PAZPO0011 - Create Open Market PO from REQ for Lower Amount AFIS Validation Script - AP-UA-04-12

Project ID / Application Name/Version / ProcureAZ /Baseline Verx.x
Date of Test / Cycle/Pass #
Author / Verifier
Tester: / Date Tested:
Test Scenario(s) / AP-UA-04-12: Convert Open Market Requisition to Purchase Order for lessthan the Requisition amount.
Test Cases
System Environment
Test IDs/passwords / Basic Purchasing (BP) user:any bptester
UAT AFIS Script / AP-UA-04-12
UAT AFIS Goal / Convert Open Market Requisition to Purchase Order; reduce amount on PO below the amount encumbered. Validate Requisition is closed for entire amount in AFIS.
UAT AFIS Preparation / Budgets loaded.
Step # / Ref. No / Action / Expected Results / Actual Results / PassFail
1.1. / Login as BP user by entering the Login ID & password provided above in the Login Box / ProcureAZ Home page displays with the greeting “Welcome back <BP’s Name>
1.2. / Select Documents Requisitions  New / PO Search displays with a Find button.
1.3. / At the General tab, set Short Descript = <script ID, your Initials>. Set Requisition Type to Open Market. / Page refreshes. Some fields may show or hide from display, or the Type Code drop-down may re-populate.
1.4. / Click Save & Continue. / Requisition Number is populated. / Req # =
1.5. / Click the Items tab. / Open Market Requisition page displays with Add Open Market Item button.
1.6. / Click Add Open Market Item. / Items page displays an entry form for an Item.
1.7. / Enter short description, Quantity > 1, and Unit Cost. Select NIGP Class and Class-Item. Click Add to Req & Exit. Record the Total Cost. / Item page displays item with calculated Total Cost. / Total Cost of Req =
1.8. / Click Vendors tab. Click Lookup & Add Vendors button. Find a Vendor that has an alternate ID that begins with PZ, click the Select box next to it, and click Save & Exit. / Vendors tab displays a Vendor. Error = No recommended Vendor at the header level.
1.9. / Click the Recommended box for the Vendor. Click Save & Continue. Confirm the pop-up message. / Vendors tab displays without error or warning.
1.10. / Click the main Accounting tab. / Error says that Accounting distribution is missing and required.
1.11. / Provide required Accounting values for the line. Click Save Based on Percentages. Click Rebuild for All Items. / Error for missing Accounting goes away.
1.12. / Click Summary tab. Click Submit for Approval. Confirm with OK. / Approval page displays.
1.13. / Click Automatic approval. Click Save & Continue. Confirm.
1.14. / Click Exit. Record Alternate ID for RQ on the Requisition. / Summary page displays Alternate ID for RQ#. Status = Ready for Purchasing. Button=Convert to PO (only available to BP users). / Alt ID =
1.15. / Click Convert to PO. Confirm “are you sure” popup with OK. / Convert to PO page displays.
1.16. / Select Single PO using header recommended vendor; click Convert to PO. / Purchase Order(s) Created page displays link to new PO. / PO # =
1.17. / Click link to open PO. / PO displays at Summary page. No errors display.
1.18. / Click Items tab. Decrease the Quantity or Unit Cost. Click Save & Continue. / Total Cost decreased. / Total Cost of PO =
1.19. / Click Summary tab. Click Submit for Approval, Confirm, Automatic, Save & Continue. / Status = 3PRS – Ready to Send
1.20. / Click Set to Printed Status; Save & Continue. / Status = 3PS – Sent. Alternate ID populated with PO#. / Alt ID =
1.21. / End of ProcureAZ Test / Pass/Fails and unexpected results has been noted for each step and any issues have been reported

UAT Validation in AFIS

Log in to AFIS and find the POPZ1 document in Final phase. View its referenced Requisition to verify that the full amount of thehigher Pre-Encumbrance was liquidated and that the Encumbrance was only for the lower amount. (ProcureAZ modifies the Pre-Encumbrance to the lower amount before liquidating it to establish the new Encumbrance.)

AFIS Step # / Ref. No / Action / Expected Results / Actual Results / PassFail
1.22. / With the Alt ID from the PO, use the Document Catalog to open the POPZ1 in AFIS. / POPZ1 Doc ID; Version=1, Phase = Final / Dept =
Doc ID =
1.23. / Verify the Total Amount of the PO. / PO Amount is same as on ProcureAZ PO. / Total Amt =
1.24. / Use the pull-down Document Menu to select Document References.
1.25. / Click Backward Reference to see the Requisition that was modified for the PO. / Document Reference Query shows the current PO and a modified RQPZ1.
POPZ1, New
RQPZ1, Modification / RQPZ1 ID =
1.26. / Click on the RQPZ1 Modification.
1.27. / Use the pull-down Document Menu to select Document History. / The RQ displays 2 versions, showing the closed Pre-Encumbrance in Version 1 and the open Encumbrance in Version 2. / RQv1 Amt =
RQv2 Amt =
1.28. / End of AFISTest / Pass/Fails and unexpected resultsnoted for each step and any issues reported