- - - - HONG KONG OFFER! - - - -

Good News!

We can offer to place your currency at the following exchange rates till further notice for these currencies:

Zimbabwe (1) 50T note = $1.2M

You should calculate your input and output to get the best return:(Currency purchase price varies.)

Check with us for input deadlines.


We are now offering to place gold-backed bonds for exchange. You can use your currency-exchange money to purchase bonds and the offer has no end in sight!!!

If you or others would like to place currency in for exchange we found a new option, this is an ONGOING exchange. This has nothing to do with the Reno exchange and I am told it will NOT stop with the Global Currency Reset/RV!

Please remember to include your gift offer of a $50 check to Spirit of Prophecy Church to cover overnight and input expenses for each input.If you have several shipments sent but all are put into the same input one input donation will cover it.

Once Reno money flows, Dallas Bob plans to start a series of evening conference calls. He will probably introduce himself and give his name during these conference calls. It is my decision to call him Dallas Bob at this point for his privacy. He will teach you how to handle your funds designed to help you not lose them.

About 2 to 3 weeks after Reno money flows you will receive a 17 page Settlement Statement with which you direct exactly where you want your funds sent and in what currency you would like your exchange to pay you in. If you need to make changes in your accounts or redirect where the funds are sent you can do so then.

Dallas Bob says you are NOT allowed to funds from exchanged currency to buy additional currency, if you want more currency, use other funds.

He cautions you concerning Zimbabwe Dollars. After his codes expire you have to have a purchaser on the other end in order to exchange your Zimbabwe so ZD is more risky. It might be wise to input what you have but get no more. But he can accept ZD for up to three weeks after the GCR!

Note full disclosure: The Spirit of Prophecy Church is getting an undisclosed donation above the quoted rate on currency offers.

We don’t sell currency or historical gold-backed bonds.We have a source that is making private purchases.You first Google and find someone selling currencyor historical gold-backed bonds, then we can help you from there.

Disclaimer: In our world of increasing scrutiny I must give a lengthy disclaimer. Please understand the comments on this page were given to me from reliable sources and most of them confirmed in the mouth of two or more people or my personal opinions but I can’t prove one word of it. I have not seen any of it in writing and you should not make any decisions assuming a word of this is true. You must consider this entire writing is for entertainment purposes only. Please read the rest of the disclaimer at the bottom.

HONG KONG Opportunity

This has NOTHING to do with the Reno exchange; this is out of Hong Kong!

When people exchange their Dinars, Dong or Zimbabwe notes I am told the rumored plan which may be changedis you will be paid in new USN United States Notes.


Call one of these gentlemen and say, “Stan Johnson suggested I call. Tell me about bonds.”

David Brown 512-554-7977

Kurt Gustafson 972-567-3096

David Reed 352-267-5611

These men are there to help you make up your mind on what bond to purchase.

Once you have purchased your bond...

Then, like with the currency, you submit the bond along with your set of paperwork.

Here are some websites who carry gold-backed historical bonds:Tokens-girl orGeorge Labarre is a good place to start. They MUST be government-gold-backed. We have found Tokens-girl to be at reduced prices.

God bless,

Stan Johnson

Disclaimer: This is a private letter and not to be released to the public. We are not a Financial advisor and give no legal advice. We cannot guarantee the Dinar Dong or Zimbabwe will ever revalue, nor can we guaranteed the exchange of your currency. If we can’t exchange your currency it will be returned to you. We are only keeping it safe and presenting it for possible exchange. We are not a licensed broker and receive no fees or commissions. All funds are considered gifts.

Nothing I am saying in this letter should be deemed an offering of a security or a solicitation for you to buy a security. My statements are my personal views and opinions, and are not a legal representation or promise.

The Sender is not a U.S. Securities Dealer, Broker or Investment Adviser. This electronic transmission and or attacheddocuments have not been verified or authenticated and are not to be considered a solicitation for any purpose in any form or content, nor an offer to sell and/or buy securities. The Sender makes no warranties or representations as to the Buyer, Seller or Transaction and warns that all due diligence is the responsibility of the Buyer and Seller, if applicable. This response to the recipient's request for private information is intended for the recipient's private use only.
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, 15 U.S.C. 6801-6809.The Recipient hereby acknowledges this Disclaimer upon receipt hereof. By reading beyond this point, you agree, acknowledge and accept that this is a privileged, proprietary and confidential communication and you agree to keep it private if not please return to sender.

By your email being on the list and accepting our email updates you realize we cannot guarantee the Dinar, Dong or Zimbabwe will ever revalue or that you will ever be offered anything of value for them or any historical bond. If you purchase Dinar, Dong or Zimbabwe or bonds you do so as a collector. We cannot guarantee you will be offered anything of value for them. The entire idea is highly speculative. Stan Johnson and the Spirit of Prophecy Church makes no guarantees other than the safe keeping and return of items presented to it. To say it twice, we cannot guarantee you will ever be offered anything for your items. Anyone making any decisions not in compliance with this and other similar disclaimers should immediately contact us for return of your items and removal from our email list. This is a private email not to be shared with others. I have also included this and similar disclaimers in our paperwork and this same disclaimer extends to all communications written or verbal.