Unit Leader's Page
- The aim of the D of E resources at the Teachnet web site ( is to provide a useful set of resources for training for the Expeditions section which will be useful to Unit Leaders involved with The Duke of Edinburgh's Award.
- It is NOT a publication from The Award!
- It is assumed that training will be conducted by a suitably qualified expedition supervisor, viz:
Gold Award - ML qualification
- The full requirements, recommendations and regulations may be seen on The Award Scheme web site:
- The resource pages are Word documents (.doc) which you are welcome to download and modify for use with your own Unit.
- Navigation and camp craft is more appropriately delivered outdoors.
- First Aid training must be delivered by a qualified, up to date First Aider.
- You are free to print copies of the HSE Emergency First Aid pages and give laminated copies to groups to carry on their expeditions.
- Remember that all Unit Leaders and Expedition Supervisors are required to operate under the auspices of their Operating Authority and to comply with its requirements.
- Have fun!
Some additional tips….
Blisters – A tried and proven method
- At the first hint of a blister, stop
- Clean the affected area with a sterile wipe
- Apply preventive tape to stop it getting worse (eg Mefix tape, available on request from the Pharmacy)
- If the blister has burst, apply a blister plaster (eg Compeed) and leave it on until it comes off by itself
Things to carry in the car during expedition supervision
- Identification
- Map
- Checkpoint tags
- Rucsac, packed ready for a long walk (including strobe light, first response first aid kit and binoculars)
- Walking boots
- High visibility vest
- Comprehensive first aid kit
- Blister plasters (eg Compeed), preventive tape (eg Mefix tape, available from a Pharmacy) and antiseptic wipes
- Support bandages (eg Tubigrip)
- Paracetamol and Piriton (requires parents’ authority)
- Calamine lotion and cotton wool balls
- Insect repellent, eg Mosiguard
- Sun block
- Sanitary towels
- Crisps (for salt loss)
- High energy food, eg Mars bars
- Flask of hot chocolate in cold weather
- Extra survival bags
- Spare spirit pens
- Spare tent pegs
- Spare fuel
- Useful string
- All singing all dancing repair kit
- Spare warm clothes, socks … everything!
- Plastic bags, black sacks
- Water carriers - allow 1 litre per participant (5 litre mineral water bottles are useful and cheap).
M I Preston – DGSG - 2006