SuggestopediaTense FamilyFuture Tense

The Appletons

Chapter VIII

“The Trip to Future Land“

(by Maria Gassner-Zeilinger, Barbara Boch, Angelika Dorner)


Schulstufe:Sekundarstufe 1
Inhalt/Lernziel:will-future and going to future
The trip to FUTURELAND

It’s Friday afternoon in the Appleton’s living room. Miranda and Craig are sitting in front of the TV. Craig is squeezing his mascot, Bugs Bunny and Miranda is changing channels. Both are very bored. / drücken, festhalten
Miranda: / I’m sure, this isgoingtobe
a lousy, awful, no good,
very bad weekend. / going to – future
feste Absicht
Craig: / Not for me!
I’mgoingtowatch the new film
at the cinema with my friends. / I am going to watch …
Miranda: / I don’t think so.
Aunt Wendy isgoingtotake us
to her place over the weekend,
because Mum and Dad
aregoingtovisit their friends. / Aunt Wendy is going to take us …
Mum and Dad are going to visit …
Craig: / (starts crying)
But I don’t want to!
I want to stay here!
It’s so boring at Aunt Wendy’s house!
Miranda: / Crybaby! Crybaby!
After a sleepless night Miranda and Craig are still very tired and angry. It’s nine o’clock and Grandpa isgoingtopick them up soon. / schlaflos
Craig: / Wait!
Bugs Bunny is upstairs.
I’mgoingtoget him. / oben
Miranda: / You are so childish!
Grandpa: / Come on kids!
Let’s go!
After an hour Miranda and Craig arrive at Aunt Wendy’s house. They are very bored.
Wendy: / (happily hugging them)
Oh, hello sweeties!
Nice to see you both! / umarmen
Craig and Miranda: / (bored)
Hello Auntie!
Aunt Wendy takes them into the house and shows them their room.
Aunt Wendy: / I’m so sorry,
but I have to leave you alone.
I’llbe back soon.
I’mgoingtoget some
important CD-ROMs from the office.
They are top secret.
You can watch TV or play some games, BUT don’t touch my computer.
It is top secret, too.
If you are good kids,
I’ll take you to the roller coaster tomorrow. / will - future
Vorhersagen und Erwartungen
Person + will (not) + 1st form
Craig and Miranda: / Don’t worry, Auntie!
We’lldo our best! / I’ll = I will
we’ll = we will
Wendy takes her keys and leaves the house.
Craig: / Let’s have some fun now.
Miranda: / Okay, first we’llstart
her top secret computer.
(They press the button and wait.)
Craig: / She is so silly.
She doesn’t even have a password.
Computer: / Bleep, bleep, swash, bang, crash
The computer goes mad and wolves Craig down into its electronic heart. / hinunter schlingen
Miranda: / Oh my goodness!
Craig, where are you?
Can you hear me?
Don’t be childish.
Come back!
Craig: / Help! Help!
I’m in the computer.
It’s so dark, Miranda!
Miranda: / I promise, I’ll help you.
I hopeI’ll get you back
before Auntie returns. / spontane Entscheidungen
Miranda is very confused and is talking to herself.
Miranda: / What willhappen,
if I press the return button?
Will he really comeback?
(She presses all the buttons
but nothing works.)
Craig, Craig! / Conditional I
(if - wenn)
Frage in der Zukunft
will + Person + base form
Craig: / Miranda, it’s so strange here.
I’m afraid of that funny noise
and it smells like stinking fish.
Yuk! PerhapsI’ll havetostay
here all my life. Aaaaaargh! / seltsam, fremd
Miranda hears the key in the lock, Auntie opens the door and comes in. / Schloss
Miranda: / Auntie, Auntie, come here quickly!
The computer sucked Craig inside.
We must help him. Quickly.
Aunt Wendy: / I can’t believe it!
It has never worked before!
Miranda: / (confused)
What do you mean –
it has never worked before?
Aunt Wendy: / The computer programme
I invented. It has never worked before.
But now it is working!
Craig can now take part
in all the computer games!!
Probably he willmeet Spiderman,
he willclimb up high houses,
he willcatch thieves and robbers,
he will fight monsters and dragons,
he will kiss the most beautiful girl,
he will be a hero
in all the computer games.
He won’tgo to school,
he won’tget up in the morning,
he won’twrite any tests,
he won’tclean his room and
he won’tquarrel with you, Miranda.
Oh, I’m so excited. / won’t = will not
Miranda: / Come on Auntie,
you must help him!
I want my brother back!
Aunt Wendy: / That’s no problem at all.
I have also invented
the key to Futureland.
Miranda: / Futureland?
Aunt Wendy: / Yes! I willsend you to Futureland!
In Futureland
you willmeet all your favourite stars,
you willsee lots of different galaxies,
you willhear the sound of music,
you willsmell things,
you will feel happiness
you will …
you will …
you will …
you will …
Craig: / It is wonderful that you
invented all of these things but
I do not want to be
in computer games.
And Miranda does not want
to go to Futureland!
Auntie, please stop talking
and help me back to normal life! / invent - erfinden
Aunt Wendy: / (she is disappointed)
What a shame!
Well, if you want to come back,
then I’mgoingtoinsert
my top secret disk into the computer.
Miranda, you aregoing to have
your little brother back soon. / enttäuscht
Wie schade!
She inserts the disk and it sounds like a big engine bleep, bleep, swash, bang, crash and the computer spits him out again. Miranda and Craig are so happy that Aunt Wendy is happy too!
Aunt Wendy: / Oh, here you are my little boy.
(She hugs and kisses him.)
Your parents would have killed me for that action. Fortunately we will all beabletogo to the family party next month. Imagine if one of you would have been missing?!? / glücklicherweise

Vocabulary List – Future Tense

squeeze / drücken, festhalten / perhaps / vielleicht
sleepless / schlaflos / lock / Schloss
upstairs / oben / invent / erfinden
hug – hugging / umarmen / disappointed / enttäuscht
wolf down / hinunter schlingen / What a shame? / Wie schade!
button - buttons / Knopf – Knöpfe / insert / einlegen, einwerfen
strange / fremd, seltsam / fortunately / glücklicherweise

Barbara Boch, Angelika Dorner, Maria Gassner-ZeilingerChapter VIII Page 1 / 6