Dane County Model TND OrdinanceDRAFT April 2003

Procedures and



The City/Village identified traditional neighborhood development as a goal within its Comprehensive Plan. The Plan and implementing ordinances, including the official zoning map, identify locations suitable or pre-approved for TND development


Prior to filing an application for approval of a Neighborhood Plan, the applicant shall inform and begin a discussion with the [Village Board/City Council/Plan Commission] of its intention to construct all or a portion of a Traditional Neighborhood. When the discussion leads to general understanding of the goals of the TND development, and an a willingness to discuss the preliminary specifics, a pre-application conference shall be scheduled.

The purpose of the pre-application conference is to acquaint the [Village Board/City Council/Plan Commission] with information about the proposed Traditional Neighborhood Development. The applicant shall present information including: the location, lots, owners, environmental constraints, and expected holding capacity of the site; preliminary land suitability analysis using generalized soils or Geographical Information System (GIS) data; the locations of road and street access and interconnections; land use and design concepts; and the internal and peripheral open space.

The pre-application conference will identify any major concerns and the need for additional information from the applicant. The pre-application conference should initiate an evolving dialogue with continued refinements to the TND General Plan. The TND General Plan that is submitted should represent mutual agreements between the landowner/applicant and [City/Village].

Each municipality should determine the appropriate level of review for the pre-application conference.

The purpose of the pre-application conference is to initiate a dialogue between the landowner/applicant and the municipality.

The dialogue allows the landowner/applicant to iron out major differences in advance of the Neighborhood Plan submittal.

The TND General Plan formalizes the understandings developed through the pre-application conference and following discussions.


A TND General Plan is required for all Traditional Neighborhood Developments. The TND General Plan serves as a development template for the Traditional Neighborhood Development. A TND General Plan application will include a petition to rezone the proposed TND site to one or more types of TND Zoning Districts, unless the TND site is already zoned under as one or more of the TND Zoning Districts. The TND General Plan submittal will also include a Preliminary Plat.

4.3.1. TND General Plan Approval Process

Administrative review.

Sufficient copies of the TND General Plan, which includes all required information, and the required fee shall be submitted before acceptance by [City/Village].

Staff shall review the application to confirm that submitted documents conform to the requirements of this Ordinance and other ordinances of the City/Village.

Plan Commission review. Staff shall forward copies of the TND General Plan to all Plan Commission members. Staff shall forward copies to the [Engineer/Public Works Director/other public officials] and all appropriate committees for comment. Such comment shall be submitted in writing to the Plan Commission prior to the scheduled review meeting.

The Plan Commission shall review the TND General Plan for completeness and compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance and other ordinances. The Plan Commission shall view the proposed TND Site prior to the meeting at which the preliminary development plan is considered. Within ___ days following acceptance of the Neighborhood Plan by City/Village, the Plan Commission shall state in writing its approval, approval with conditions, or denial with reasons for denial of the Neighborhood Plan, preliminary plat, and petition for rezone. The Plan Commission shall then forward the TND General Plan with its recommendations to the Village Board/City Council for review at its next regularly scheduled meeting unless such meeting is 5 days or less from the date of Board/Council review.

A fixed timetable for action provides a level of predictability to the development process, helping to make traditional neighborhood developments more attractive to landowners and developers.

The amount of time allowed between steps will vary by municipality.

Village Board/City Council review. The Board/Council shall review the TND General Plan and rezoning petition and after holding a public hearing on the rezoning shall approve or deny the rezoning petition. Within ___ days of recommendation by the Plan Commission, the Board/Council shall state in writing its approval, approval with conditions or denial with reasons for denial of the TND General Plan, preliminary plat, and petition for rezone.

4.3.2. TND General Plan Submittal Requirements

The TND General Plan shall include a preliminary subdivision plat, prepared at a scale of not more than 100’ to the inch showing contours of not more than 10 2 feet. The TND General plan shall include the following information:

  • A narrative and a description of how each of the eight TND Ordinance Principles in Chapter 2 have been met.
  • Location of TND districts within the development and acreage calculations for each district.
  • Regulating Plan that shows the street Right of Way and lot layout: location, size and description of civic and public open spaces and civic buildings; location, size and description of the Neighborhood Center, general and edge development areas; and location of all private lots, recreational facilities, and support buildings
  • Transportation Plan showing an interconnected network of streets, pedestrian accommodations, bikeways, and street types at a local scale and scope. A graphic demonstrating the frontage, pedestrian environment, planting strips, parking, and vehicular travel lanes in section for each street type shall be referenced to the Regulating Plan.
  • A menu of building types that could be accommodated in each District for which approval is being sought.
  • A developmentstaging plan showing how construction is staged in a manner so that projects requiring the use of heavy equipment are completed prior to beginning adjacent projects which do not require heavy equipment.
  • Any additional information required by Village staff to demonstrate compliance with this Ordinance

The TND General Plan includes a level of detail sufficient to enable a municipality to rezone the development site to TND zoning district or districts, and to approve a preliminary plat.




  • Site information
  • Street connections
  • Land use & design
  • Open space





  • Principles narrative
  • Zoning district location
  • Regulating plan
  • Transportation plan
  • Staging plan





  • Urban Standards
  • Architectural Standards
  • Detailed site plans
  • Development agreement
  • Covenants & declarations
  • Parking Plans

The order of the TND review and approval process may vary from one municipality to another.


4.4.1. Development Plan Approval Process

If a Neighborhood plan has been approved or approved conditionally by the Village Board/City Council, the applicantmay submit sufficient copies of a Development Plan for approval. The Development Plan shall include all required information and shall be accompanied by the required fee before acceptance by staff.

Upon acceptance by City/Village, the Development Plan shall be scheduled for review at the following regularly scheduled meeting of the Plan Commission unless such meeting is 5 days or less from the date of filing.

Plan Commission review. The Plan Commission shall review the Development Plan for compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance and other ordinances. Within ____ days of acceptance of Development Plan by City/Village, the Plan Commission shall state in writing its recommendation to the Board/Council for approval, approval with conditions or denial with reasons for denial of the specific implementation plan.

Board/Council review. The Board/Council shall schedule consideration of the Plan Commission’s recommendation at the Board/Council’s next regularly scheduled meeting unless such meeting is 5 days or less from the date of filing. Within ___ days of recommendation of the Plan Commission, the Board/Council shall state in writing its approval, approval with conditions or denial with reasons for denial of the Development Plan.

4.4.2. Development Plan Submittal Requirements

Each copy of the Development Plan shall contain the following information, and any additional information requested by the Plan Commission in the approval of the Development Plan.

  • Urban Standards: Building placement, encroachments, parking, height and vertical uses by building type.
  • Architectural Standards: materials, configurations and technique.
  • Location and size of all multi-family and attached residential buildings
  • Location and size of all commercial and industrial buildings

For further discussion on architectural standards see Chapter 6.

  • Off-street parking plan, including surface transitional and structured lots.
  • Final Plat
  • Detailed engineering plans
  • Detailed development agreement specifying responsibilities for public improvements, phasing, design review, and organizational structure.
  • Deed restrictions.
  • Detailed site, building, landscape, signage, grading, and lighting plans.

For large developments, the City/Village may require final plats to be submitted as each phase occurs. The City/Village may also require individual review and approval for each non-residential building. In such cases the development agreement would be step one, the final plat step two, and individual building reviews step three. Other items listed above would be submitted with the development agreement.

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