Copper Valley Club, Inc.
Board Meeting Minutes for 11/3/2016
Board Members in Attendance: [P(resent), A(bsent), V(oice)]
Jeff Mahar / P / John Bate / P / Karin Pasinski / P / Nicole Kaya / PPaul Cahill / V / Rick Roberts / V / Shawna Baron / P / Steve Schneider / P
Wayne Eddy / A
Meeting Start:6:04 pm
Motion to accept prior meeting minutes. ByJeff, 2ndNicole, Passed.
Board Positions and Chair assignments:
-Karin moved that we accept Mary Lee Kelly as a Board Member, Steve seconded;Motion passed with one abstention.
-Jeff reported Missy was resigning that she could not be on the committee due to a conflict of interest.
-Steve nominated Lori Mann, Bill Mann, Meghan Beardsley*, and Jennie Kenkare. Nicole Seconded. Motion passed unanimously. (Note: On 11/5/16 Meghan Beardsley stated that she is awaiting further information about what the position entails before committing to the position.)
-Snack was tabled.
-Membership: Steve is considering chairing, with Jeff and, possibly, Mary Lee being members.
-Treasurer: Beth Pierpont is willing to be on a finance committee and is not interested in a board position.
-Treasurer Compensation: Paul moved that the position be compensated by granting a comp membership; Jeff 2nd; Passed unanimously.
-Tennis Chairman: Karin nominated Wayne; Jeff 2nd; Passed unanimously.
-Other positions were deferred to the next meeting
Short Term Capital Loan (STC): The below time-line for actions was decided.
Paul reported that one additional person indicated a desire to be a member.
-Shawna reported that she had paid the Electric Bills in full.
-Jeff moved that we pay all the bills except for the Light Loan, Town Taxes, and Tennis Personnel Revenue Share, and BNI. Steve 2nd. Passed with one abstention.
-Shawna will be sendingout invoices after Jim reviewed the tennis activity.
-Shawna, Jeff and Paul plan to talk with Jim and Scott Matthews when it is clear what the tennis income was for 2016.
-Paul moved that we not charge family members of people who run Olympics. Karin 2nd. Motion passed
-Shawna to send questions to Heidi and Tim by Monday with questions on past payments.
Food Drive: Rick allowed us to use the Nuzzo-Roberts parking area for the “Copper Valley Cares” food drive on Saturdays 11/12 and 11/19 from 2 to 4pm. Kaya will send out flyer.
Lapsed Membership Polling:
-Jeff to parse a lapsed membership list and send to Board members to have them ask for feedback from lapsed memberships .
-Board members will divide the list and call lapsed memberships for feedback.
Keys: John is will contact Keith and Carl to retrieve keys to the club.
No change for the meeting of 11/3/16 for the following Old Business items:
Treasurer referrals: No change for the meeting of 11/3/16
- Jeff to create and get approval of email to Club Membershipis still ongoing.
- John willask Derek to contact a lead he has.
- Nicole’s lead had just given birth and is not interested in being the Treasurer.
- The possibility of making the Treasurer or “Bookeeper” a paid position was discussed.
- Shawna stated she had someone who might be interested and would call him. The Board is very hestitate to comp memberships and would prefer for someone to volunteer.
Invoices: Shawna will post the trial balance on the website.
By-Laws: Inserting the 2010 approved changes to membership types into the current By-Laws.
Next Meeting: Thursday, 11/10/16 at Nuzzo-Roberts Meeting Room
Motion to Adjourn: Moved by Karin, 2nd by Steve, Passed
Respectfully submitted
John E. Bate, Acting Secretary
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