GSHHA Board Meeting
March 11, 2015
Via Teleconference
Present:John Albert,Elaine Bussey,Jim Culhane, Diana Dedousis,Mary DeVeau, David Emberly,Chandra Engelbert, Rebecca Hutchinson,Karen Michel, Margo Sullivan, Sandy Ruka,Gina Balkus
Absent:Sandra Poleatewich,
Consent Agenda:
- Minutes, February 11, 2015 Board Meeting
- February 2015 Financial Reports
- Motion: to approve the consent agenda. (m/s/p Bussey/Hutchinson)
Federal Relations
- The Board reviewed a draft F2F memo to physicians and a home health addendum developed by Partners Healthcare at Home.
- The Board agreed that a memo to MDs would be helpful, along with endorsement of NHMS.
- The Board agreed that it would be beneficial to provide members with a model addendum for their voluntary use.
- Board members indicated the general direction on this is good. Gina will revise and vet through the F2F/ADR committee.
State Relations
HB 484
- Gina reviewed the latest amendment to HB 484, re: LNA medication administration
- It was agreed that we would support general delegation standards for competency, but would prefer not to have specified number of training hours.
- We would prefer not to limit the number of delegations per assistive personnel.
- Mary DeVeau volunteered to participate in a stakeholder meeting on 3/19 while Gina is away
SB 8
- Gina explained that DHHS is seeking to use $7 million in unexpended funds to fill a department shortfall. This was originally thought to come from nursing homes. We learned this week that $5.1 million comes from CFI.
- Gina has reviewed data. SFY 14 actual spending was $8.3 million vs a budget of $13 million. CFI caseloads are similar to prior years. Rates are unchanged since 2006. Board members reported that there have been chances in the types of services authorized –eg, fewere RN visits, use of PCSPs vs. HHAs. However, BEAS data shows the average annual cost per case is the same.
- The data does not indicate how or why CFI expenditure are 40% less than budgeted.
- SB 8 will reverse this proposed cut and require DHHS to increase rates to providers through 6/30/15. Rates will fall back to current levels on 7/1/15.
- The Board agreed that we would be happy with a temporary rate increase.
- North Country board members were urged to contact Sen. Woodburn.
HB 1 and HB 2
- The governor’s budget proposes to base the SFY 15 and 16 CFI budget on the SFY 14 actual spending. This is problematic, because it means large reductions in CFI spending.
- It was agreed that we should fight to have appropriate CFI funding levels.
- It’s not clear what rates will be used to establish a floor for MCO payment rates for Step 2 in year 1.
- Gina confirmed that an October rate increase for PCA services was limited to state-plan mandated services (GSIL only) and does not apply to CFI PCSP services. Diana reported that another rate increase was effective March 3. PCA rates are now at $22/hour vs. $17.52/hour for CFI.
The meeting adjourned at 1:45pm.
Next Meeting: April 8, 2015, after the Membership Meeting, NHHA, Concord.