Cold Camping Tips
· Looks to share tents
· Additional tent space for people who've not broughtadequatetents (single layer pop-ups)
· Spare sleeping bags in case people get them wet.
· Menu changes - general bulk up of all meals and addition of "simple sugar" snacksthroughoutthe day for instant heat.
· Emergency blankets have been added to the first aid kit. First aiders will be briefed on hypothermiasymptomsand treatment.
· Hot sugary drinks in the morning and evening and an additional high carbohydrate supper before bed.
· Additional shelter has been provided to keep people out of the wind
· Alcohol does not warm you up, it lowers the core temperature.
· Try avoid trips to the toilet in the night either by reducing the amount of fluid intake for a couple of hours before retiring, especially beer or setting up a suitable container in the tent.
· Programme has additional "Active" activities.
· Extraemphasison keeping the fire going and producing heat.
· Don't go to bed hungry. Have something with sugar and carbohydrates just before turning in.
· Wear a string vest if possible underneath whatever else you are wearing. upper body try and have three layers of garment,
· Make sure you are wearing thick socks and a hat and gloves as most heat loss from bodies is from the extremities.
· Sleeping on some form of under layer try and make it two under layers for the same reason as wearing more than one garment works.
· Warmer if you change all of your clothes rather than wear anything in bed that you wore in the day (without realising it, you will have got pretty sweaty and that will affect how warm your clothes keep you)
· Cold weather / how to keep warm advice read out at the start of camp.
· The main thing is for people to look after each other and take it seriously.