Partners Ending Homelessness

2017 Grant Guidelines


Mission: Partners Ending Homelessness leads a strong and stable system of care to end homelessness in Guilford County.

Vision: Guilford County will be a place where every resident has a home.


Partners Ending Homelessness seeks grant proposals from organizations for City of Greensboro CDBG, City of Greensboro ESG, and Nussbaum Funding (City of GSO Grant) that will help the Continuum of Care’s (CoC) system-wide process to end homelessness as quickly as possible for presenting households.

Each applicant will be asked to provide evidence of and scored upon a series of questions that attempt to understand how your application will advance these efforts. In an effort to achieve consistency with our State and Federal partners, many of the questions and scoring criteria conform to those used in their competitions.

Successful applicants will demonstrate:

  1. Implementation of best practices in ending homelessness and experience in providing quality programs. (All programs must serve currently homeless individuals as defined by HUD or specifically state how program will identify persons who will be homeless, if a prevention program).
  2. Collaboration with the CoC efforts to create an efficient and effective process to end homelessness;
  3. Work collaboratively with homeless households to determine and ensure access to mainstream benefits (i.e. SNAP, WIC, Medicaid, TANF, Housing Choice Vouchers) and income (i.e. earned, SSI/SSDI, general assistance, TANF, unemployment) plus other community resources.
  4. Implementation of Housing First philosophy and practice
  5. Implementation of all Written Standards and Policies as adopted by the Continuum of Care
  6. Effectiveness and efficiency within program operations and practices
  7. Data and program performance measures that support the project application and system wide work of the CoC
  8. Adherence to all local, state, and federal fiduciary requirements

PEH Criteria Documents

Applicants should refer to the “Priorities and Eligibility” document and the “2017 Grant Scoring Summary” to fully understand the PEH Allocations Committee Scoring Criteria prior to submitting and application.

Partners Ending Homelessness

Grant Application Instructions

  1. Grant Application Form. (Signed original required)

Summary description of the project: This description will become part of the contract between the PEH and the funded organization. Further approval may be necessary by local, state and federal agencies. The description should address what need is being addressed and how. Please list 3 program goals (measurable and specific) that the program will accomplish over the next year.

Other funding sources for this project: Include organization's contribution, outside funding from grants, etc., and in-kind/volunteer contributions. If a Match is required, please indicate and list it in this section.

  1. Application Narrative. Provide the following information in no more than 4 pages (10 pt. font). Be concise and number each response corresponding with each question. Please do not cut and paste without ensuring your response answers the question.
  1. Name and Type of Project
  1. Target Population

Describe the target population to be served and how referrals are made into your program.

  1. Proposed Project Description- New Applicants only

Describe the proposed program or activity. What are the goals and purpose of this project? Is this a brand new project or does it expand or enhance an existing one? Describe how it helps the CoC function as a system focused on ending homelessness.

  1. Low Barrier Program

Describe how this program/activity meets the definition of low barrier as defined in the PEH Criteria Documents. Be concise and provide organizational documentation and additional evidence as necessary to support your narrative.

  1. Housing First Practice

Describe how this program/activity practices Housing First as defined in the PEH Criteria Documents. Be concise and provide organizational documentation and additional evidence as necessary to support your narrative.

  1. Proof of ID (ES, TH, and Bridge programs only):

Does your program require proof of ID upon entry? Does your program work with clients to obtain ID if they don’t? Does your program deny access to services without an ID.

  1. Transitional Housing/Bridge Housing Programs

Please describe your organizations continued shifting towards Bridge Housing (see definitions in Eligibility Summary)

Please share any documents detailing this program that are shared with clients or staff as proof of this work.

Performance Measures Instructions –

* Bridge Housing programs please share total program data then separate any Bridge Housing data that you may have in each category as well.

  1. Percent Exits to Permanent Housing

Please list this percentage for your program from February 1, 2016 - January 30, 2017

If your program is neither a shelter nor housing program please describe how your program will directly aid homeless households move into permanent housing.

  1. Length of Stay/ Length of Time in Program

PH programs use “APR Detail” data to identify how long it takes to move a homeless household into housing from program intake to move in.

TH/Bridge Programs- For all PH exits only- provide your program’s length of stay for February 1, 2016 - January 30, 2017. (see instructions above to ensure complete answer)

ES Programs- For all PH exits only- provide your program’s length of stay for February 1, 2016 - January 30, 2017

If your program is neither a shelter nor housing program please describe how your program will assist homeless households to move into housing quickly.

  1. Returns to Homelessness

Please provide percentage of program participants who returned to homelessness after exiting to PH from February 1, 2016 - January 30, 2017

If your program is neither a shelter nor housing program please describe how your program will assist homeless households maintain housing once they have moved in.

  1. Number of Households Housed

Please provide your total number of PH exits during your most recently completed 2 fiscal year.

  1. Cost per Exit to Permanent Housing

Divide your total annual program budget (all funding sources) actual for your most recently completed fiscal year by the total number of program exits to PH during that same time span.

  1. Access to Benefits and Income (TH/Bridge and PH programs only)

For All Program exits:

List the percent of clients obtaining at least 1 new source of benefits/income while in the program from February 1, 2016 - January 30, 2017.

List the percent of program participants that have obtained at least 2 new sources of benefits/income from February 1, 2016 - January 30, 2017.

  1. Emergency Shelters Common Practices and Principles (ES Only)

Provide evidence of official adoption of the Emergency Shelter Common Practices and Principles by the agency’s board of directors and evidence of staff training (agenda, sign in, pages in program manual alluding to this practice etc…).

*Committee will look for evidence of this effort in site visits.

  1. Rapid Rehousing Only

More information will be provided during ESG and CoC competitions

  1. Goals/Progress (Current Grantees Only)

Please list program’s stated goals in last year’s application and provide evidence (data etc.) of progress towards those goals. If goals were not met or are not on track to be met please explain why.

  1. Coordinated Assessment – Housing and Emergency Shelter only

Points will be given to Housing Programs fully participating in Coordinated Assessment (team meetings and 100% of housing referrals coming exclusively via Coordinated Assessment) and Emergency Shelters that are providing VI-SPDAT assessments for all clients within their shelter program after 14 days in the shelter.

Data will be provided by PEH HMIS and Coordinated Assessment staff.

  1. Bonus Points- Participating in Coordinated Entry

Bonus Points will be given to Shelters participating in Coordinated Entry as determined by Coordinated Entry Oversight Committee (actively participating in committee, changing internal practices to match new process, accepting clients through process)

  1. Bonus Points- Performance Improvement Plans

Bonus points will be given to agencies who can provide evidence (meeting minutes) that program performance measures were shared with their organization’s board and performance improvement plans formally adopted. Please include copies of data shared with the board.

  1. Logic Model Chart – new applicants only
  1. Budget Form. All budgets must include agency cash and/or in-kind funding (if applicable) as well as the funding request.
  1. PEH Compliance Checklist signed by Board Chair and CEO/ED.
  1. List of the current Board of Directors and last 3 Board minutes plus minutes of BOD meeting where audit was accepted (if not included).