RAC – Value of Research Task Force
Meeting Minutes
/ June 1, 2010 /Time
/ 1:30 p.m.Facilitator
/ Mara Campbell / Scribe / Donna C. LinnenbrinkSubject / RAC Value of Research Task Force Conference Call Minutes
Attendees / Mara Campbell, Pat Casey, Roberto DeDios, Brian Hirt, Chris Jenks, David Kuehn, Mark Morvant, Myra Sperley, Daniel Yeh
Regretted: Joe Conway, Dale Peabody
Follow Up from March 25, 2010, Meeting
Action Item /
Follow-up Report
Provide an update on the NCHRP 20-63 project at the Annual RAC / This group is making progress and will providean update atthe July meeting. Ms. Campbell to include topic on July agenda. / Joe ConwayCollect all of the “high value research” projects from the RAC Region Chairs and FHWA and compile into a report / The RAC regional chairs are currently reviewing the Table of Contents to ensure content is accurate. The completion date for this project is approximately two weeks and the final product will be distributed at the July meeting. / Joe Conway
Work with the RAC Region Chairs to determine the “top three” from each region / Each RAC region selected their top 3 or 4 high value research projects for the year. Mr. Peabody has compiled the selections and shared the information with Pat Casey. Mr. Peabody will announce the region with the highest number of submissions at the July meeting. Amy Schutzbach is coordinating the promising research roundtablesession at the annual meeting and questioned whether the top 3-4 topics submitted to Mr. Peabody have to be those discussed at the roundtable session. The call participants concluded use of these topics is not required; however, most roundtable panelists will likely discuss the topics submitted to Mr. Peabody. / Dale Peabody
Work on a presentation for the SCOR elevating the “high value research projects that have been identified by the RAC Regions and FHWA / Due September 1, 2010 – Discuss at July meeting / Dale Peabody/Roberto DeDios
Provide a list of current performance measures that DOT’s are using to indicate the effectiveness of their research programs / Ms. Campbell has this information compiled and will e-mail with the minutes of this conference call. This information will be used as a starting point for discussion at the July meeting. / Mara Campbell
Create a draft marketing plan on how state DOT’s can continue to elevate and communicate the “value of research” / Ms. Tadej has left the DC DOT. This tasking has fallen idle so it will be included on the agenda for July. / Peggy Tadej
Identify and create a list of communication tools and methods (social media) that research directors/managers should be using to help elevate the value of research / This topic will be discussed at the July meeting. The hope is that either Ms. Boyer or Ms. Overton will be able to attend, but travel constraints may prevent their attendance. The plan is to provide a draft document to task force members for review in advance of the July meeting. / VO Rebecca Boyer/Ann Overton
Work with NTPAW and TIG to elevate the issue of research and communication / This will be discussed at July meeting. / Mara Campbell
Prepare a draft 4-color brochure highlighting the value of research / Pat Casey e-mailed the outline and candidate projects for the four-color brochure that will be used to communicate the role of research and how it has a place in solving transportation issues to CEOs and congressionals. The projects in the brochure were identified by RAC regions and were their top choices.
Mr. Casey introduced Brian Hirt, who participated on the call,noting Mr. Hirt was instrumental in compiling the data for this year’s brochure.
The following key points were discussed. Mr. Casey stressed the importance of task force members’feedbackon concept and content.
This year’s publication is reporting on a year’s worth of projects versus the five years worth of data last year.
The report will include the same elements as last year’s. Proposing use of four themes: safety performance, preservation / Pat Casey
Prepare a draft 4-color brochure highlighting the value of research
Prepare a draft 4-color brochure highlighting the value of research / planning/design, and environment.
There are two projects from each RAC region, and eight are among RAC leadership’s top ranked projects.
Write-ups submitted by the states will be used to develop text/lead headings for the document. The state contacts will be utilized to obtain additional details and accompanying pictures.
Call participants provided the following feedback. Compliments to Messer’s Casey and Hirt on the thought process and subsequent balance of projects included in the brochure were given by multiple call participants.
Consideration should be given to limiting research technical jargon in an effort to assure readability by the intended audience.
Only one freight project included. Multimodal projects may not be top of mind on those submitting the topics. Consideration should be given to expanding multimodal projects for next year.
It was noted that Joe Conway owes Pat Casey one (1) item for the four-color brochure.
The four major themes may not be the best based on the intended audience. Content should draw the reader in and pique their interest.
Focus on highlighting the right projects with consideration given to geographic location versus including projects based primarily on geographic equality.
This document shoulddovetail into efforts to compile the annual high value research projects.
Mr. Casey will provide a draft brochure to Ms. Campbell by July 22 for distribution to task force members and he will attend the summer meeting to hear comments.
Key Points Discussed
No. / Topic / Highlights1. / Welcome / Vicki Morrison, technology transfer coordinator, Florida DOT is a new friend of the committee. ShefilledDarrell Dockstader’s previous position following his promotion to Manager of FDOT’s research center.
2. / Assessing the Value of Research/NCHRP 20-63 Final Report / Joe Conway will provide an update at the July annual meeting.
3. / SCOR Strategic Plan – Review and Assign Action Plans / The SCOR Strategic Plan has been reviewed.Ms. Campbell provided an update at the March SCOR meeting. An in-depth discussion and assignment of action plans to specific task force members will occur at the July meeting. The task force’s current efforts will be discussed to ensure those efforts are appropriate.
4. / Update from Communicating the Value of Research / Defer report to July meeting
5. / Update from Assessing the Value of Research / Defer report to July meeting.
6. / Wrap up and Next Steps / During this call, Ms. Campbell e-mailed the research performance measures pulled from state DOT’s internet sites to be discussed in July.
A high value research document is being compiled for review at the July meeting.
The award for most high value projects submitted by a region will be presented at the July meeting.
7. / Next Meeting / The Task Force will meet July 26, 2010, in Kansas City, Missouri, 1-2:45 p.m. in Van Horn A, Hyatt Regency Crown Center.
Messer’s DeDios and Morvant reported they will be unable to attend this meeting. Ms. Campbell noted it is cost prohibitive to provide teleconferencing capabilities, so this option will not be provided for those unable to attend the July meeting. At last year’s meeting, Ms. Campbell used a speaker attachment on her Blackberry to allow those unable to attend the meeting to call in. There are limitations with this option, but it does provide a method for those not attending to participate. Ms. Campbell will investigate the possibility of using the speaker attachment for the July meeting.
Ms. Campbell will distribute the agenda for the July 26 meeting on July 19.
Action Items
Action Item /
/Target Date
Provide update on the NCHRP 20-63 project at the July 26 meeting. / Joe Conway / July 26, 2010Discuss SCOR presentation for elevating the “high value research projects that have been identified by the RAC Regions and FHWA at July meeting. / Dale Peabody/Roberto DeDios / July 26, 2010
Discuss draft document Identifying communication tools and methods (social media) that research directors/managers should be using to help elevate the value of research at July meeting. / Rebecca Boyer/ Ann Overton / July 26, 2010
Report on working with NTPAW and TIG to elevate the issue of research and communication at July meeting. / Mara Campbell / July 26, 2010
Provide draft of four-color brochure highlighting the value of research to Task Force. / Pat Casey/Mara Campbell / July 22, 2010
Distribute agenda for the July 26 meeting to include the following topics:
NCHRP 20-63 project update.
SCOR presentation for elevating the “high value research projects that have been identified by the RAC Regions and FHWA.
Development of draft marketing plan on how state DOT’s can continue to elevate and communicate the “value of research” (assign task force member as lead).
Draft document Identifying communication tools and methods (social media) that research directors/managers should be using to help elevate the value of research.
Working with NTPAW and TIG to elevate the issue of research and communication.
Review draft of brochure highlighting the value of research.
Research performance measures pulled from state DOT’s internet sites. / Mara Campbell / July 19, 2010
RAC – Value of Research Task Force Conference Call Minutes
June 1, 2010
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