Outline of Papers and Tests


B.Voc. (Industrial Waste Treatment Technology) 3rd Year (5th and 6th Semester)

2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20 Sessions

Code / Title of the paper / Credits / University Exam / Internal Assessment / Maximum Marks / Exam Duration
B.VIWTT-311 / Presentation skills and personality Development / 4 / 60 / 40 / 100 / 3
B.VIWTT-321 / Basics of Chemistry-V / 4.5 / 60 / 40 / 100 / 3
B.VIWTT-322 / Bioremediation / 4 / 60 / 40 / 100 / 3
B.VIWTT-323 / Industrial Pollution / 4.5 / 60 / 40 / 100 / 3
B.VIWTT-324 / Practical/ Instrumentation and techniques / 4.5 / 50 / 50 / 100 / 3
B.VIWTT-325 / Lab-Basics of Chemistry / 4.5 / 50 / 50 / 100 / 3
B.VIWTT-326 / Training at Industry/lab / 4 / 50 / 50 / 100 / 3
Total / 30 / 390 / 310 / 700 / 3
  1. The breakup of marks for the practical will be as under:

(i)Viva Voce = 50 Marks

(ii)Lab Record = 30 Marks

  1. The breakup of marks for the Internal assessment will be as under:

(i)Average of both mid semester tests/internal exams =16 Marks

(ii)Attendance =8 Marks

(iii)Written assignments/Project Work = 16 Marks


B.VIWTT-311: Personality skills and Personality Development

Marks=60Maximum time= 3 hours

Min. pass Marks=35%Lectures to be delivered=65 hours


The question paper will consist of three sections A, B and C. Each of sections A and B will have four questions from the respective sections of the syllabus and each question carry 9 marks. Section C will consist of one compulsory question having 12 parts of short answer type covering the entire syllabus uniformly and each question will carry 2 marks.


Candidates are required to attempt two questions from section A and B and the entire section C.

Section – A : Literature

Prescribed Text : Popular Short Stories.

From the prescribed text the following stories are to be read: A Cup of Tea – Katherine Mansfield.

The Open Window – H.H. Munro („Saki‟)

The Gift of the Magi – O. Henry

The Ant and the Grasshopper – W. Somerset Maugham The Necklace – Guy De Maupassant

Section B: Grammar and Writing Skills Tenses



•Letter Writing – Formal

•Resume/C.V. Writing

•Report Writing

•Note making, Summarizing and Abstracting

Books Recommended:

•The Written Word by Vandana R. Singh : Oxford University Press.

•Popular Short Stories : Oxford University Press

•Oxford Practice Grammar by John Eastwood : Oxford University Press

•Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary

B.VIWTT-321: Basics of Chemistry-V

Marks=60Maximum time= 3 hours

Min. pass Marks=35%Lectures to be delivered=65 hours


The question paper will consist of three sections A, B and C. Each of sections A and B will have four questions from the respective sections of the syllabus and each question carry 9 marks. Section C will consist of one compulsory question having 12 parts of short answer type covering the entire syllabus uniformly and each question will carry 2 marks.


Candidates are required to attempt two questions from section A and B and the entire section C.


Basics of Spectroscopy

Electromagnetic Radiations and spectroscopy, Characteristics of Electromagnetic Radiations, Electromagnetic Spectrum, Absorption and Emission Spectra.

UV-Visible Spectroscopy: Schematic diagram of UV-visible spectrophotometer, Instrumentation, Electronic transitions, absorption and intensity shifts, Allowed and forbidden transitions.

Infrared Spectroscopy: Introduction, Instrumentation, sample handling Fundamental vibrations and theory of IR spectroscopy.


Microwave Spectroscopy: The rotation of molecules: linear molecules, symmetric tops, Spherical tops and asymmetric tops. Rigid Rotor and non-rigid Rotor: Expression for energy and selection rules.

Raman Spectroscopy: Introduction, Molecular polarizability, Stokes’ and anti-stokes’ lines, selection rules

B.VIWTT-322: Materials of utility in Industry

Marks=60Maximum time= 3 hours

Min. pass Marks=35%Lectures to be delivered=65 hours


The question paper will consist of three sections A, B and C. Each of sections A and B will have four questions from the respective sections of the syllabus and each question carry 9 marks. Section C will consist of one compulsory question having 12 parts of short answer type covering the entire syllabus uniformly and each question will carry 2 marks.


Candidates are required to attempt two questions from section A and B and the entire section C.


Raw materials for organic compounds. Petroleum: Natural gas, fractionation of crude oil, cracking reforming hydroforming, isomerisation.

Coal: types structure distillation of coal, renewable natural sources,

Cellulose, starch properties. Basic metallurgical operations: Calcination, Roasting and refining


Inorganic matrials of industrial importance: Alumina, silicates, clays mica and zeolites.

Photo physical principals of extraction of Lead, Aluminum, Magnesium, Zinc and Chromium

B.VIWTT-323: Industrial Pollution and Management

Marks=60Maximum time= 3 hours

Min. pass Marks=35%Lectures to be delivered=65 hours


The question paper will consist of three sections A, B and C. Each of sections A and B will have four questions from the respective sections of the syllabus and each question carry 9 marks. Section C will consist of one compulsory question having 12 parts of short answer type covering the entire syllabus uniformly and each question will carry 2 marks.


Candidates are required to attempt two questions from section A and B and the entire section C.


Pulp and Paper Industries: Introduction, Industrial description and treatment of pulp and paper industry pollution

Pharma and Cosmetic Industries: Introduction, causes of pharma industry pollution, effects of pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry pollution and treatment of pharma industry industries

Sugar Industry: Introduction, causes of pollution, impacts of sugar industry pollution and treatment of sugar industry pollution


Plastics industries: Introduction, effect of plastics pollution and control of plastics pollution

Small and Medium scale industries: Introduction, status of small and medium scale industry, causes and effects of pollution

Textile Industry: Introduction, Sources and causes of textile industry pollution, Effects of textile industrial pollution and treatment of textile industry pollution

B.VIWTT-324 Practical/ Instrumentation and techniques

Max. Marks=50Max. Time=3hrs.

  1. Gravimetric analysis of Ni ,Mg and Pb.
  2. Spectrophotometric determination of Ni.
  3. Spectrophotometric determination of Cr.
  4. Estimation of phenols using bromate bromide solution
  5. Determination of iodine value of an oil and fat.

B.VIWTT-324 Practical/ Instrumentation and techniques

Max. Marks=50Max. Time=3hrs.

  1. Waste characterization and minimization in

(i)Paper and pulp industry

(ii)Sugar industry

(iii)Cement Industry


(v)Food industry

(vi)Dying Industry

B.VIWTT-325 Training at Industry/Lab


B.Voc. (Industrial Waste Treatment Technology) 3rd Year (6th Semester)

Code / Title of Paper / Maximum Marks
B.VIWTT / Project / 400
Total / 400
  1. 6-month Industrial Training 18 Credits

Internal Assessment=150External Viva=250

  1. Student has to submit any three certificates from below activities for 12 Credits of General studies. Each certificate has four credits.
  1. NSS
  2. NCC
  3. Red Cross
  4. Red ribbon club activities