
- All forms turned in by April 28th.
- The candidate must have a CURRENT physical on file in order to participate in conditioning and/or tryouts. It must be dated on or after April 1, 2016.
- TRYOUT is MANDATORY unless have discussed and received permission from the coaching staff prior to April 28th. Please contact us ASAP if this applies to you:
- NO JEWELRY!!! This includes, but is not limited to: earrings, belly rings, watches, bracelets, rings, necklaces, or any other piercing you may have. This is considered a safety violation in cheerleading.
- Fingernails need to be short enough that when looking at your palm, one would see NO part of your nail.
- No chewing gum!
- Be on time.
- Excessive talking will not be permitted.
- Remember, you are being evaluated at ALL times!
- The decision of the coaches is FINAL!
- Dress for tryouts: School spirit (shirt, shorts, and athletic shoes). Your hair should be in a ponytail and your overall appearance should be neat.
GHMS Cheerleading Rules
Practice – Team Commitment (In-Season)
A TENTATIVEpractice/Game schedule is attached. Games are at 5 pm and 6pm on Mondays and either Wednesday or Thursday. We will practice before games.
Attendance and Games
Practice is mandatory and cannot be missed for any reason. The only exceptions are illness (must have a doctor’s excuse or been absent from school) or death in the family. Games are mandatory events as they our first priority. If you are benched, sick, or injured, you are expected to dress in uniform and sit on the sidelines with the coach. For extenuating circumstances, speak directly to the coach.
Participation in Outside Activities
We believe and support a team member’s right to participate in other activities during cheerleading season (i.e. clubs, club sports, all-star teams, and work). However, you are committing to Gold Hill Middle School Cheerleader and it MUST come FIRST! All practices are mandatory and team members are expected to be there for the ENTIRE practice. We will not make exceptions for girls leaving early or arriving late to practice. This punishes the ENTIRE team.
Your first priority as a student at Gold Hill Middle School is to maintain a positive academic standing in all classes. If you are not capable of keeping up your grades and participating in extra-curricular activities, you must choose academics first!We follow eligibility requirements: you must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA at each grading period AND may not receive an F in any of your classes.
Additional Rules of Conduct
Upon making the team, you will be required to sign a complete list of standards and expectations. You must remember that being a GHMS Cheerleader is a privilege that you must EARN and MAINTAIN. Behavior and imaging on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) should be appropriate. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Failure to follow the rules of conduct will result in suspension from events and/or dismissal from the team.
Financial Obligations/Expenditures
Personal items such ashair bows, bloomers, midriffs, t-shirts, and shoes are purchased by the cheerleader and all items purchased are theirs to keep.
Estimated Costs for new cheerleaders:
Midriff - $20
Spanks - $20
Bows - $12
Shoes (white, athletic) – purchase on your own, or about $60 through Varsity
Cheer clothes – $75 (2 t-shirts and warm-up)
Cheer Camp- $145 (camp will be June 13, 14 & 15 at GHMS)
Choreography Fee - $20 (this is for our competition routine)
Athletic fee - $100
Parent/Coach Role
Parental support is vital to a successful program. We work very hard to keep all parents informed of the schedule, upcoming events, costs, responsibilities, etc. We also believe in maintaining an open line of communication between the coaching staff and parents. The coach will make all team decisions and those decisions are final. I welcome parent support and believe that it is imperative to the program. Parents will be asked to volunteer their time making meals, working events, donating items, etc.
2 / 3 / 4 / 5 Packet Due / 69
4 –6 Practice / 10 / 11
4 –6 Practice / 12
4 –6 Practice / 13
Saturday 5/14
Stunt Clinic
4 –6 Practice / 17 / 18
4 –6 Practice / 19
4-6 Practice / 20
23 / 24 / 25
Last day of School / 26 / 27
30 / 31 / 1 / 2 / 36 / 7
8:30-11 Practice / 8
8:30-11 Practice / 9
8:30-11 Practice / 10
Camp 8-4 / 14
Camp 8-4 / 15
Camp 8-4 / 16 / 17
20 / 21
8:30-11 Practice / 22
8:30-11 Practice / 23
8:30-11 Practice / 24
27 / 28
8:30-11 Practice / 29
8:30-11 Practice / 30
8:30-11 Practice / 1
4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 811 / 12
8:30-11 Practice / 13
8:30-11 Practice / 14
8:30-11 Practice / 15
18 / 19
8:30-11 Practice / 20
8:30-11 Practice / 21
8:30-11 Practice / 22
25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29
1 / 2Practice 4-6 / 3
Practice 4-6 / 4
Practice 4-6 / 5
8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
Practice 4-6 / 16
Practice 4-6 / 17 / 18
Practice 4-6 / 19
Practice 4-6 / 23
Practice 4-6 / 24 / 25
Practice 4-6 / 26
Practice 4-6 / 30
Practice 4-6 / 31