Latin American Foreignpolicies: Betweenideologyandpragmatism, Ured. Gian Luca Gardinii

Latin American Foreignpolicies: Betweenideologyandpragmatism, Ured. Gian Luca Gardinii

Title of the course: Latin America in International Relations, e course
Course lecturer: Lidija Kos-Stanišić
Study program: political science, graduate level
Year of the study: 1
Course description and course objectives: / The aim of this course is to elaborate some of processes and explain the role of Latin America in the contemporary world. The region as a whole and its relevancy in international community will be handled. The methods of comparative analysis, comparative historical analysis and UNITAR’s methods of foreign policy analysis will be used.
Seminar classes will be held in three cycles. The first cycle is dedicated to relations between states within Latin America. Relations within region, as well as political, economic and cultural cooperation, and Latin American integrations will be elaborated. Special focus will be on conflicts in 19th and 20th century that took place between states of Latin America. The second cycle will be dedicated to relations between Latin America, Europe and United States. The main focus here will be on fazes of political, economic and cultural relations, and their conflicts between themselves in 19th and 20th century. Furthermore, inter-American political and economic arrangements will be analysed. The third cycle will be dedicated to relations of Latin America with other world regions, processes of globalisation and relations of Republic of Croatia with Latin American states.
Course enrolment requirements and entry competences: / No
Learning outcomes
(at the level of the course): / - to analyze political processes and decision making processes within area
- to analyze international relations within region
- to interpret foreign policy of particular Latin American county
- to develop intellectual and research capacities in identifying and analyzing contemporary inter American and intra American relations
Course content
(weekly class schedule): / Seminar 1
P1 -AnIntroduction to 21 Century Latin America
Seminar 2
P2 -Skidmore, Thomas, Smith, Peter, Modern Latin America, p. 328-355.
Seminar 3
P3 – -Latin American ForeignPolicies: BetweenIdeologyandPragmatism, Brazil pp.53-66.
P4 - Latin American ForeignPolicies: BetweenIdeologyandPragmatism, Argentina , pp.87-102.
Seminar 4
P5, P6 -Latin American ForeignPolicies: BetweenIdeologyandPragmatism,pp. 13-33; 235-254.
Seminar 5
P7, P8- Latin American ForeignPolicies: BetweenIdeologyand Pragmatism, Mexico pp.213-234., Venezuela pp.159-178.
Seminar 6
Latin American ForeignPolicies: BetweenIdeologyandPragmatism,
P9,P10 Bolivia pp.103-118., Cuba pp.179-196,
Seminar 7
P1TheEuropeanizationof National ForeignPoliciestowards Latin America, pp.209-228
P2 EU ForeignPolicyTowards Latin America, pp.28-51.
Seminar 8
P3 P4 SchoultzLars, BeneathThe United States, pp.152-175, 316-331.
Seminar 9
P5 P6Smith H. Peter, TalonsofEagle –Dynamics of US-Latin American Relations, pp. 246-268., 269-290.
Seminar 10
P7 P8 Smith H. Peter, TalonsofEagle –Dynamics of US-Latin American Relations, pp.291-307.,308-330.
Seminar 11
P9 Zgurić B., Kos-Stanišić L., Domjančić S.,Comparison of Croatian Foreign Policy towards Latin America and the Middle East (2001-2012), Europske studije
P10 – surprise me!
Required reading: / - SchoultzLars, BeneathThe United States, A Historyof US Policytoward Latin America, Harvard University Press, 2001.
- Smith H. Peter, TalonsofEagle –Dynamics of US-Latin American Relations, Oxford University Press, 2013.
- TheEuropeanizationof National ForeignPoliciestowards Latin America, ured. Lorena Ruano, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, New York, London, 2013.

- Latin American ForeignPolicies: BetweenIdeologyandPragmatism, ured. Gian Luca Gardinii Peter Lambert, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2011.

-Latin American andCaribbeanForeignPolicy, ured. Frank O.Mora i Jeanne K. Hay, Rowman & LittlefieldPublishers, Inc, lanham, Boulder, New York, Toronto, Oxford, 2003.
Dominguez R. EU ForeignPolicyTowards Latin America, PalgraveMacmillian, 2015.
Student participation and requirements: / for the e-course it is mandatory to write and upload reports/position papers (minimum 3 pages per report) until a specific date and to write essay 3000 wordsuntiltheendofsemester
Grading and evaluating student work in class and at the final exam: / POSITION PAPERS - 50%
11 - 13 pp = sufficient
14 - 16 pp= good
17 - 18 pp=verygood
19 - 20 pp = excellent
essay 3000 words - 50%
Grading scale: / 1-5