CourseNumberand Title: / SGT 211 Surgical TechnologyClinicalI
Prerequisites: / SGT 200, SGT 202
Co-requisites: / SGT 210
CourseCredits andHours: / 2 credits
0 lecturehour/week
9 lab hours/week
CourseDescription: / This coursewill be clinical rotations in theoperatingroom of affiliated healthcareinstitutions. Knowledge and techniques essential to effectiveperformanceas ascrubbed memberofthe surgical team will bestressed as thestudent develops and improves skills as thescrub person. Progression to solo scrub experienceis expected.
Required Text(s): / Obtain current information at or visit the bookstore. (Check your course schedule for the course number and section.)
Additional Materials: / None
MethodofInstruction: / Classroom
Disclaimer: / None
Thestudent will be ableto:
1. Perform theduties ofthesurgical technologist in the first orsecond scrub role forsurgical procedures in theoperatingenvironment. (CCC1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; PGC1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
2. Perform theduties ofthesurgical technologist in the assistant circulatorrole. (CCC1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; PGC1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
3. Coordinatetheuseofsupplies and equipment forintraoperative care. (CCC1, 2, 4, 5; PGC2,3, 5)
4. Demonstrateeffectiveteamwork in thesurgicalenvironment. (CCC1, 2, 3, 4, 6; PGC1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
5. Develop anawareness ofsurgical conscience. (CCC1, 2, 4; PGC4, 5)
6. Demonstratetheuseofsterilization equipment and thedisinfection and sterilization processes.(CCC2,4; PGC2,4,5)
SeeCoreCurriculum Competencies(CCC)and Program GraduateCompetencies(PGC)at the end of thesyllabus. Courseobjectives arecoded to thecompetency(cies)theydevelop.
Upon completion ofthis course, thestudent will:
1.Perform theduties ofthesurgical technologist in the first orsecond scrub role forsurgical procedures in theoperatingenvironment.
1.1Preparethe casewith adequatetime allowance.
1.2Demonstrateknowledgeof aseptictechnique.
1.3Demonstratedrapingtechniques forvarious procedures.
1.4Conduct research to obtain instrument and procedural information priortoenteringcase.
1.5Recognize, prepare and pass instruments.
1.6Demonstratethecorrectorderofsteps taken duringthesurgical intervention.
1.7Anticipatetheneeds ofthesurgical team and patient duringthepreoperative, intraoperativeand postoperativephases.
1.8Demonstrate an understandingofeach team member’s function.
1.9Demonstrateorganization at thesterile field.
2.Perform theduties ofthesurgical technologist in the assistant circulatorrole.
2.1Prepareequipment and patient fortransportand transfer.
2.2Obtain patient vitals.
2.3Demonstratepreparation foruseofelectrosurgicaldevices.
2.4Assist in thepositioningofpatients accordingto procedure and hospital policy.
2.5Perform surgical skin preps.
2.6Demonstrateproper connections of cordsand tubes.
3.Coordinatetheuseofsupplies and equipment forintraoperative care.
3.1Identifyspecialtyinstruments and theiruses.
3.2Identifyposition devicesforvarious procedures related to specialty.
3.3Select correct equipmentand supplies neededforprocedure.
3.4Usesupplies in a cost effectivemanner.
4.Demonstrateeffectiveteamwork in thesurgicalenvironment.
4.1Applyprinciples of communication in thesurgical setting.
4.2Distinguish betweenassertive and aggressivebehavior.
4.3Applyconcepts ofconflict resolution.
4.4Develop an increased sensitivityto theinfluenceof ethics in thehealthcareprofession.
4.5Demonstratenondiscriminatorytreatment ofall patients.
4.6Determineprinciples ofpatient confidentialityaccordingto HIPAA and hospital policy.
4.7Demonstratemoral integrityand professional honesty.
4.8Assume accountabilityfor actions and decisions.
5. Develop anawareness ofsurgical conscience.
5.1 Demonstratenondiscriminatorytreatment ofall patients.
5.2 Determineprinciples ofpatient confidentialityaccordingto HIPAA and hospital policy.
5.3 Demonstratemoral integrityand professional honesty.
5.4 Assume accountabilityfor actions and decisions.
6.Demonstratetheuseof sterilization equipmentand thedisinfection and sterilization processes.
6.1 Demonstratepropertechniquein storing, handling,and distributingsterilesupplies.
6.2 Demonstrateawareness ofimproperhandlinganduseofsterilesupplies.
6.3Demonstrate proper washing of instrumentsand packaging temscorrectly for sterilization.
6.4Assembleinstrument sets.
6.5Operatesteam sterilization systems.
6.6Applyknowledgeofinfection control to procedures ofoperating room turnovers.
Evaluation Criteria/Policies:
Students must demonstrate proficiency on all CCPOs at a minimal 75 percent level to successfully complete the course. The grade will be determined using the DTCC grading system:
92 – 100 / = / A83 – 91 / = / B
75 – 82 / = / C
0 – 74 / = / F
Students should refer to the Student Handbook ( for information on the Academic Standing Policy, the Academic Integrity Policy, Student Rights and Responsibilities, and other policies relevant to their academic progress.
Core Curriculum Competencies (CCCs are the competencies every graduate will develop):
- Apply clear and effective communication skills.
- Use critical thinking to solve problems.
- Collaborate to achieve a common goal.
- Demonstrate professional and ethical conduct.
- Use information literacy for effective vocational and/or academic research.
- Apply quantitative reasoning and/or scientific inquiry to solve practical problems.
ProgramGraduateCompetencies (the competencies every graduatewill develop specificto his/hermajor)
1. Differentiatethe rolesand responsibilities of all surgical team members.
2. Demonstratetheabilityto anticipatetheneeds ofsurgical patients byproperlypreparingthe operatingroom suite, equipment, and instrumentation required forsurgical interventions.
3. Demonstrateaprofessional demeanorwhen communicatingwith patients and fellow team members.
4. Synthesizeasurgicalconscience.
5. Participate as aneffective and clinicallyproficient memberofthesurgicalteam throughout theperioperative, intraoperative, and immediatepostoperativeperiods.
Disabilities Support Statement
The College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. You are encouraged to schedule an appointment with your campus Disabilities Support Counselor if you feel that you may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability. A listing of campus Disabilities Support Counselors and contact information can be found at or visit the campus Advising Center.