Record Format Document
Copyright Xoserve 2014©, all rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying and restoring in any medium or electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally) without the written permission of Xoserve except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1998.
Author: / XoserveOwner: / Xoserve
Version: / 10
Status: / For Approval
Date: / 30-Sep-2014
Version Control
Version / COR / Issue Date / Implementation Date / Summary of Change9 / Current Live Version
0.2 / 1154 / 15-Sep-2014 / 1-Oct-2015 / Preliminary file issued for representation
Description rationalization
BUILDING_NUMBER type N length 4
POST_TOWN length 40
COUNTY length 40
New Fields:
10 / 1154 / 30-Sep-2014 / 1-Oct-2014 / File Issued For Representation
Field names Reinstated:
Note 1OPT - Optional/Mandatory (O - Optional, M - Mandatory)
DOM - Domain (T - text, N - Numeric, D - Date (YYYYMMDD), M - Timestamp)
LNG - Number of characters
DEC - Number of decimal places
Note 2
All text fields will be enclosed in double quotes ("")
Record Type Definition
RECORD/FIELD NAME / OPT / DOM / LNG / DEC / DESCRIPTIONTRANSACTION_TYPE / M / T / 3 / 0 / A code identifying the type of request that this record represents VALUE: U06
SUPPLY_POINT_CONFIRMATION_REFERENCECONFIRMATION_REFERENCE / M / TN / 109 / 0 / DEFINITION: A sequential number that uniquely identifies the Confirmation.
SUPPLY_METER_POINTMETER_POINT_REFERENCE / M / N / 10 / 0 / DEFINITION: A unique identifier for the point at which a meter is, has been or will be connected to the gas network. These references are less volatile than meter or service identifiers and do not change if the meter is replaced or the service is relayed to the same position. New Supply Meter Point References will only be created for new services or when a service is relayed to a different position. CONTEXT: The Meter Point reference for which the meter reading and access instructions are applicable.
EFFECTIVE_DATE / M / D / 8 / 0 / The date on which the selection of the Unbundled Meter Reading service becomes effective
METER_LOCATION_CODE / M / N / 2 / 0 / A code representing the location of a meter VALUES: 00 - Other, 01 – Cellar, 02 – Under Stairs, 03 - Hall, 04 -Kitchen, 05 – Bathroom, 06 - Garage, 07 - Canteen, 08 – Cloakroom, 09 - Cupboard, 10 – Domestic Science, 11 - Front Door, 12 - Hall Cupboard, 13 - Kitchen Cupboard, 14 – Kitchen Under Sink, 15 – Landing, 16–Office, 17 – Office Cupboard, 18 - Outside WC, 19 - Pantry, 20 - Porch, 21 – Public Bar, 22 - Rear of Shop, 23 - Saloon Bar, 24 - Shed, 25 - Shop Front, 26 - Shop Window, 27 - Staff Room, 28 - Store Room, 29 - Toilet, 30 - Under Counter,31-WaitingRoom, 32 - Meter Box (Outside), 99–Outside
METER_LOCATION_DESCRIPTION / O / T / 40 / 0 / Only populated if different. A free format description of the location of the meter (e.g. “under the stairs”, “in the boiler room”). This should not duplicate the detail held in the Meter Location Code.DEFINITION: Descriptive text which may provide further information on the location of the meter other than that provided by the Meter Location Code.
METER_INSTRUCTIONS / O / T / 210 / 0 / Additional instructions necessary to support meter reading and/or meter maintenance activities (e.g. key instructions, meter access information, special tools required etc.).Data should be held as output for meter reading or meter work with all coded information decoded.
BUILDING_NUMBER / O / NT / 410 / 0 / Building Number as defined in PAF.DEFINITION: Populated if the meter/ converter location address is different to that of the premise address for the Meter Point.
BUILDING_NAME / O / T / 5035 / 0 / Building Name as defined in PAF.DEFINITION: Populated if the meter/ converter location address is different to that of the premise address for the Meter Point.
DEPENDENT_STREET / O / T / 4035 / 0 / This item represents a combination of the PAF fields DEPENDENT THOROUGHFARE NAME and DEPENDENT THOROUGHFARE. DESCRIPTOR. The naming reflects the fact that for address purposes the name of the street is dependent on the additional name of the larger street (the PRINCIPAL STREET) to form a correct address. Therefore, DEPENDENT STREET will never be present unless a PRINCIPAL STREET is also present. This rule may not be in force for data obtained from PAF due to error. It will be enforced by CDMP however to unsure the correct presence of DEPENDENT STREET and PRINCIPAL STREET.DEFINITION: Populated if the meter/ converter location address is different to that of the premise address for the Meter Point.
PRINCIPAL_STREET / O / T / 4035 / 0 / A combination THOROUGHFARE NAME and THOROUGHFARE DESCRIPTOR as defined in PAF.DEFINITION: Populated if the meter/ converter location address is different to that of the premise address for the Meter Point.
DEPENDENT_LOCALITY / O / T / 4035 / 0 / A named, geographically defined area within a POST TOWN area (a Postal District). CONTEXT: Dependent Locality as defined in PAF.DEFINITION: A named, geographically defined area within a POST TOWN area (a Postal District). Populated if the meter/ converter location address is different to that of the premise address for the Meter Point.
POST_TOWN / O / T / 4035 / 0 / The post town in which the street lies. CONTEXT: Post town as defined in PAF.DEFINITION: The post town in which the street lies. Populated if the meter/converter location address is different to that of the premise address for the Meter Point.
COUNTY / O / T / 4035 / 0 / The county within which the street lies. The meaning is equivalent to that of the PAF field of the same name.DEFINITION: The county in which the post town lies. Populated if the meter/converter location address is different to that of the premise address for the Meter Point.
METERING_SET_REFERENCE_NUMBERMETERING_SET_REFERENCE / M / N / 9 / 0 / A sequence number used to identify the configuration on the Shipper communication file. It is updated every time a transaction is input which updates the configuration.DEFINITION: When metering equipment is installed at a site, a unique identifier (the metering set reference number) is allocated to the configuration (i.e. the meter plus any corrector, datalogger etc.). Any change to the configuration will result in the allocation of a new Metering Set Reference Number). The number can be used by system users to detect a change in the meter configuration and allows them to allocate the reading to the correct configuration. When there is no meter present the field will be set to 0 CONTEXT: The reference representing the current configuration at the Meter Point.
BYPASS_FITTED_INDICATOR / M / T / 1 / 0 / DEFINITION: Indicates whether a bypass has been fitted to the meter. VALUES: Y, N or U (Unknown)
METER_SERIAL_NUMBER / M / T / 14 / 0 / DEFINITION: The manufacturer’s meter serial number. When there is no meter present the field will set to NOT INSTALLED CONTEXT: The serial number of the meter from which the meter read should be taken.
METER_MODEL_NAME / M / T / 10 / 0 / DEFINITION: The model type of the meter e.g. U6, U16, 102M12. When there is no meter present the field will be set to UNKNOWN.
IMPERIAL_METER_INDICATOR / M / T / 1 / 0 / DEFINITION : Indicates whether the meter measures the volume of gas in imperial or metric units. VALUES : Y - Imperial, N – Metric, U – Unknown When there is no meter present the field will be set to U
NUMBER_OF_DIALS_OR_DIGITSMETER_NO_OF_DIGITS_OR_DIALS / M / N / 2 / 0 / Number of dials or digits on the meter which are considered during meter reading. Used to validate meter readings and to determine the number of complete units consumed.DEFINITION: The number of dials or digits present on the meter which must be taken into account when recording the meter read. When there is no meter present the field will be set to 0.
METER_MECHANISM / M / T / 3 / 0 / DEFINITION: A code which indicates the mechanism type of the meter. VALUES: CR - Credit, MT - Mechanical Token, ET - Electronic Token, CM - Coin, PP - Prepayment, TH - Thrift, U – Unknown When there is no meter present the field will be set to U. For Smart Meters NS - SMETS non-compliant, S1 - SMETS Version 1, S2 - SMETS Version 2
METER_STATUS / M / T / 2 / 0 / DEFINITION: The current status of the operability of the meter. VALUES: LI - Live, FA - Faulty, IN - Inactive, CU - Cut off Meter, CL - Clamped, CA - Capped, SP - Spin Cap, RE - Removed, OT - Other, UN – Unknown, NI - Not Installed.
METER_COLLAR_FITTED_INDICATOR / M / T / 1 / 0 / DEFINITION: Indicates whether a collar has been fitted to the meter. VALUES: Y, N or U (Unknown) When there is no meter present the field will be set to U
METER_PULSE_VALUE / O / N / 7 / 2 / DEFINITION: The value that one pulse from the meter represents e.g. 10, 100 or 1000 . Where no meter is present the field will be set to 0
METER_READING_FACTOR / M / N / 86 / 3 / The factor to apply to volumes calculated from meter readings to convert hundreds of cubic feet if imperial or cubic meters if metric. DEFINITION: The factor which converts the metered volume into units of hundreds of cubic feet or cubic metres e.g. 1, 10, 0.1 When there is no meter present the field will be set to 0
CORRECTORCONVERTOR_SERIAL_NUMBER / O / T / 14 / 0 / DEFINITION: The manufacturer’s corrector convertor serial number. CONTEXT: The serial number of the corrector convertor from which the corrector convertor read should be taken.
NO_OF_CORRECTED_DIALS / O / N / 2 / 0 / DEFINITION: The number of dials or digits present on the corrector convertor which must be taken into account when recording the corrector convertor corrected read.
NO_OF_UNCORRECTED_DIALS / O / N / 2 / 0 / The uncorrected number of dials or digits for the convertor.DEFINITION: The number of dials or digits present on the corrector which must be taken into account when recording the corrector uncorrected read.
CORRECTION_FACTOR / O / N / 9 / 6 / This is a fixed factor based on pressure/altitude/temperature. DEFINITION: A fixed factor applied where no corrector is fitted and the meter reading needs to be corrected for pressure, altitude and/or temperature.
LAST_READ_DATE / O / D / 8 / 0 / The date the meter/corrector convertorwas last read.
LAST_INSPECTION_DATE / M / D / 8 / 0 / Date of last meter inspection.
GAS_ACT_OWNERGAS_ACT_OWNERSHIP_TYPE / OM / T / 1 / 0 / Unique code which identifies the role the market participant is acting in. Allowable values : T - GAO Transporter , S - GAO Supplier , C - GAO Consumer. Indicating Gas Act Owner of the asset. Values: T – Transco, S – Shipper, C – Consumer U – Unknown Where no GAO has been provided, the field shall be set to ‘U’. Where no meter is fitted, the latest GAO notified for a meter at that meter point shall be provided.
METER_MANUFACTURER_CODE / O / T / 3 / 0 / Short code version of meter manufacturer’s name for the meter.
METER_MANUFACTURED_YEAR / O / N / 4 / 0 / The year in which the meter was manufactured expressed as a century date (e.g. 1981).Year of manufacture for the meter
CONVERTOR_MANUFACTURER / O / T / 3 / 0 / Short code version of the Convertor manufacturer’s name.
CONVERTOR_MODEL / O / T / 10 / 0 / Convertor model name.
CONVERTOR_MANUFACTURED_YEAR / O / N / 4 / 0 / The year in which the convertor was manufactured expressed as a century date (e.g. 1981).Year of manufacture for the Converter
CORRECTED_READING_UNITS CONVERTER_READING_UNITS / O / N / 5 / 0 / This contains the units the corrected convertor reading is read in e.g. 10, 100, 1000.This contains the units the corrected Converter reading is read in e.g. 10, 100, 1000 cubic feet or metres.
CONVERTOR_CORRECTION_FACTORCORRECTOR_CORRECTION_FACTOR / O / N / 9 / 6 / Correction factor to be applied in addition to the correction performed by a corrector.
LAST_READ / O / T / 12 / 0 / The last recorded read of the supply meter point.
TRANSFER_READ_DUE_DATE / O / D / 8 / 0 / This is the cutoff date for the transfer read to be received at Xoserve when transfer of ownership happened for a meter point reference.
AMR_INDICATOR / M / T / 1 / 0 / Indicator to identify whether the site has AMR attached. Value: Y/N
Total / 640 698
RT_U06_METER_READ_INSTRUCTIONSPage 1 of 12Issue Date: 30-Sep-2014
Version: 10 For ApprovalImplementationDate: 1-Oct-2015