Copper Valley Club, Inc.

Board Meeting Minutes for 11/3/2016

Board Members in Attendance: [P(resent), A(bsent), V(oice)]

Jeff Mahar / P / John Bate / P / Karin Pasinski / P / Nicole Kaya / P
Paul Cahill / V / Rick Roberts / V / Shawna Baron / P / Steve Schneider / P
Wayne Eddy / A

Meeting Start:6:04 pm

Motion to accept prior meeting minutes. ByJeff, 2ndNicole, Passed.

Board Positions and Chair assignments:

-Karin moved that we accept Mary Lee Kelly as a Board Member, Steve seconded;Motion passed with one abstention.


-Jeff reported Missy was resigning that she could not be on the committee due to a conflict of interest.

-Steve nominated Lori Mann, Bill Mann, Meghan Beardsley*, and Jennie Kenkare. Nicole Seconded. Motion passed unanimously. (Note: On 11/5/16 Meghan Beardsley stated that she is awaiting further information about what the position entails before committing to the position.)

-Snack was tabled.

-Membership: Steve is considering chairing, with Jeff and, possibly, Mary Lee being members.

-Treasurer: Beth Pierpont is willing to be on a finance committee and is not interested in a board position.

-Treasurer Compensation: Paul moved that the position be compensated by granting a comp membership; Jeff 2nd; Passed unanimously.

-Tennis Chairman: Karin nominated Wayne; Jeff 2nd; Passed unanimously.

-Other positions were deferred to the next meeting

Short Term Capital Loan (STC): The below time-line for actions was decided.

Paul reported that one additional person indicated a desire to be a member.


-Shawna reported that she had paid the Electric Bills in full.

-Jeff moved that we pay all the bills except for the Light Loan, Town Taxes, and Tennis Personnel Revenue Share, and BNI. Steve 2nd. Passed with one abstention.

-Shawna will be sendingout invoices after Jim reviewed the tennis activity.

-Shawna, Jeff and Paul plan to talk with Jim and Scott Matthews when it is clear what the tennis income was for 2016.

-Paul moved that we not charge family members of people who run Olympics. Karin 2nd. Motion passed

-Shawna to send questions to Heidi and Tim by Monday with questions on past payments.

Food Drive: Rick allowed us to use the Nuzzo-Roberts parking area for the “Copper Valley Cares” food drive on Saturdays 11/12 and 11/19 from 2 to 4pm. Kaya will send out flyer.

Lapsed Membership Polling:

-Jeff to parse a lapsed membership list and send to Board members to have them ask for feedback from lapsed memberships .

-Board members will divide the list and call lapsed memberships for feedback.

Keys: John is will contact Keith and Carl to retrieve keys to the club.

No change for the meeting of 11/3/16 for the following Old Business items:

Treasurer referrals: No change for the meeting of 11/3/16

  1. Jeff to create and get approval of email to Club Membershipis still ongoing.
  2. John willask Derek to contact a lead he has.
  3. Nicole’s lead had just given birth and is not interested in being the Treasurer.
  4. The possibility of making the Treasurer or “Bookeeper” a paid position was discussed.
  5. Shawna stated she had someone who might be interested and would call him. The Board is very hestitate to comp memberships and would prefer for someone to volunteer.

Invoices: Shawna will post the trial balance on the website.

By-Laws: Inserting the 2010 approved changes to membership types into the current By-Laws.

Next Meeting: Thursday, 11/10/16 at Nuzzo-Roberts Meeting Room

Motion to Adjourn: Moved by Karin, 2nd by Steve, Passed

Respectfully submitted

John E. Bate, Acting Secretary

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