Dragon Parent Group
Board Planning Session Meeting
August 13, 2015
President Lora Johnson called the Board meeting of the Dragon Parent Group to order at 7:10pm. A quorum was present and included: Lora Johnson, Jacqui Diaz, Kasia Ekstrand, Tere Hanson, Molly Natsues, Nicole Paez, Kelly Parker, Mary Schirmer, Ben Sparks. Late Arrival: Ron Brown and Absent: Sophia Bucheli and Andrew Danish
Opening Prayer: Lora Johnson
Contact List of Board Members - reviewed and updated
Welcome and Introductions: Guest Susan Andres, BOD Marketing Director.
Purpose/Mission Statement:
● Purpose: The Dragon Parent Group is an organization through which parents actively support the interests of the O’Dowd High School community in the spirit of Christian values.
● Objectives:
1. Provide volunteer services to support school programs, events and activities
2. support fundraising, communications and marketing efforts of the school
3. facilitate effective communications to the general membership
4. act as a liaison with the moderator (Dir. of Marketing) between the general parent membership and the school administration as it relates directly to DPG business
Member Expectations and Committee Goals for 2015-2016:
● Lora Johnson, President: Chain of command list revised and expected to be put into electronic copy at a later date. Board members report to appropriate VP member first with a “cc” to Lora. Sustain and build upon last year, getting O’Dowd community motivated to attend DPG meetings and have a “voice”. Determine budget means and allocations. Meeting notices for DPG to be put out via E-News blast and potentially our App.
● Tere Hanson, Athletics Chair: Met with Carlos Arriaga, and working as liaison between teams, DPG, and athletic dept. Hopes are to get teams to support other teams as well as the Arts. Enhance the website Athletic portal, support the annual Crab Feed, recognize a wider array of athletes throughout the year, possible athletics newsletter and adding to the O’Dowd website the daily morning announcements given to the students.
● Kasia Ekstrand, Volunteer Coordinator: Needing to recruit a couple of people to assist with vast volunteer efforts, sub-chairing and attending DPG meetings when needed. Train others on our iVolunteer program and recognize and show appreciation for all volunteers.
● Mary Schirmer & Nicole Paez, Hospitality Co-Chairs: Work with Volunteer Coordinator for event needs and hospitality. Idea: to make use of the Environmental Center pizza oven for events.
● Kelly Parker, Fundraising Chair: Find and locate ways to bring in money to the school via other unfound avenues; dinner/theater night, chef dinner, jazz venue, wine & cheese pairing events. Setting up meeting with O’Dowd Admin.
● Ben Sparks, Sustainability: Walked school grounds over summer and discussed choke points and cluster points for recycling. Next step is a transportation survey to reduce our carbon footprint.
● Ron Brown, VP Operations: Goal is to learn the school procedures in regards to operations, reach out to corporations in our area for in-kind donation programs, contact Sales Force for possible partnership of some kind.
Brainstorm Ideas of Getting BOD parents involved:
● Set up meetings with Skype, Twitter, Facebook involvement
● Traffic, Sports, Events Today Cams - Live Streaming
● Provide DPG meeting dates August 16
● Use of incentives as motivation technique
Freshman Parent Orientation Event, Sunday, August 16:
● Discussion ensued with regards to event particulars; tables, name tags, speeches, student volunteers on hand.
1st Dragon Parent Group meeting Discussion:
● September meeting should be a Kick Off for the school year with school Admin/Faculty and Regents present along with DPG. Provide 3x5 cards for anonymous questioning. Explain how the DPG, Admin and Regents work together and their responsibilities.
Goals and Plans for the 2015-2016 year: Separate Board meeting set for September 16, Wednesday, 7pm. Board come prepared after meeting with assigned Faculty representative, a working agenda with strategic planning in place.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:04pm