CSCI 201 Course Data Sheet
FallSemester 2006
Course Number and Title: Computer Science 201, Introduction to Computer Applications
Term, Level and Credit: Fall 2006, undergraduate, 3 credit hours
Course Description: Concepts of computer systems and procedures including software
applications, input and output, data storage, communications and networks, internet and world wide web, and operating systems and system software. Emphasis on using integrated software tools on the microcomputer which include word processing, spreadsheet, database, presentation graphics, communications, web browsers, electronic mail, personal information management, and multimedia authoring. Credit does not apply to computer science minor requirements.
Course Prerequisites: none
Course Text and Required Material:
CSCI 201 Shelly Cashman Series Kit, ISBN: 1423935454, Discovering Computers 2007 A Gateway to InformationWeb EnhancedComplete by Shelly, Cashman, and Vermaat and Microsoft Office 2003: Introductory Concepts and TechniquesIntroductory Premium Edition by Shelly, Cashman, and Vermaat; Publisher: Thomson Course Technology, 2007
College Mission Statement:
The College of Business and Public Affairs, consistent with the overall mission of The University of Tennessee at Martin, develops graduates whose skills, abilities and ethical standards contribute to a diversified and dynamic society. With a primary focus on teaching, the College emphasizes quality undergraduate and graduate instruction and faculty commitment to student and regional development. Programs are delivered in an environment that encourages a broad understanding of the forces shaping global social, political and economic change. The College promotes and supports cooperative alliances with stakeholders and outstanding teaching, research, and service.
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems
The Department of Computer Science and Information Systems’ mission is to prepare students for employment or graduate study in computer science and information systems. With a primary focus on teaching, the department emphasizes quality undergraduate and graduate instruction. The educational programs are delivered in an environment that promotes the development of technical skills and encourages a broad understanding of the forces shaping global social, political and economic change. The faculty performs scholarly activities and services consistent with the teaching emphasis of the Department and the mission of the College of Business and Public Affairs.
BSBA Learning Objectives related to the CBPA Mission:
Students will:
BSBA 1: Develop an understanding of the global aspects of business
BSBA 2:Have an understanding of the ethical aspects of business
BSBA 3:Demonstrate competence in appropriate technology in business
BSBA 4: Demonstrate effective verbal and written communication skills.
CSCI 201 Course Data Sheet
Fall Semester 2006
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CSIS Department Learning Objectives
Students will:
CS 2: Be able to analyze a problem and determine the computing requirements for its solution working
individually or asa member of a team.
CS 3: Demonstrate their ability to communicate both technical and nontechnicalmaterials in both
written and oral form.
CS 4: Be aware of the impact of computing technology on society and their workplace.
CS 7: Be familiar with a variety of software packages, operating systems, programming languages and
computer hardware.
Course SpecificObjectives:
The student will
- use the most-up-to-date technology in an ever-changing discipline.(BSBA 3, CS 4, 7)
- have an in-depth understanding of why computers are essential components in business and society. (BSBA 1, CS 4)
- understand the fundamentals of computers and computer nomenclature, particularly with respect to personal computer hardware and software, the World Wide Web, and enterprise computing.
(BSBA 1, 3, CS 4, 7)
- be motivated to learn through visually appealing and exciting material.(BSBA 3, CS 4, 7)
- be assisted in planning a career and getting certificated in the computer field. (BSBA 2, 3, CS 4, 7)
- complete exercises and lab assignments that allow him/her to interact with a computer and learn by actually using the computer and World Wide Web.(BSBA 3, 4, CS 2, 3, 4, 7)
- develop strategies for purchasing a desktop computer, a notebook computer, a Tablet PC, and a personal mobile device.(BSBA 1, 3, CS 2, 4, 7)
- understand the fundamentals of Microsoft Office Word 2003, Microsoft Office Excel 2003, Microsoft Office Access 2003, Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Office Outlook 2003, and Microsoft Windows XP.(BSBA 2, 3, 4, CS 2, 3, 4, 7)
- complete practical examples using the computer as a useful tool.(BSBA 2, 3, 4, CS 2, 3, 4, 7)
- use proper procedures to create documents, worksheets, databases, and presentations suitable for coursework, professional purposes, and personal use.(BSBA 1, 2, 3, 4, CS 2, 3, 4, 7)
- develop new input technologies.(BSBA 3, CS 4, 7)
- improve analytical and writing skills using technology. (BSBA 3, 4, CS 2, 3, 7)
Academic Accommodation
Any student eligible for and requesting academic accommodations due to a disability is
requested to provide a letter of accommodations from the Student SuccessCenter within the first two weeks
of the semester.
CSCI 201 Course Data Sheet
Fall Semester 2006
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Instructor: Bob Bradley Semester:Fall 2006
Office:126d Business Administration Bldg Phone: 731-881-7976 or 731-881-7573
Office Hours: See my webpage at: Fax: 731-881-1087 email:
and by Appointment
Contract Hours
CSCI 201-001 CRN: 41493 Class time: 8:00 am-8:50 am
Room 16 (Mon & Fri) - Room 227 Lab (Wed)
CSCI 201-003 CRN: 41498 Class time: 10:00 pm - 10:50 pm
Room 16 (Mon & Fri) - Room 227 Lab (Wed)
Attendance Policy
Every student is expected to attend class regularly. Roll will be taken daily. Attendance and participation points will account for 20% of your grade. See section below for more details. If you should come in after roll has been called, please check with me before leaving to make sure you are counted present.
Course ContentOutline
Text: Discovering Computers 2007 A Gateway to Information Web EnhancedComplete by Shelly, Cashman, and Vermaat
Chapter / Title / Relation to College and Department Objectives1 / Introduction to Computers / BSBA 2, 3, CS 4, 7
2 / The Internet and World Wide Web / BSBA 1, 2, 3, CS 4, 7
3 / Application Software / BSBA 1, 2, 3, CS 4, 7
4 / The Components of the System Unit (include Appendix A Coding Schemes and
Number Systems / BSBA 1, 2, 3, CS 2, 4, 7
5 / Input / BSBA 1, 2, 3,CS 4, 7
6 / Output / BSBA 1, 2, 3,CS 4, 7
7 / Storage / BSBA 1, 2, 3,CS 4, 7
8 / Operating Systems and Utility Programs / BSBA 1, 2, 3,CS 4, 7
9 / Communications and Networks / BSBA 1, 2, 3,CS 4, 7
10 / Database Management / BSBA 1, 2, 3,CS 4, 7
11 / Computers Security, Ethics, and Privacy / BSBA 1, 2, 3,CS2, 4, 7
12 / Information System Development / BSBA 1, 2, 3, CS 2, 4, 7
14 / Enterprise Computing / BSBA 1, 2 ,3, CS 2, 4, 7
15 / Computer Careers and Certification / BSBA 1, 2, 3, CS 4, 7
CSCI 201 Course Data Sheet
Fall Semester 2006
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Course ContentOutline (continued)
TEXT: Microsoft Office 2003: Introductory Concepts and TechniquesIntroductory Second edition
by Shelly, Cashman, and Vermaat;
Chapter / Title / Relation to College and Department ObjectivesCOM 1 – COM 39
/ Essential Introduction to Computers / BSBA3,CS 3, 4, 7WIN 1 – WIN 96 / Introduction to Microsoft Windows XP and Office 2003 / BSBA 1, 3, 4, CS 3, 4, 7
WD 3 – WD 216
/ Microsoft Word 2003Project ONE, Project TWO, Project THREE, and Web Feature / BSBA 1, 3, 4, CS 2, 3, 4, 7
EX 4 – EX 240 / Microsoft Excel 2003
Project ONE, Project TWO, Project THREE, and Web Feature / BSBA 1, 3, 4, CS 2, 3, 4, 7
AC 4 – AC 192 / Microsoft Access 2003
Project ONE, Project TWO, Project THREE, and Access Integration Feature / BSBA 1, 3, 4, CS 2, 3, 4, 7
PPT 4 – PPT 159 / Microsoft PowerPoint 2003
Project ONE, Project TWO, and Web Feature / BSBA 1, 3, 4, CS 2, 3, 4, 7
OUT 4 ¬ OUT 63 / E-Mail and Contact Management with Outlook / BSBA 1, 3, 4, CS 2, 3, 4, 7
FALL & SPRING / Monday -Thursday / Friday / Saturday / SundayH117 & 118 / ** 24 HOURS ** / Close at 11:00pm / 7:00am - 11:00pm / Open at 7:00pm
Gooch 212 & BA25 / 7:00am - 11:00pm / 7:00am - 11:00pm / 7:00am - 11:00pm / 7:00pm-11:00pm