Numbers 36-June 2
Congratulations on finishing the book of Numbers! I pray that the Lord has been faithful to show you truths and encourage and sanctify your hearts through this inspired book. Hopefully through our journey together you have seen the great value in reading all of God’s Word and learning both from the successes and failures of God’s people as well as from the lessons revealed to us in God’s Word about His wonderful character.Today, as we close, let us turn our attention to v. 4, specifically the year of jubilee.
The year of jubilee is an important concept in the Old Testament that foreshadows the coming liberation of Christ in the New Testament. In summary the year of jubilee was instituted by God as a year of celebration and freedom. Specifically, the year of jubilee was designed to be a year of release from debt (Leviticus 25:23-38) and slavery (Leviticus 25:39-55). As a part of this year, all property was returned to the family that originally owned it and all of the people were to be set free from bondage and rest from their labors. This was meant to be a year of recovery and rejoicing, but it also foreshadowed a greater rest in Christ.
In Christ we have the redeemer who came to free us who are slaves to sin (Romans 8:2) and to give us rest (Matthew 11:28). He did this by paying the debt for our sin and releasing us from its eternal penalty. This payment was longed for by the Old Testament prophets, realized by New Testament writers, and celebrated by God’s people ever since. In a very real sense then, every day for the disciple of Christ is a day of jubilee. In Christ, God’s mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:23) and the hope we have will endure through every dark night of the soul.
No longer do God’s people have to toil in vain. No longer do we fear death, the grave, and hell. Instead, we can rest in our laborious and fruitless attempts to appease God while knowing that we are now sons of daughters of His by virtue of our total faith and reliance upon Jesus Christ.
Have you experienced your own day of jubilee? Has Christ set you free once and for all from your sin and bondage? I pray that you truly have laid your burdens down as you experience God’s rest and mercy in Christ!