Amber N. Finn, Ph.D.
Associate Professor & Basic Course Director
TCU Curriculum Vitae

1. Name

Amber N. Finn

2. Contact Information

Office Phone: 817-257-5675

Home Phone: 972-253-8740

Mobile Phone: 469-789-6520


Work Address: Texas Christian University, Department of Communication Studies, TCU Box 298045, Fort Worth, TX 76129

Home Address: 4400 Saint Andrews Blvd., Irving, TX 75038

3. Academic Background

  1. Education
  2. Ph.D., Information Science, 2007, University of North Texas
  3. M.S., Communication Studies, 2002, Texas Christian University
  4. B. A., Business Administration, 1999, Texas Woman’s University
  5. Professional Certifications
  6. Mobile Learning, Sloan Consortium
  7. Train the Trainer, American Society for Training and Development
  8. Teaching Fully Online, Koehler Center Texas Christian University
  9. eCollege Bootcamp, Koehler Center Texas Christian University
  10. Present Rank – Associate Professor
  11. Year of appointment to the University and rank – 2005 Instructor
  12. Year of last promotion - 2013
  13. Previous teaching and/or research appointments other than TCU (date, place, rank or title, full or part-time)
  14. Mountain View College, Instructor, full-time (2004-2005)
  15. Tarrant County College SE, Instructor, full-time (2003-2004)
  16. Tarrant County College NE, Adjunct Instructor, part-time (2003)
  17. North Lake College, Adjunct Instructor, part-time (2003)
  18. Navarro College, Adjunct Instructor, part-time (2002-2003)
  19. Previous professional positions (other than those listed above)
  20. Three Martha’s, Market Research and Sales (2002)
  21. Northern Texas PGA, Tournament Administration Intern (2001)
  22. Zale’s Corporation, Database Marketing Specialist (1999-2000)
  23. Formal continuing education associated with professional development
  24. Honors and Awards
  25. TCU Teaching and Research Awards
  26. College of Communication, Dean’s Research Award (2014)
  27. College of Communication, Dean’s Teaching Award (2011)
  28. Top Article of the Year Awards
  29. Ledbetter, A. M., & Finn, A. N. Teacher technology policies and online communication apprehension as predictors of learner empowerment. Awarded by the Communication Apprehension and Competence Division of the National Communication Association, 2013.
  30. Finn, A. N., Sawyer, C. R., & Behnke, R. R. A model of anxious arousal for public speaking. Awarded by the Communication Apprehension and Competence Division of the National Communication Association, 2010.
  31. Top Paper Awards
  32. Schrodt, P., & Finn, A. N. Students’ perceived understanding: An alternative measure and its associations with perceived teacher confirmation, verbal aggressiveness, and credibility. Awarded by the Communication Education Interest Group of the Central States Communication Association, 2011
  33. Finn, A. N., Sawyer, C. R. & Behnke, R. R. A model of anxious arousal for public speaking. Awarded by the Communication Apprehension and Competence Division of the National Communication Association, 2007.
  34. Fisher, R., Finn, A. N., McCrary, S., Sawyer, C., & Behnke, R. Anxiety reactions of sensitizers and habituators to the announcement of a public speaking assignment. Awarded by the Communication Apprehension and Competence Division of the National Communication Association, 2002.
  35. Top Four Paper Awards
  36. Finn, A. N. & Schrodt, P. Students’ perceived understanding mediates the effects of teacher clarity and nonverbal immediacy on learner empowerment. Awarded by the Communication Education Interest Group of the Central States Communication Association, 2012.
  37. Larseingue, M., Sawyer, C. R., & Finn, A. N. Components of student grade expectations for basic public speaking assignments. Awarded by the Basic Course Division of the National Communication Association, 2012.
  38. Sawyer, C. R., & Finn, A. N. Waveform elevation and bandwidth as core features of public speaking anxiety. Awarded by the Communication Apprehension and Competence Division of the National Communication Association, 2010.
  39. Service Award
  40. Service Award. Awarded by the Communication Apprehension and Competence Division of the National Communication Association, 2014.
  41. TCU Senior Class Legacy
  42. Glenda Boche(2008)
  43. Jenna Davenport(2007)

4. Teaching

  1. Courses taught
  2. Basic Speech Communication
  3. Business and Professional Communication
  4. Public Speaking
  5. Interviewing
  6. Communication and Training
  7. Instructional Communication
  8. Communication and Learning in the Classroom
  9. Courses developed at TCU
  10. Basic Speech Communication (undergraduate)
  11. Interviewing (undergraduate)
  12. Communication and Training (undergraduate)
  13. Instructional Communication (undergraduate & graduate)
  14. Communication and Learning in the Classroom (undergraduate)
  15. Honors projects directed, or committee service
  16. Service – assisted Andrew Upton with data analysis using Diction software
  17. Graduate theses (recitals) and dissertations directed, or committee service
  18. Directed – Theses
  19. Marjorie Buckner, Temperament as a predictor of student dissent in the classroom.(2011-2012)
  20. Committee Member – Theses
  21. Patty Thompson, Joint family storytelling as a mediator of family communication patterns and shared family identity.(2012-2013)
  22. Morgan Bridge, Family communication patterns and privacy orientation as predictors of students’ perceptions of instructor disclosure in the college classroom(2011-2012)
  23. Shawn Redd, Online communication attitude and para-social interaction with celebrities across social networking sites.(2011-2012)
  24. Susanna Hall, Affect valence and strength of inhibition as predictors of the communication of emotion during conversations.(2011-2012)
  25. Matt Larseingue, Optimism and pessimism in the communication classroom.(2010-2011)
  26. Jordan Hamon, Parenting styles as moderators of family communication patterns and young adult’s mental well-being.(2009-2010)
  27. Tiffany Wang, Explaining immediacy: How differences in students’ emotional intelligence and emotional contagion impact positive student learning outcomes.(2008-2009)
  28. Committee Member – Comprehensive Exams
  29. Maddy Heine (2010-2011)
  30. Lara Larson (2007-2008)
  31. External support received or pending for academic work (i.e., pedagogical grants, curriculum or program development. Include source and amount requested and/or received) - None
  32. Internal support for academic work received (e.g., Instructional Development)
  33. 2008,Instructional Development Grant,$3,589, Standardizing Performance Evaluations in COMM 10123

5. Research and Creative Activity

  1. Refereed publications, invitational or juried exhibitions, performances, commissioned or contract work in design, choreography, and composition
  2. Finn, A. N., & Ledbetter A. M. (2014). Teacher verbal aggressiveness and credibility mediate the relationship between teacher technology policies and perceived student learning. Communication Education, 63, 210-234.
  3. Buckner, M. M., & Finn, A. N. (2013). Academic locus of control as an individual factor influencing student dissent. Communication Research Reports, 30, 333-341.
  4. Ledbetter, A. M., & Finn, A. N. (2013). Teacher technology policies and online communication apprehension as predictors of learner empowerment. Communication Education, 62, 301-317.
  5. Finn, A. N., & Leddbetter, A. M. (2013). Teacher power mediates the effects of technology policies on teacher credibility. Communication Education, 62, 26-47.
  6. Larseingue, M., Sawyer, C. R., & Finn, A. N. (2012). Components of student grade expectations for basic course public speaking assignments. Communication Education. 61, 428-447.
  7. Finn, A. N. & Schrodt, P. (2012). Students’ perceived understanding mediates the effects of teacher clarity and nonverbal immediacy on learner empowerment. Communication Education, 61, 111-130.
  8. Finn, A. N. (2012). Teacher use of prosocial and antisocial power bases and students’ perceived instructor understanding/misunderstanding. Communication Education, 61, 67-79.
  9. Finn, A. N., Shimkowski, J., O’Shaughnessy, C., & Heine, M. (2011). Verbally aggressive email messages: Explaining the impact on student motivation and affect for the instructor and course. Texas Speech Communication Journal, 36, 43-57.
  10. Schrodt, P., & Finn, A. N. (2011). Students’ perceived understanding: An alternative measure and its associations with perceived teacher confirmation, verbal aggressiveness, and credibility. Communication Education, 60, 231-254.
  11. Finn, A. N., Schrodt, P., Witt, P.L., Brown, N., Jernberg, K. A., & Larson, L. M. (2009). A meta-analytical review of teacher credibility and it’s associations with teacher behaviors and student outcomes. Communication Education, 58, 516-537.
  12. Finn, A. N., Sawyer, C. R., & Behnke, R. R. (2009). A model of anxious arousal for public speaking. Communication Education, 58, 417-432.
  13. Finn, A. N., Sawyer, C. R., & Schrodt, P. (2009). Examining the effect of exposure therapy on public speaking state anxiety. Communication Education, 58, 92-109.
  14. Roberts, J. B., Finn, A. N., Harris, K. B., Sawyer, C. R., & Behnke, R. (2005). Public speaking state anxiety as a function of trait anxiety and reactivity mechanisms. Southern Communication Journal, 70, 161-167.
  15. Fisher, R., Finn, A. N., McCrary, S., Sawyer, C. R., & Behnke, R. (2004). Anxiety reactions of sensitizers and habituators to the announcement of a public speaking assignment. Journal of Northwest Communication Association, 33, 68-82.
  16. Finn, A. N., Sawyer, C. R., & Behnke, R. R. (2003). Audience-perceived anxiety patterns of public speakers. Communication Quarterly, 51, 470-481.
  17. Finn, A. N., & Powers, W. G. (2002). The value of instrumental and affective communication skills in different relational stages. Communication Quarterly, 50, 192-203.
  18. Non-refereed publications (include publications arising from presentations, (i.e., proceedings), exhibits, performances, textbooks, etc.
  19. Book Chapters
  20. Sawyer, C. R. & Finn, A. N. (2012). Beyond the moment of truth: Relieving speech anxiety the natural way. In A. K. Goodboy & K. Shultz (Eds.), Introduction to communication studies: Translating communication scholarship into meaningful practice. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.
  21. Schrodt, P., & Finn, A. N. (2010). Reconsidering the role of aggressive communication in higher education. In T. A. Avtgis & A. S. Rancer’s (Eds.), Arguments, aggression, and conflict: New directions in theory and research, (pp. 159-176). New York: Routledge.
  22. Invited Publications
  23. Ledbetter, A. M., & Finn, A. N. (October 2013). Instructor corner #1: Allowing students to use technology in the classroom empowers students – as long as the rules are clear. Communication Currents. (an on-line magazine publication of the National Communication Association). Retrieved January 7, from
  24. Finn, A. N. (December, 2012). Translating research into practice: Perceived understanding. Trip: Translating research into instructional practice (an on-line essay publication of the National Communication Association).
  25. Finn, A. N. (2012, February). Teacher communication behaviors in the college classroom. Communication Currents. (an on-line magazine publication of the National Communication Association). Retrieved February 24, from
  26. Finn, A. N. (2009, August). Public speaking: What causes some to panic? Communication Currents (an on-line magazine publication of the National Communication Association). Retrieved August 22, 2009, from
  27. Instructional Materials
  28. Finn, A. N., & Johnson, S. L. (2014). Basic Speech Communication Student Workbook. Acton,MA: XanEdu.
  29. Finn, A.N., Jernberg, K. A., & Larson, L. (2011) Lab Instructor Manual: Basic Speech Communication, 6th Edition. Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX.
  30. Finn, A. N., Glonek, K. L., & Jernberg, K. A. (2011). Basic Speech Communication Workbook, 6th Edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
  31. Powers, W. G., Miller, K., & Finn, A. N. (2005). Lab Instructor Manual for Business & Professional Communication. Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX.
  32. Materials or activities accepted or scheduled but not yet printed, released, or presented. - None
  33. Papers presented, participation on panels, etc., (include date, place, organization, invited or refereed)
  34. Finn, A. N., & Ledbetter A. M. (2014, November). Teacher verbal aggressiveness and credibility mediate the relationship between teacher technology policies and perceived student learning. Paper presented to the Instructional Development Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL. (refereed)
  35. Ledbetter, A. M., & Finn, A. N. (2013, November). Teacher technology policies and online communication apprehension as predictors of learner empowerment. Paper presented to the Instructional Development Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Washington, D.C. (refereed)
  36. Finn, A. N., & Ledbetter, A. M. (2012, November). Teacher power mediates the effects of technology policies on teacher credibility. Paper presented to the Instructional Development Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Orlando, FL. (refereed)
  37. King, P. E., & Finn, A. N. (2012, November). State anxiety and linguistic behavior. Paper presented to the Instructional Development Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Orlando, FL. (refereed)
  38. Larseingue, M., Sawyer, C. R., & Finn, A. N. (2012, November). Components of student grade expectations for basic public speaking assignments. Top Four Paper presented to the Basic Course Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Orlando, FL. (refereed)
  39. Larseinque, M., Sawyer, C. R., Finn, A. N., & Ledbetter, A. (2012, April). Course rigor, teacher immediacy, and student self-efficacy as components of expected grades by basic course students. Paper presented to the Southern States Communication Association, San Antonio, TX. (refereed)
  40. Finn, A. N. & Schrodt, P. (2012, March). Students’ perceived understanding mediates the effects of teacher clarity and nonverbal immediacy on learner empowerment. Top Four Paper presented to the Central States Communication Association, Cleveland, OH. (refereed)
  41. Finn, A. N. (2012, March). Teacher use of prosocial and antisocial power bases and students’ perceived instructor understanding/misunderstanding. Paper presented to the Central States Communication Association, Cleveland, OH. (refereed)
  42. Schrodt, P., & Finn, A. N. (2011, April). Students’ perceived understanding: An alternative measure and its associations with perceived teacher confirmation, verbal aggressiveness, and credibility. Top Paper presented to the Central States Communication Association, Milwaukee, WI. (refereed)
  43. Finn, A. N., Sawyer, C. R., Goff, J. E., Williams, Z., & Behnke, R. R. (2011, March). Information processing style as a predictor of physical symptoms of discomfort during public speaking. Paper presented to the Southern States Communication Association, Little Rock, AK. (refereed)
  44. Sawyer, C. R., & Finn, A. N. (2010, November). Waveform elevation and bandwidth as core features of public speaking anxiety. Top Paper presented to the National Communication Association, San Francisco, CA. (refereed)
  45. Sawyer, C. R., & Finn, A. N. (2010, April). Communicating Positive and Negative Emotions During Public Speaking: A Readout Theory Perspective. Paper presented to the Southern States Communication Association, Memphis, TN. (refereed)
  46. Finn, A. N., & Sawyer, C. R., Behnke, R. R. (2010, April). Communication Apprehension as a Predictor of Public Speaking State Anxiety Types. Paper presented to the Southern States Communication Association, Memphis, TN. (refereed)
  47. Finn, A. N., Schrodt, P., Witt, P.L., Brown, N., Jernberg, K. A., & Larson, L. M. (2009, November). A meta-analytical review of teacher credibility and it’s associations with teacher behaviors and student outcomes. Paper presented to the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL. (refereed)
  48. Sawyer, C. R., & Finn, A. N. (2009, November). A threshold analysis of public speaking state anxiety. Paper presented to the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL. (refereed)
  49. Finn, A. N., Jernberg, K. A., Sawyer, C. R., & Behnke, R. R. (2008, November). Changes in public speaking state anxiety and audience perceived speaker competence as a function of audience exposure. Paper presented to the National Communication Association, San Diego, CA. (refereed)
  50. Finn, A. N., & Sawyer, C. R. (2008, April). Examining the effect of exposure therapy on public speaking state anxiety. Paper presented to the Southern States Communication Association, Savannah, GA. (refereed)
  51. Finn, A. N., Sawyer, C. R., & Behnke, R. R. (2007, November). A model of anxious arousal for public speaking. Top Four Paper presented to the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL. (refereed)
  52. Addison, P. D., Brown, K., Finn, A.N., Harris, K. B., Behnke, R. R., & Sawyer, C. S. (2003, November). Anxiety sensitivity and fear of negative evaluation as predictors of sensitivity to punishment. Paper presented to the National Communication Association, Miami, FL. (refereed)
  53. Finn, A. N., & Kopecky, C. C. (2002, November). Family communication patterns and parent-child communication apprehension. Paper presented to t the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA. (refereed)
  54. Fisher, R., Finn, A. N., McCrary, S., Sawyer, C., & Behnke, R. (2002, November). Anxiety reactions of sensitizers and habituators to the announcement of a public speaking assignment. Top Four Paper presented to the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA. (refereed)
  55. Finn, A. N., & Powers, W. G. (2002, March). The value of instrumental and affective communication skills in different relational stages. Paper presented at the Southern States Communication Association, Birmingham, AL. (refereed)
  56. Editorships, consulting, adjudications
  57. Consulting
  58. United States Golf Association (2013)
  59. Sloan School (2013)
  60. Higginbotham (2012)
  61. Modern Arts Museum (2011)
  62. Editorial Board
  63. Communication Education
  64. External support received or pending (include source and amount requested and/or received - None
  65. Internal grants received (e.g., TCU/RCAF, Junior Faculty)
  66. 2012, Junior Faculty Summer Research Grant, $6,000
  67. Other research or creative activities not included in any of the above
  68. Journal Reviewer
  69. Communication Studies
  70. Communication Quarterly
  71. Communication Research Reports

6. Service

  1. Departmental service
  2. Chair, ABCD Search Committee (2013, 2014)
  3. Chair, AP Search Committee(2012)
  4. Lecturer Search Committee Member (2011, 2012)
  5. Chair,Lecturer Search Committee (2011)
  6. Communication Studies Advisory Committee Member (2009-2011)
  7. Communication Studies Graduate Student Selection Committee Member (2009-2014)
  8. Communication Studies webmaster (2009-2013)
  9. Communication Studies Undergraduate Curriculum Review Committee Member (2008-2011); Chair (2008)
  10. Communication Studies User of Human Subjects Committee Member (2008-current); Chair (2010-2012)
  11. College service
  12. Graduate Council Representative (2012-current)
  13. Undergraduate Council Representative (2008-2011)
  14. University service
  15. FrogFolio Pilot Group (2013-current)
  16. Research and Creative Activities Committee Member (RCAF) (2007-current); Chair (2010-2012)
  17. LOM Pilot Group Participant (2009-2011)
  18. Faculty Advisor for Connections (2007)
  19. Faculty Advisor for Students Supporting Teal (2006)
  20. Community activities directly related to professional skills – N/A
  21. Professional service (i.e., memberships in professional organizations, offices held, adjudications, chairing panels)
  22. National Communication Association Member (2005-current)
  23. Immediate Past Chair, Communication Apprehension and Competence Division (2013-2014)
  24. Chair,Communication Apprehension and Competence Division (2013-2012)
  25. Legislative Assembly Representative, Communication Apprehension and Competence Division (2011-2013)
  26. Vice-Chair & Program Planner, Communication Apprehension and Competence Division (2011-2012)
  27. Secretary, Communication Apprehension and Competence Division (2008-2010)
  28. Paper Reader,Communication Apprehension and Competence Division (2008-current)
  29. American Society for Training and Development Member (2011-current)
  30. Central States Communication Association (2011-2013)
  31. Southern States Communication Association (2005-2011)
  32. Academic Advising
  33. Undergraduate Advisor (20-40 students)
  34. Basic Course Advisor (major and minor; public speaking anxiety)
  35. Graduate Student Advisor/Mentor (career choice, doctoral education, work-family balance, etc.)
  36. Other Service activity not included in any of the above – N/A