REPORT TO:Corporate Governance & Policy Scrutiny Committee

REPORT OF:Head of Corporate and Customer Services


DATE:7 December 2011


SUBJECT:“Human Resources Monitoring”


This is the Quarter 2report for 2011/2012which provides an update for the Corporate Governance and Policy Scrutiny Committee on the following Human Resources monitoring information:

  • Numbers of staff employed
  • New jobs created
  • Sickness absence levels
  • Accidents at work.
  • Salary Breakdown of Costs

The information is presented in accordance with agreements reached with the Committee with regard to the frequency of reporting as determined in February 2005, and with regard to the format of reporting as determined in September 2007 and April 2008.


For 2011/2012, it has been agreed by Corporate Governance and Policy Scrutiny Committee that the Human Resource Service Area continue to present quarterly HR monitoring statistics in an information report to the Committee. Should particular concerns be identified during the year, the Head of Department will bring these to the attention of the Scrutiny Facilitator at the earliest opportunity so that full reports and / or attendance of relevant officers can be commissioned as required.

The Human Resources monitoring information is made available on theHumanResources Intranet pages. To view this link, please click below:

At the end of quarter 1 the information indicates:

  1. A slight decrease (0.02%) in the number of FTE staff employed. This is due to the number of leavers whose posts have been held vacant or deleted from their Department structures.As part of the recent senior management re-structure, this report has been amended to reflect the new Department names and therefore comparable statistics for the previous financial year is unavailable.
  1. The number of new jobs created July2011to September 2011is 3(excluding Schools).
  1. Adecrease in the days lost to sickness absence in Qtr 2 for all staff from 4.33% in the last financial year, down to 3.59% for the period June 2011 – September 2011. WrexhamCountyBorough Council ranks 7th (of 21 Localauthorities in Wales) for the number of working days/shifts per full-time equivalent (FTE) local authority employee lost due to sickness absence (Statistics produced by Data Unit Wales- Comparative Performance Data 2010/2011).
  1. The number of days lost to sickness absence is greatest for staff in the Social Care and Environment Departments, and fewest for those inFinance and Lifelong Learning Departments.
  1. The overall number of accidents at work for Qtr 2 is reported as 41, this shows aslight decrease from the quarterly average (49) for the last financial year. A total of 195 were recorded for the last financial year, 18 of which were reportable.In the period of Qtr 2, there have been 6 reportable accidents. Appendix 1 shows a summary of the number of accidents leading to absences of 3 days or more. All of these were investigated and measures put in place to limit the same possibility occurring.

More detail on the monitoring statistics is provided in the tables attached.

Additional Information

This quarterly return, as agreed by members, illustrates workforce statistics representative of the new Senior Management Structure. There has been a significant amount of work involved within our HR Information Systems to enable the re-structure. As many of the old departments have either grouped together or reduced in size to form new departments, comparable statistics for the previous financial year are not available.Statistics on the full head count however, will continue to be reported on so that broader authority performance analysis can be made.


Index of HR Monitoring Tables

Table 1Numbers Employed - shows the number of full time equivalent (FTE) staff employed by each Department.

Table 2New Jobs- this gives the number of new permanent and temporary jobs created between April2011– September 2011, together with the proportion which areexternally funded, compared with the same period last year. All new jobs are approved by the relevant Head of Department.

Table 3Sickness AbsenceStatistics - shows the percentage of days lost to sickness absence for staff in the last quarter July 2011 – September 2011, split by % lost to periods of absence up to7 days, over 7 days and long term sickness of 22 days or more.

Total figures are also provided to show how this period compares to rates in the last financial year for the full headcount.

Table 4Accidents to Employees–shows the number of accidents recorded by Departmentsfor the second quarterJuly2011 -September 2011.

Total figures are also provided to show how this period compares to rates in the last financial year for the full headcount.

Table 5Salary Costs – this shows percentage breakdown of salary costs representing each grade grouping for each quarter in 2011/2012 compared to the average salary costs for the previous financial year.

Appendix 1Accidents to Employees – shows a summary of the number of accidents leading to absences of 3 days or more. All of these were investigated and measures put in place to limit the same possibility occurring.




/ April 2010 – March 2011 / July 2011 – Sept 2011 / Significant Movement
(< or > 5%) / Significant Movement
(< or > 3%)
(to nearest
whole no) / FTE
(to nearest
whole no)
Adult Social Care / n/a / 661 / n/a / n/a
Housing &
Public Protection / n/a / 466 / n/a / n/a
Environment / n/a / 436 / n/a / n/a
Chief Executive’s / n/a / 19 / n/a / n/a
Community Well-being & Development / n/a / 237 / n/a / n/a
Assets & Economic Development / n/a / 148 / n/a / n/a
Finance / n/a / 132 / n/a / n/a
Corporate & Customer Services / n/a / 183 / n/a / n/a
CYP: Lifelong Learning
/ n/a / 2192 / n/a / n/a
CYP: Prevention & Social Care / n/a / 397 / n/a / n/a
Total / 4988 / 4871 / - / -

DEFINITION:Average number of full time equivalent (FTE) staff employed for the period July 2011–September 2011 compared tothe financial year 2010-11 figures.

* FTEs in Adult Social Care based on contracted hours as recorded in the main HR information system, (HRIS). Note: within this department, workers often work different hours to those officially contracted, as such the FTE count does not necessarily reflect the resources required to meet workloads.



Last financial year /
This financial year
No of new jobs
April10 March 11
of which:
No of new jobs
April11 March 12
/ of which:
Externally Funded
Externally Funded


Adult Social Care / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Housing &
Public Protection / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / 2 / 0 / 2 / 0
Environment / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Chief Executive’s / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Community Well-being & Development / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Assets & Economic Development / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0
Finance / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Corporate & Customer Services / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0

CYP: Lifelong Learning

/ n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / 3 / 0 / 0 / 0
CYP: Prevention & Social Care / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0
Total / 25 / 13 / 21 / 13 / 7 / 0 / 2 / 0

DEFINITION: This gives the number of new permanent and temporary jobs created between July2011–September2011, compared with the last financial year, and shows the proportion which are externally funded.

All new jobs are approved by the relevant Head of Department.


SICKNESS ABSENCE STATISTICS - 1 July 2011 – 30 September 2011
ALL STAFF - (228 Potential Working Days per year/195 for school based staff)
Department / Ave. No. of Staff
(TE) / Possible No. of Days Worked / Duration of Sickness Absence / % Figure for July 2011 - September / % Figure for last financial year April 2010 March 2011
0 - 7 days / 8 - 20 days / 20+ days (Long Term)
% / % / % / % / %
Adult Social Care / 661 / 37,677 / 1.49 / 1.65 / 5.19 / 8.33 / n/a
Housing &
Public Protection / 466 / 26,562 / 1.46 / 0.79 / 1.85 / 4.10 / n/a
Environment / 436 / 24,824 / 1.29 / 1.45 / 2.45 / 5.19 / n/a
Chief Executive’s / 19 / 1,102 / 0.45 / 0.00 / 3.25 / 3.70 / n/a
Community Well-being & Development / 237 / 13,490 / 1.17 / 0.30 / 1.55 / 3.03 / n/a
Assets & Economic Development / 148 / 8,417 / 0.52 / 0.30 / 1.84 / 2.66 / n/a
Finance / 132 / 7,524 / 0.27 / 0 / 0.68 / 0.94 / n/a
Corporate & Customer Services / 183 / 10,431 / 0.97 / 0.78 / 2.21 / 3.96 / n/a

CYP: Lifelong Learning

/ 2192 / 109,366 / 0.36 / 0.87 / 0.46 / 1.69 / n/a
CYP: Prevention & Social Care / 397 / 22,648 / 1.13 / 0.90 / 1.88 / 3.90 / n/a
TOTAL Q1 / 4871
4946 / 262,041
266,724 / 0.86
1.28 / 0.95
0.96 / 1.78
1.54 / 3.59
3.78 / 4.33



Last FY / Last FY / 2011/2012 Q2


/ April 10

March 11 / Quarterly average / July

Adult Social Care / n/a / n/a / 11
Housing &
Public Protection / n/a / n/a / 6
Environment / n/a / n/a / 10
Chief Executive’s / n/a / n/a / 0
Community Well-being & Development / n/a / n/a / 2
Assets & Economic Development / n/a / n/a / 3
Finance / n/a / n/a / 1
Corporate & Customer Services / n/a / n/a / 1

CYP: Lifelong Learning

/ n/a / n/a / 6
CYP: Prevention & Social Care / n/a / n/a / 1
OVERALL / 195 / 48.75 / 41

DEFINITION: These are the figures for the financial year 2011/2012 compared with the financial year 2010/2011. Levels are greatest where there are large numbers of manual occupations. Quarter2figures indicate that accidents leading to absences of three days or more wereattributed to 6cases (see Appendix 1 attached). All of these were investigated and measures put in place to limit the same possibility occurring.



Salary Costs

Quarterly Breakdown of Salary Costs 2011/12* / Average 2010/11
Salary Grade / Average Q1 2011/12 / Average Q2 2011/12
Grades L01-L06 / 70.1% / 70.1% / 69.5%
Grades L07-L10 / 20.3% / 20.3% / 20.4%
Grades L11-L15 / 3.9% / 4.1% / 4.2%
Other** / 5.7% / 5.5% / 5.9%
Total / 100.0% / 100.0% / 100.0%

*Teachers are excluded from this data, both in terms of proportion of workforce and salary costs.

** Other grades of staff comprise: Craft workers (those on Red Book terms and conditions), Youth workers, those on Soulbury terms and conditions, Heads of Department, Directors, the Chief Executive, and the Coroner.

NB:Grade Groupings as a proportion of the workforce have been calculated based on payroll data, so relate to the number of individual employees on payday (15th or 22nd of the month) and differ from the no of employees reported on the 1st of the month elsewhere in this report.

Reportable Accidents to Employees 2011-2012 (Q2 - June - September)

Q / Date/Ref / Department / Job / Details of incident and follow up actions
Q2 / 28/06/11 / Asset & Economic Development
Cook in charge / The injured Person was dealing with a delivery of groceries which had been left on a trolley outside the building before they had arrived for work. The employee tried to move the trolley into the building and in doing so they felt a pain in their lower back. The pain gradually increased and following a visit to their GP they were signed off sick from work. Action – The order from the suppliers was delivered outside the agreed time slot and this has been raised with the supplier. Employees are reminded that they do not move the delivery trolleys if they are left outside the agreed delivery times, the drivers should be placing them in the store area.. The suppliers have been reminded.
Q2 / 07/07/11 / Adult Social Care
Homecare/Community Living / Employee whilst on her home care round was struck by a vehicle whilst sitting in her car. The impact caused no serious injury at the time but later on in their shift they felt increased pain in their neck and shoulders. This led to the employee taking a week off work from the delayed injuries sustained in the impact. Action – the employee was not at fault in the incident.
Q2 / 11/07/11 / Adult Social Care
Homecare/Community Living / Employee provides support to individuals with complex needs. In the process of delivering this support the employee was pushed by the individual and this resulted in an injury to their back, shoulder and head. Employee was off work for 8 days in total. Action – the supported individual has been re-assessed by the community nurse team and supporting staff have been advised on techniques to use when providing support in future. This will be monitored by the behavioural support team.
Q2 / 27/07/11 / Environment
Street scene / The employee placed their hands into the recycling box to empty the contents and discovered it was filled with a broken pane of glass. The employee received a cut above the glove line and this was deep and required medical attention. The employee attended A&E and received stitches. The employee was off work for a total of 10 days. Action – a review of the PPE provided for street scene employees is currently being conducted to ensure this is appropriate for the type of hazards present in the tasks involved.
Q2 / 17/08/11 / Environment
Street scene / Employee was stung by a wasp whilst loading a wheelie bin onto the wagon. The employee reacted to the sting and was signed off work by GP returning to work 11 days after the incident. Action – there is little that can be done to prevent wasp stings. Employees are trained in general emergency first aid, which covers stings and bites.
Q2 / 09/09/11 / Housing & Public Protection
Housing / Employee’s ankle gave way under them whilst walking down a set of stairs. The employee reveived a sprain of the ankle which led to 5 days off work. Action - The investigation conducted found the employee was not in the process of carrying any items, was wearing safety boots which are designed to give ankle support . The stairs were found to be in good order employee just felt his ankle gave way for no reason.