[On Department of Defence letterhead]
[Insert Name and Address of Contractor]
Dear [insert name of UXO/DEHP/CRMUL contact]
RE: [Insert name of project]
1.We refer to your Panel Agreement with Defence under the [Defence Environment and Heritage Panel (DEHP)/Unexploded Ordnance Panel] OR
We refer to your arrangement with Defence under the Contamination Remediation Multi-Use List CRMUL. [delete as required]
2.The Directorate of Remediation Programs (DERP) is proposing to undertake the program of works outlined in the Statement of Requirement (SOR) contained in the Request for Proposal (RFP) which is attached to this letter ("Project").
3.You are requested to provide a proposal for the performance of the Services described in the SOR required to complete the Project in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the RFP.
4.Please note that the RFP comprises three parts, as follows:
(a)Part A sets out the rules under which the RFP process will be conducted;
(b)Part B sets out the Statement of Requirement (SOR) which describes the project and the Services Defence requires;
(c)Part C describes the information Defence requires in order to evaluate proposals and how respondents are to submit their proposal in the form of a series of Returnable Schedules. You must complete and submit ALL these Returnable Schedules.
The RFP specifies all the terms and conditions that will apply to the selection of a consultant (s) to perform the Services and any subsequent engagement in relation to these Services. Your proposal must be submitted in accordance with the terms and requirements set out in the RFP or your proposal may be excluded from further consideration.
5.Your proposal must include a fee proposal for the performance of the Services as set out in Part C - Returnable Schedules of the RFP. Your fee proposal must be based on the professional (hourly/daily) rates in the Schedule of Rates set out in the [Panel Agreement/CRMUL arrangement]. Any other costs and justification for other costs must be clearly identified in your fee proposal. The payment of disbursements will be as set out in the Schedule of Rates set out in the [Panel Agreement or CRMUL arrangement]. Please ensure that you provide all financial details as specified in Part C of the RFP.
6.Defence has determined/agreed [delete as required] that part of the Services ("Agreed Subconsultant Services") are to be carried out by certain subconsultants ("Agreed Subconsultants"). The Agreed Subconsultants and Agreed Subconsultant Services must be described in your response to Part C of the RFP. If your proposal is successful, you will be required to enter into a subconsultant agreement in accordance with clause 1.7 in Section 5 of your Panel Agreement. Yourfee proposal must include costs for the performance of the Agreed Subconsultant Services. OR
[Delete paragraph 6 if using the CRMUL as this will be covered in the remediation Works Contract]
7.Please note that your proposal must be submitted to the following location by the time and date specified below:
(a)Location:[egTender Box with details];
(b)Time and Date: [insert details]
8.Any enquiries with respect to this letter or the RFP should be directed to [insert contact person and contact details].
Yours sincerely
[insert details of signatory]
Annexure:Request for Proposal