Maple Lake Public Schools
Elementary Principal Evaluation
Superintendent’s evaluation based on job description = 55 percent
A. Planning and Organization
1. Plan, organize and recommend annually the selection of instructional and support staff at the elementary school
2. Responsible for hiring new staff as necessary at the elementary school
3. Assist with the development of the elementary school budget
4. Determine annual instructional material needs. Select and prepare necessary requisitions in conjunction with instructional staff and business office
5. Develop the necessary communication tools that will ensure staff, students and parents are informed of policies and procedures to assure effective implementation of elementary school programs
6. Responsible for revision of handbooks, updating policies, and adequately reporting to parents on student progress in their classes, standards, test scores, and maintaining a cumulative record
7. Assist with the goal setting of the district through the administrative team
B. Leadership and Direction
1. Supervise and evaluate staff, and make recommendations for granting tenure
2. Responsible for student standards of achievement and general academic progress of the students at the elementary school
3. Make recommendations regarding curriculum and courses of study
4. Prepare registration materials, develop a master teacher/course schedule and student schedules annually
5. Responsible for the policies and procedures dealing with student discipline and student attendance at the elementary school
6. Responsible for the student welfare and safety throughout the day
7. Make a recommendation on the physical plant needs and capital improvements needed in the elementary school
8. Promote professional development and growth for staff, through staff development in conjunction with the building leadership team
9. Work with district custodian, cafeteria manager, technology technician and activities director in the implementation of the programs they supervise, and assist in the development and implementation of policies and procedures in those areas as related to the elementary school
10. Oversee and maintain information in dealing with graduation standards and Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments, as well as other external tests which may be administrated (NWEA, NAEP, ASVAB, etc)
11. Complete all reports as requested by State and superintendent
C. Public Relations
1. Represent the school district and elementary school at all appropriate meetings as required to effectively represent the elementary school program, including MAWSECO, and others as recommended by the superintendent
2. Attend professional meetings allowing principal to stay current in state requirements, legislation, school law, etc.
D. Other Principal Responsibilities
1. Data Privacy Procedures
2. LEA Representative/ESEA Coordinator -- Title I, II, and V
3. ALC Targeted Services Coordinator
4. Curriculum Coordination
5. Perform such other duties as required by the superintendent
Value Added = 35 percent
The growth plan is to be completed by the principal following the evaluation conference in accordance with the substance of that session. The goals as well as actions, measures, and timeline will be reviewed by the supervisor prior to the beginning of work on the goal(s). The supervisor may suggest additional goals as appropriate.
Stakeholders Input = 10 percent
Care and Treatment of Students:
School rules are enforced consistently for all regular education students.
Results of behavior concerns from my class are communicated back to me.
When I have a question about a student or school issue, I feel comfortable checking with the principal.
I feel that student behavior outside the classroom is monitored effectively.
I feel that behavior outside the classroom is responded to effectively.
I get a response to problem situations in a timely manner.
The principal fosters a climate and culture of order, learning and mutual respect.
Care and Treatment of Staff:
I feel that my suggestions are heard and sometimes elicit change.
The principal verbalizes the belief that all teachers and students are capable of success.
The principal communicates effectively with students.
The principal communicates effectively with staff.
The principal discovers conflicting or differing views of events and uses them in problem solving.
The principal considers the position, feelings, and perspectives of others when planning and making decisions.
The principal utilizes the leadership team well to effectively make schoolwide decisions.
Staff meetings are a good use of time.
The principal attends meetings when requested.
Direction and Leadership:
The principal reviews building needs and concerns to make changes when necessary.
The principal provides direction to faculty and students to realize goals.
The principal establishes a smooth running office.
The principal recognizes student achievement.
Evaluating Teaching:
The principal observes classrooms to monitor teacher effectiveness.
One suggestion for the principal would be………
Rubric Scale – to be used when completing summative evaluation
The following rubric should be used in conjunction with the evidence and reflections gathered for measuring the level of proficiency for the principal.
1 = Does not meet standards– The principal does not meet acceptable standards for performance.
2 = Improvement Necessary – The principal does not meet standards for performance but demonstrates adequate growth toward meeting standards during the period of performance.
3 = Effective– The principal demonstrates basic competency on standards of performance.
4 = Highly Effective – The principal exceeds basic competence on standards for performance most of the time.