Village of Mapleton: BOARD MEETING MINUTES
Mapleton Village Hall, 8524 Main St. on 15 July 2014 at 6:30 p.m.
- Call to Order at 6:35 p.m.
- Roll Call – all present
- Addressing the Board
- Residents
Liz Rench – submitted second request for document requested at June meeting and demands documents in five days.
Alice Dailey – presented request to have tree limbs removed from ditches and mentioned deep hole near park on W. First Street
- Visitors
Stan Bersin – presented board members with a quarterly report of water losses
- Consent Agenda
- Minutes from Open Sessions: June 17, 2014
- Treasurer’s Report
- Correspondence and Bills
Bill Hodges motioned to accept to accept agenda as listed with Michelle seconding. All in favor.
- Old Business
- Home Occupation and Inspections
Rayann Hardin questioned line for fee as there is no fee mentioned in ordinances – will be removed
Bill Hodges motioned to accept home occupation forms minus line pertaining to fees. Rayann Hardin seconded. All in favor.
- Blower door tests and commercial buildings inspections
Bill Hodges will assemble forms/papers to have ready for next meeting for board to review
- Ordinance enforcement (David Pye)
Requested to be placed in newsletter as point of contact for ordinance violations
Requested copy of prescriptive penalties
Requested updated copy of village residents and addresses
Brought up issue of code enforcement officer being allowed to carry a weapon
Brought up issue of dogs roaming in the village
Resident Input: Alice Dailey mentioned a small dog that persistently followed her on a walk and would not leave her alone
- IEPA Drinking Water Loan Resolutions & Certifications – Stan Bersin
Status repost is that the easement paperwork from Evonik is in hand and currently trying to obtain permit/needed paperwork from Pioneer Railroad to allow for survey (cost of $1,500 paid by Green & Bradford and to be reimbursed by the village)
Working with highway department for needed paperwork
Gave copy of Loan Program Certification documentation to each board member and discussed need for board to adopt resolutions of (1) Intent Regarding National Flood Insurance and (2) Authorization for a Designee to sign loan documents pertaining to the Public Water Supply Loan Program.
Bill Hodges motioned to accept the resolution pertaining to Intent Regarding National Flood Insurance and compliance with National Flood Insurance Act 1968. Frank Hubbell seconded. All in favor.
Bill Hodges made motion to accept resolution to give Aaron Stone, Village of Mapleton Mayor, authority to sign loan documents needed for the Public Water Supply Loan Program. Frank Hubbell seconded. All in favor.
- Midwest and needed paperwork to order generator and proceed. Aaron Stone has signed needed forms and gave to Stan Bersin.
- Standing Committees Reports
- Streets and Alleys – Mike Tindall
Culvert has been moved
Jack Gibson has been busy repairing roads and fixing culvert on Monks Lane
- Health and Water – Rayann Hardin
Current water main break behind village hall. Walker is on the way to make needed repairs.
Connor Kelly has been hired to help Fred Rench with repair of water meter vaults and other repairs
Grimm Bros. sent contract that was approved at the June board meeting
- Zoning – Bill Hodges
Building permit issued
- Finance – Michelle Kircher
Nothing to report
Audit next week
- Liquor – Aaron Stone
Liquor license issued to Butlers
- Mayor’s Report – Aaron Stone
- New Business
Butlers wants video gaming (i.e. machine slots) and village needs to look at how to allow and if there will be a fee attached – Aaron Stone will craft a letter giving permission as there is no ordinance disallowing it
Annexation fee – for property on Vicki Lynn Dr. will cost $1500; discussion about who needs to be responsible for cost with general consensus of board that survey is needed due to split of property whether it is annexed or not
Comprehensive Planning goals – further discussion at next month’s board meeting
- Additional Business (if any)
Frank Hubbell brought up questions about gifts to members of the village board and if it is allowed and if so, what is the limit
Aaron Stone mentioned that a business is interested in locating at the end of Wheeler at old chemical plant and would like to meet with village board members in groups of two for discussion about the matter
- Adjourn Open Session Meeting
Mike Tindall made motion to adjourn. Bill Hodges seconded.
Rayann Hardin moved to proceed into executive session for reasons listed. Frank Hubbell seconded.
- Executive Session
Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.