9.30-10.00: Registration

10.00-11:30:A Preface for Chaucerians: ‘Historians on Chaucer

  • Stephen H. Rigby (University of Manchester): ‘Historians on Chaucer’
  • Anthony Musson (University of Exeter): ‘The Sergeant of Law’
  • Nigel Ramsay (University College London): ‘The Manciple’

11.30-12.00: Refreshments

12-13.30: 1.‘No thing unbounde from his olde lawe’

  • Samantha Katz Seal (University of New Hampshire): ‘Lineage and the Laws of Likeness in The Canterbury Tales’
  • Gillian Adler (St Peter’s University, New Jersey): ‘Theseus’s Loving Distance: Space, Sight, and the Boethian Intertext in Chaucer’s “Knight’s Tale”’
  • Julie Chamberlin (Indiana University Bloomington): ‘Legal Networks in “The Franklin’s Tale”’

12-13.30: 2. ‘That lawe of love’

  • TBC
  • Leonardo Chiarantini (University of Michigan): ‘The Franklin’s Proposal: Chaucer’s Defiance of Love-Service’
  • Jonathan Forbes (University of California, Santa Barbara): ‘“Withoute Pitee ther may no bille availe”: Affective Rhetoric and Petitionary Form in Chaucer’s “Complaint Unto Pity”’

13.30-14.30: Lunch

14.30-17.00: 3. ‘For no man fordon the lawe of kynde’

  • Michael Warren (Royal Holloway, University of London): ‘On Being an Owl: The Legitimacies and Difficulties of Species-Being in The Owl and the Nightingale’
  • Natalie Hanna (University of Liverpool): ‘Criseyde, the “Lawe of Kynde”, and the Error of Man’
  • Micah Goodrich (University of Connecticut): ‘“So faren ye that multiplie”: The Laws of Nature in the Canon’s Yeoman’s Tale’
  • Isabel Davis (Birkbeck, University of London): ‘Kneeling, raptus and the breaking of natural law’

14.30-17.00: 4. ‘Queinte termes of lawe’

  • Ellen M. Caldwell (California State University, Fullerton): ‘Speaking Up in Chaucer’s “The Manciple’s Tale” and the Anonymous Mum and the Sothsegger’
  • Jonathan Rose (Arizona State University): ‘Maintenance and Medieval Literature’
  • Daniella Gonzalez (University of Kent): ‘Merchants and the Metropolis: Corruption, Common Profit, and the Marketplace’
  • Claire Fennell (University of Trieste): ‘An Edition of Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson MS B 520:A Middle English Statute-Book’

17.00-17.30: Refreshments

17.30-18.30: Plenary Lecture:

Emily Steiner (University of Pennsylvania): ‘Neck-Verse: Medieval Literature and the Limits of the Law’

18.30: Reception, followed by dinner


9.30-10.00: Refreshments

10.00-11.00:Plenary Lecture:

Sebastian Sobecki (University of Groningen): ‘Chaucer’s Lawyers’

11.00-12.30: 5. ‘The jugement of the perdurable lawe’

  • Arvind Thomas (University of California, Los Angeles): ‘From Rule to Law: Legal Maxims and Lawmaking in The Canterbury Tales and Piers Plowman
  • Sarah O’Brien (Fordham University): ‘“And make of Law a laborere”: Law and the Communitarian Vision of Piers Plowman’
  • Andreea Boboc (University of the Pacific): ‘Treason and the Royal Person: Chaucer to John Lane’

11.00-12.30:6. ‘Agyn the lawe of God’

  • Ben Parsons (University of Leicester): ‘Bad Grammar: Criminal Teachers in the 14th, 15th and 16th Centuries’
  • Euan C. Roger (National Archives): ‘Chaucerian Chinese Whispers: Chaucer, the Plea Rolls, and Windsor’
  • Peter Guy Brown (Independent scholar): ‘Chaucer’s Summoner’

12.30-13.30: Lunch

13.30-15.00:7. ‘Wise advocatz learned in the lawe’

  • Joseph Stadolnik (Yale University): ‘Forms of Mercy’
  • R. F. Yeager (University of West Florida): ‘The Just and the Legal: Telling the Difference in the Poetry of John Gower’
  • Paulo Castilho (University of Ottawa): ‘Bridging Literature and Law: Pleading the Case of the Public Poet in the Confessio Amantis’

13.30-15.00:8. ‘Swich lawe as a man yeveth anothr wight’

  • Anne Marie D’Arcy (University of Leicester): ‘Sumptuary Law, Legality, and Gender Transgression in The Canterbury Tales’
  • Paul Megna (University of Western Australia): ‘Parrhesia and Law in “The Second Nun’s Tale” and “The Manciple’s Tale”’
  • Fiona Somerset (University of Connecticut): ‘No Justice, No Peace: Chaucer’s “Physician’s Tale”, the Worm of Conscience, and the Rule of Law’

15.00-17.00: Optional Excursion: Guildhall Library Tour
