NHS Greater Glasgow - KSF

Outline Template

Record of Manager and Staff Agreement

Post / Job Title / E Grade Staff Nurse
Reporting To / Ward Manager
Job Purpose /

As part of a multidisciplinary team and without supervision, the post holder will have responsibility for assessment of care needs and the development of programmes of care, and the implementation and evaluation of these programmes ensuring the delivery of high quality care to patients.

Key Words / Nursing, assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of care
KSF Dimensions, Levels and Indicators
Full Outline
(Second Gateway) / Foundation Outline
(Foundation Gateway)
Core / Specific / Dimension
Number / Dimension / Required Level / Indicators
(In a full outline all indicators for the level would be reflected here) / Required Level / Indicators
(In the foundation outline only those indicators applicable at the foundation gateway would be noted here)
Core / C1 / Communication / 3 / a - f / 3 / a - f
Core / C2 / Personal & People Development / 3 / a - g / 3 / a - d
Core / C3 / Health, Safety & Security / 2 / a - f / 2 / a - f
Core / C4 / Service Improvement / 1 / a - e / 1 / a - e
Core / C5 / Quality / 2 / a - f / 1 / a - d
Core / C6 / Equality & Diversity / 2 / a - d / 2 / a - d
Specific / HWB6 / Assessment and Treatment Planning / 3 / a - j / 3 / a,b,c,d,e,f,h
Dimension: Communication
The evidence given for each dimension is only examples of possible evidence each nurse may be different
Full Outline (Second Gateway) / Foundation Outline (Foundation Gateway)
Level: 3 Develop and maintain communication with people about difficult matters and/or in different situations / Level: 3 Develop and maintain communication with people about difficult matters and/or in different situations
The worker:
a)Identifies the range of people likely to be involved in the communication, any potential communication differences and relevant contextual factors
b)Communicates with people in a form and manner that:
-Is consistent with their level of understanding, culture,
background and preferred ways of communicating
-Is appropriate to the purpose of the communication and
the context in which it is taking place
-Encourages the effective participation of all involved
c)Recognises and reflects on barriers to effective communication
and modifies communication in response
d)Provides feedback to other workers on their communication at
appropriate times
e)Keeps accurate and complete records of activities and
communications consistent with legislation, policies and
f)Communicates in a manner that is consistent with relevant
legislation, policies and procedures. / Indicators
The worker:
a)Identifies the range of people likely to be involved in the communication, any potential communication differences and relevant contextual factors
b)Communicates with people in a form and manner that:
-Is consistent with their level of understanding, culture,
background and preferred ways of communicating
-Is appropriate to the purpose of the communication and
the context in which it is taking place
-Encourages the effective participation of all involved
c)Recognises and reflects on barriers to effective communication
and modifies communication in response
d)Provides feedback to other workers on their communication at
appropriate times
e)Keeps accurate and complete records of activities and
communications consistent with legislation, policies and
f)Communicates in a manner that is consistent with relevant
legislation, policies and procedures.
Examples of Application:
  • Communicate with all members of the multidisciplinary team and external agencies e.g. G.P’s, Practice Nurses, peers, patients and carers (a & b)
  • Providing accurate patient information to colleagues (b).
  • Providing patients /carers with relevant information focusing on individual needs, e.g prior knowledge and their ability to understand information (b & c)
  • Be aware of the working environment and act appropriately (c)
  • Provide support and encouragement to staff members regarding communiation issues with other staff (d)
  • Document in accordance with local and NMC guidelines (e & f)


Identify training needs in PDP surrounding communication
Discuss with ward manager and colleagues at ward meetings areas for improvement
Information leaflets
Evidence from computer assessment.
Feedback from manager and colleagues
Interpreting service. Fill in a form and book an interpreter
Ward meetings - chair a meeting or take notes.
Mentor/ preceptor evidence on off duty that you take part in one or both.
Verbal handovers
Computer printouts
Communication diary for the clinic.
Patient information system.
Evidence from investigation sheet.
Evidence from clinic sheet. / Examples of Application:
  • Communicate with all members of the multidisciplinary team and external agencies e.g. G.P’s, Practice Nurses, peers , patients and carers (a & b)
  • Providing accurate patient information to colleagues (b).
  • Providing patients /carers with relevant information focusing on individual needs, e.g prior knowledge and their ability to understand information (b & c)
  • Be aware of the working environment and act appropriately (c)
  • Provide support and encouragement to staff members regarding communiation issues with other staff (d)
  • Document in accordance with local and NMC guidelines (e & f)


Identify training needs in PDP surrounding communication
Discuss with ward manager and colleagues at ward meetings areas for improvement
Information leaflets
Evidence from computer assessment.
Feedback from manager and colleagues
Interpreting service. Fill in a form and book an interpreter
Ward meetings - chair a meeting or take notes.
Mentor/ preceptor evidence on off duty that you take part in one or both.
Verbal handovers
Computer printouts
Communication diary for the clinic.
Patient information system.
Evidence from investigation sheet.
Evidence from clinic sheet.
Dimension: Personal & People Development
Full Outline ( Second Gateway) / Foundation Outline ( Foundation Gateway)
Level: 3 Develop oneself and contribute to the development of others / Level: 3 Develop oneself and contribute to the development of others
The worker:
a)reflects on and evaluates how well s/he is applying knowledge and skills to meet current and emerging work demands and the requirements of the KSF outline for his/her post
b)identifies own development needs and sets own personal development objectives in discussion with his/her reviewer
c)takes responsibility for own personal development and maintains own personal development portfolio
d)makes effective use of learning opportunities within and outside the workplace evaluating their effectiveness and feeding back relevant information
e)enables others to develop and apply their knowledge and skills in practice
f)contributes to the development of others in a manner that is consistent with legislation, policies and procedures
g)contributes to developing the workplace as a learning environment. / Indicators
The worker:
a)reflects on and evaluates how well s/he is applying knowledge and skills to meet current and emerging work demands and the requirements of the KSF outline for his/her post
b)identifies own development needs and sets own personal development objectives in discussion with his/her reviewer
c)takes responsibility for own personal development and maintains own personal development portfolio
d)makes effective use of learning opportunities within and outside the workplace evaluating their effectiveness and feeding back relevant information
Examples of Application:
  • Ensure PREP guidelines are adhered to and PDP outcomes are met and maintain portfolio. In-housetraining – external training days reflecting on these as appropriate. Liase with peers on knowledge gained e.g. informal discussions, team meetings for dissemination (a,b,c,d).
  • Implement teaching and development through mentorship programmes with students (e,f,g).
  • Participate in the education of patients’, families and carers within clinical area to achieve a smooth admission process, e.g. diabetic education (g).
EVIDENCEIdentifying own needs at PDP
Up to date portfolio
Written accounts of study leave, what you learned and how you can incorporate this into you practice.
Reflection notes in portfolio
Reflect on your own skills as a teacher. How can you improve.
Produce action plans for your teaching as a mentor, and for your development.
Continual development and review of current teaching packages. / Examples of Application:
  • Ensure PREP guidelines are adhered to and PDP outcomes are met and maintain portfolio. In-housetraining – external training days reflecting on these as appropriate. Liase with peers on knowledge gained e.g. informal discussions, team meetings for dissemination (a,b,c,d).
EVIDENCEIdentifying own needs at PDP
Up to date portfolio
Written accounts of study leave, what you learned and how you can incorporate this into you practice.
Reflection notes in portfolio
Reflect on your own skills as a teacher. How can you improve.
Produce action plans for your teaching either as a mentor or preceptor, and for your development.
Dimension: Health, Safety & Security
Full Outline ( Second Gateway) / Foundation Outline ( Foundation Gateway)
Level: 2 Monitor and maintain health, safety and security of self and others / Level: 2 Monitor and maintain health, safety and security of self and others
The worker:
a)Identifies and assesses the potential risks involved in work activities and processes for self and others
b)Identifies how best to manage the risks
c)Undertakes work activities consistent with:
-Legislation, policies and procedures
-The assessment and management of risk
d)Takes the appropriate action to manage an emergency summoning assistance immediately when this is necessary
e)Reports actual or potential problems that may put health, safety and security at risk and suggests how they might be addressed
f)Supports others in maintaining health, safety and security. / Indicators:
The worker:
a)Identifies and assesses the potential risks involved in workactivities and processes for self and others
b)Identifies how best to manage the risks
c)Undertakes work activities consistent with:
-Legislation, policies and procedures
-The assessment and management of risk
d)Takes the appropriate action to manage an emergency summoning assistance immediately when this is necessary
e)Reports actual or potential problems that may put health, safetyand security at risk and suggests how they might be addressed
f)Supports others in maintaining health, safety and security.
Examples of Application:
  • Be aware of and adhere to local, European and national health guidelines relating to health and safety (a & c)
  • Adhering to medicines policy and COSHH, moving and handling (a & c)
  • Attend mandatory study days, e.g. moving and handling, resuscitation, fire and use techniques learned (b & c)
  • Implement universal precautions in everyday practice (d).
  • Know how to implement emergency procedures (d)
  • Observing/being aware of actions of others and environment ,e.g. cot sides (e).
  • Report and document health and safety issues (e)
  • Be aware of bullying/dignity at work policies and report any discrepancies (f).
EvidenceTraining record with dates etc
If appropriate, reflect on your involvement in an AIR or a clinical incident.
Bullet point the stages in an emergency situation , fire, major incident or resuscitation. Use this as a teaching aid
Provide evidence that you read the essential reading folder in your ward or department. E.g sign off sheets.
Produce evidence of on-line learning, infection control,safe blood transfusion.
Peer audits. Choose the section relating to health and safety and identify if there are problems and how to improve, discuss this with your manager
Storage of drugs and liquids / observation.
Correct cleaning and storage of equipment, observation.
Fill out a faulty equipment form.
Storage and usage of equipment
Acknowledgement of reading Hazard Warning Notices. / Examples of Application:
  • Be aware of and adhere to local, European and national health guidelines relating to health and safety (a & c)
  • Adhering to medicines policy and COSHH, moving and handling (a & c)
  • Attend mandatory study days, e.g. moving and handling, resuscitation,fire and use techniques learned (b & c)
  • Implement universal precautions in everyday practice (d).
  • Know how to implement emergency procedures (d)
  • Observing/being aware of actions of others and environment ,e.g. cot sides (e).
  • Report and document health and safety issues (e)
  • Be aware of bullying/dignity at work policies and report any discrepancies (f).
EvidenceTraining record with dates etc
If appropriate, reflect on your involvement in an AIR or a clinical incident.
Bullet point the stages in an emergency situation , fire, major incident or resuscitation. Use this as a teaching aid
Provide evidence that you read the essential reading folder in your ward or department. E.g sign off sheets.
Produce evidence of on-line learning, infection control, safe blood transfusion.
Peer audits. Choose the section relating to health and safety and identify if there are problems and how to improve, discuss this with your manager
Storage of drugs and liquids / observation.
Correct cleaning and storage of equipment, observation.
Fill out a faulty equipment form.
Storage and usage of equipment
Acknowledgement of reading Hazard Warning Notices.
Dimension: Service improvement
Full Outline (Second Gateway) / Foundation Outline (Foundation Gateway)
Level: 1 Make changes in own practice and offer suggestions for improving services / Level: 1 Make changes in own practice and offer suggestions for improving services
The worker:
a) discusses with line manager/ work team the changes that need to be made in own practice and the reasons for them
b) adapts own practice as agreed and to time seeking support if necessary
c) effectively carries out tasks related to evaluating services when asked.
d) passes on to the appropriate person constructive views and ideas on improving services for users and the public.
e) alerts line manager/ work team when direction, policies and strategies are adversely affecting users of the service or the public. / Indicators:
The worker:
a) discusses with line manager/ work team the changes that need to be made in own practice and the reasons for them
b) adapts own practice as agreed and to time seeking support if necessary
c) effectively carries out tasks related to evaluating services when asked.
d) passes on to the appropriate person constructive views and ideas on improving services for users and the public.
e) alerts line manager/ work team when direction, policies and strategies are adversely affecting users of the service or the public.
Examples of Application:
  • Promote research awareness and evidence-based care (a)
  • Personal development portfolio (b)
  • Be involved in the ongoing development of the service through continual evaluation (c & d)
  • Participate in clinical audit as appropriate (c & e)
  • Be involved in team/ward meetings regarding improving standards of care within the working environment (d & e)
  • Feed back patient/carers’ views on standards of care within the department (d)
  • Participate in evidence-based practice (d).
  • Ensure AIR + critical incident forms completed when necessary (d).
  • Report to manager any discrepancies involving training in using equipment and ensure adequate training received (e)
  • Adhere to NMC guidelines re accountability (e).
Thank you cards or letters.
Reflect on your involvement with complaints. How do you deal with informal /formal complaints . What do you do to improve following complaints, if this appropriate include training needs in PDP
Tools you use that are evidence based .e.g. pain management, waterlow score, moving & handling risk assessment or practice you have introduced to your area.
Record of your training and training needs.
Daily informal discussions and exchange of information.
Record of changes to running of the clinic. / Examples of Application:
  • Promote research awareness and evidence-based care (a)
  • Personal development portfolio (b)
  • Be involved in the ongoing development of the service through continual evaluation (c & d)
  • Participate in clinical audit as appropriate (c & e)
  • Be involved in team/ward meetings regarding improving standards of care within the working environment (d & e)
  • Feed back patient/carers’ views on standards of care within the department (d).
  • Participate in evidence-based practice (d).
  • Ensure AIR + critical incident forms completed when necessary (d).
  • Report to manager any discrepancies involving training in using equipment and ensure adequate training received (e)
  • Adhere to NMC guidelines re accountability (e).
Thank you cards or letters.
Reflect on your involvement with complaints. How do you deal with informal /formal complaints . What do you do to improve following complaints, if this appropriate include training needs in PDP
Tools you use that are evidence based .e.g. pain management, waterlow score, moving & handling risk assessment or practice you have introduced to your area.
Record of your training and training needs.
Daily informal discussions and exchange of information.
Record of changes to running of the clinic.
Dimension: Quality
Full Outline (Second Gateway) / Foundation Outline (Foundation Gateway)
Level: 2 Maintain quality in own work and encourage others to do so / Level: 2 Maintain quality in own work and encourage others to do so
The worker:
a)Acts consistently with legislation, policies, procedures and other quality approaches and encourages others to do so
b)Works within the limits of own competence and levels of responsibility and accountability in the work team and organisation
c)Works as an effective and responsible team member
d)Prioritises own workload and organises own work to meet these priorities and reduce risks to quality
e)Uses and maintains resources efficiently and effectively and encourages others to do so
f)Monitors the quality of work in own area and alerts others to quality issues. / Indicators:
The worker:
a)Acts consistently with legislation, policies, procedures and other quality approaches and encourages others to do so
b)Works within the limits of own competence and levels of responsibility and accountability in the work team and organisation
c)Works as an effective and responsible team member
d)Prioritises own workload and organises own work to meet these priorities and reduce risks to quality
Examples of Application:
  • Work as part of the multidisciplinary team and follow NMC Code of Conduct Guidelines (a,b,c).
  • Implement your own good time management skills (c).
  • Reflect on your own practice (c).
  • Demonstrate an awareness of effective use of resources including
  • staff, supplies and departmental budget (d).
  • Able to assess own performance and recognise abilities and limitations – communicate training needs to line manager (e).
  • Participate in peer audits maintaining standards of care (e & f).
  • Be actively involved in reporting issues to management (f).
  • Know correct procedures of reporting issues (f).
  • Respect and maintain confidentiality of patients and families with regard to verbal, written or electronic communication, e.g. Data Protection Act (f).