Appendix 1. Data table comparing the overlap between testing and training data used in the analysis.
Table A1. Overlap between testing and training data was minimized for each species, but occurred in some 50 km grid cells with limited data.
Common Name / Scientific Name / Testing Data Points / Overlap w/ Regional Occurrences / % Overlap w/ Regional Occurrences / Overlap w/ Regional High Abundance / % Overlap w/ Regional High AbundanceRussian knapweed / Acroptilon repens / 1822 / 260 / 14.3% / 156 / 8.6%
Cheatgrass / Bromus tectorum / 1981 / 327 / 16.5% / 198 / 10.0%
Spotted knapweed / Centaurea maculosa / 1849 / 248 / 13.4% / 114 / 6.2%
Yellow star thistle / Centaurea solstitialis / 643 / 93 / 14.5% / 26 / 4.0%
Canada thistle / Cirsium arvense / 2219 / 178 / 8.0% / 133 / 6.0%
Houndstongue / Cynoglossum officinale / 1633 / 120 / 7.3% / 70 / 4.3%
Leafy spurge / Euphorbia esula / 1288 / 227 / 17.6% / 63 / 4.9%
Cogongrass / Imperata cylindrica / 602 / 127 / 21.1% / 13 / 2.2%
Whitetop / Lepidium draba / 1959 / 294 / 15.0% / 137 / 7.0%
Pepperweed / Lepidium latifolium / 1546 / 191 / 12.4% / 89 / 5.8%
Dalmatian toadflax / Linaria dalmatica / 1706 / 219 / 12.8% / 71 / 4.2%
Chinese privet / Ligustrum sinense / 1534 / 282 / 18.4% / 167 / 10.9%
Kudzu / Pueraria lobata / 958 / 190 / 19.8% / 59 / 6.2%
Medusahead / Taeniatherum caput-medusae / 1189 / 35 / 3.0% / 26 / 2.2%
Salt cedar / Tamarix ramosissima / 1239 / 449 / 36.2% / 42 / 3.4%
AVERAGE SPECIES / 1468 / 215 / 14.6% / 91 / 6.2%