Wetheral Parish Council
Minutes of theWetheral Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday
8 February2012 at 7.30pmin the Long Room, Warwick Mill.
Chairman – R. Wickings
R. Wise (part) B. Earp I. Yates
M. Higginbotham S. Griffiths J.Holland
D. Hughes D. Poole N.Holmes
M. Murray B. Rose(part) A.Smethurst (part)
Also present; Cllr N Marriner & Residents of Sandy Lane.
138/11 - Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received and acceptedfromDistrict Cllr. N Lishman,Cllr. D Parsons,and Cllrs Downie.
139/11Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 11 January 2012.
Resolved that the minutes of the above meeting be confirmed as a true and accurate record and be signed by the Chairman. With an amendment to item 133/11.
140/11- Declarations of Interest
Cllr Griffiths declared a non-prejudicial interest in any items relating to the police.
141/11- Public Participation
(a) Residents
Mr Hetherington, resident of Sandy Lane brought to the attention to the council that the lane had deteriorated over the past years due to lack of maintenance. There has been sporadic filling of pot holes however recent repairs are ineffective as they were filled in the wet and tarmac has broken up. Mr Hetherington also raised an issue with drainage outside number 9 Sandy Lane and that the flooding problem should be resolved prior to any major repairs on this road.
The residents requested that these issues were raised with the County Council.
No police were present. Councillors were asked to comment on the newsletters’ content- Clerk to respond; nothing relating to any crime in Wetheral parish has been reported in the newsletter and Cllrs. were aware of incidents in the parish that have not been included.
(c)Councillor Reports
CountyCouncillor Marriner had nothing to report.
142/11 Minutes of Committee Meetings
(a)Resolved to receive the minutes of the Rights of Way committee meeting of 24 January 2012 and to endorse and accept all recommendations contained therein specifically;
(i)ROW/26/12 add Warwick on Eden.
(ii)ROW 25/12 Interpretation Panels, further discussion is necessary, the group to meet to agree the format of the panels and costs to be distributed for consideration by the council.
(iii)ROW26/12 Wetheral (i) Riverbank, the area of the removed steps remains hazardous a request was made for an agreement to tidy the area. Clerk to obtain quotes.
(iv)Note, minor repairs have been made to the footpath from Plains Rd to Wetheral railway station.
(b)Resolvedto receive the minutes of the Planning committee meeting of 30January 2012 and to endorse and accept all recommendations contained therein specifically;
(i) 11/0034Murray House Farm, Cumwhinton
Anaerobic digester plant with associated plant and machinery for the supply of electricity.Objection.
(ii) 11/0596 Newlands Farm, Carleton, Notification of Appeal by Bolsterstone Innovative Energy Limited Ref APP/E0915/A/12/2168121/NWF –Objection, Clerk to write to the Planning Inspectorate stating the councils objections.
143/11 Pavilion, Wetheral Playing Fields
(i)Verbal resume given on the recent site visits and the importance of regular maintenance and having the correct layout.
(ii)Resolved to obtain tenders for architectural services to provide a concept design with outline drawings and services for a “turn key” contract.
(iii)Resolved to arrange for the previously drawn plans to be updated following a meeting of representatives from the user groups to allow grant applications to be made.
(iv)Note a request has been made for a parish councillor to attend meetings of Wetheral Community Association to keep the council updated on the status of the proposed community building. Cllr Wise was nominated.
144/11 Projects Update
Cllrs received an update on the status of all projects to date. Noted not to proceed with the lighting on the viaduct improvements, this had been agreed some years ago with English Heritage due to restrictions.
145/11Grants considered
(i) Wetheral Brownies- Queen Jubilee, visit to London. Request for souvenir badge for 20 Brownies - £40.00.Resolved to approve this application.
(ii) Wetheral Allotment Association – request to fund the formation of a Wetland/wildlife pond area- £400.
Resolved to decline this application due to the land being owned
146/11 External Representation
~J Hollandattended a housing meeting in Kendal, it was stressed that there is a need for affordable housing in the area.
~ M Murray attended a meeting of the Jubilee committee in Wetheral for the village’s week end of events.
~ S Griffiths attended a broadband hub co-ordinators meeting. (agenda item)
~ N Holmes has surveyed the residents of Great Corby regarding the removal of the telephone kiosk, there have been no objections.Also attended a meeting of the village association, assistance is required with increasing the number of bookings in the hall, Village hall development officer to contact the secretary.
~ B Wickings attended a meeting of Down-a-Gate Rec. Assoc. ACT presented at the meeting on how a committee is constituted. Development Officer to cascade this information to the other village halls.
147/11 Bank Reconciliation
Received and noted the bank reconciliation and balances to 31 January 2012 of;
Community Account £15,029.87
Deposit Account £ 43,067.25
Gratuity Account £ 6,259.47
Cumberland BS £100,000
Total in the bank £163,192.59 (inc outstanding banking & cheques)
148/11 Payment of Accounts
(i)To authorise payment of the accounts listed in the schedule of cheques dated 8 February 2012, (249-271) totalling £8965.23.
149/11 Internal Auditors Report
(i) To note the Internal Auditors report to December 31st 2011.
(ii) Resolved to consider the appointment of the internal auditor, Mr D Johnson for a further two years.
(iii) Resolved to approve the proposed increase in internal audit fees to £67.50 from £60.00.
150/11Pension provision for employees
Defer to the finance committee to consider the cost implications and to report to the Personnel Committee.
151/11 Broadband
Cllr Griffiths updated members and requested:
(i) Members to detail the exact location of BT Green cabinets/boxes
(ii) All councillors to take download speed test which is a link on website. Also for them to ask at least 5 friends/neighbours to also take the test and let me have the results
(iii)By questioning neighbours/friends to try to get an idea of what people are using Broadband for - games/internet/music etc.
(iv) To note that there were 8 responses prior to the last council meeting.
Regular updates will be in the Pow Maughan and Focus on Eden.
152/11 Cemetery Extension.
(i) Resolved to appoint H&H to produce scale drawings of the proposed cemetery extension.
153/11 Notification of Parish Council Elections
Noted election of new members will take place on 3rd may 2012 if required.
Nomination form to be issued to all members who wish to stand for re-election.
154/11Schedule of Correspondence, Notices and Publications
To receive and note schedule of correspondence, notices and publications received since the
last meeting. Specifically;
(i)Mr. Beattie, Cotehill- request permission to hold a function on the Cotehill playing field to commemorate the Queens jubilee and fund raiser for James Rennie School. 2nd June 2012. -Approved.
(ii)Rural Master planning Project, Carlisle City Council- request to hold a meeting.(23rd Feb 9.30am) Cllr Higginbotham, Wickings & Holland to attend.
(iii)WCA ltd, request to include the parish offices in their tendering process. This would not commit the council in any way. Clerk to write to WCA ltd approving their request.
Councillor Matters
(i)Funding Fair – to be held March 28th
(ii)Bus Shelter update
Next meeting 14 March 2012
Minutes of the Full Council Meeting 8.02.12
Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer: Sue Tarrant Chairman: Robert Wickings