V2 December 2016
Derbyshire Safeguarding Adults Board
Safeguarding Adults Review Sub Group
Terms of Reference
The purpose of the DSAB Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) Sub Group:
- To determine whether serious incidents meet the criteria as defined in the Care Act 2014 to undertake a Safeguarding Adult Review.
- To determine if/ when a case does not meet the criteria for a Safeguarding Adult Review whether a Serious Incident learning Review (SILR) or a single agency review is required. The group may also decide to recommend that a multi-agency audit is undertaken regarding a specific issue.
- To oversee the appointment of suitable independent reviewers as required for SARs/SILRs
- To consult with the Independent Chair of DSAB regarding appropriate methodologies for conducting SARs/SILRs
- To ensure that the adult/family members are involved and informed in all Review processes.
- To highlight when necessary immediate actions for specific agencies, via the DSAB, prior to reviews being completed
- To constructively scrutinise and challenge,where necessary, SAR and SILR reports commissioned by DSAB
- To provide oversight in the formulation of recommendations and actions, for DSAB and other agencies, which are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely)
- Contribute to the sign off of SAR and SILR reports, and onward submission for reports to be considered by the full DSAB
- Ensure learning from SARs/SILRs is shared effectively with a clear action plan of how this will be undertaken.
- To contribute to SARs/SILRs undertaken by other SABs as required
- To ensure that for all Reviews, appropriate links are made with parallel processes, including LSCB Serious Case Reviews, Domestic Homicide Reviews, Coroners Inquests, Criminal Investigations, Fatal Fire reviews and single agency work including NHS Serious Incident Frameworks.
- Consider national themes and developments relating to SARs in other areas and share accordingly across the DSAB partnership
- To coordinate the publication of SAR and any media strategy required.
Reporting and Accountability
The SAR Sub Group is accountable to DSAB and will provide quarterly reports to the Board and at other times where relevant.
Attendance at meetings will be reported to the Board. Attendance figures will also be published in the DSAB Annual Report.
It is possible that members of this sub-group may find themselves in a position of a conflict of interest in relation to the work of the sub-group and their own agency. Members should declare to the Chair any personal, business, financial or other conflicts of interest as soon as they become apparent.
Referrals into the Sub Group
Referrals of cases for the sub group to consider will be sent to the DSAB Project Officer using the referral template. The referral will be sent to the Sub Group Chair for consideration. Should the Chair need help to decide whether the case shall be discussed by the sub group, initial discussions will take place with the ‘screening team’ of DCC Adult Care, Derbyshire Police and Derbyshire CCG sub group members. Other agencies may be consulted at the screening stage dependant on the case. The referrer will be notified of the outcome of their referral in writing within 7 working days.
SAR Sub Group meetings will take place quarterly. Each meeting will be minuted and the actions clearly recorded.
Extraordinary meetings may be called on request and agreement with the Chair.
- Chair –Roger Miller (Derbyshire County Council)
- Vice Chair- Jill Ryalls (Derbyshire County Council)
- Derbyshire County Council Adult Care
- DSAB Project Officer
- Derbyshire Constabulary
- Derbyshire CCGs
- Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service
- Derby Hospitals
- Chesterfield Royal Hospital
- DCC Community Safety
- Derbyshire Probation Service
- Sub Group members need to be in a position to make decisions regarding SARs on behalf of their organisation.
- The group may invite additional members with specialist knowledge and experience to meetings when relevant to a case.
- Members are expected to attend or provide appropriate representation at all meetings.
- Quroacy: A minimum of fourseparate agencies need to be present to agree any decision, including the 3 statutory partners of DSAB .
- Members will refer cases/serious incidents where relevant from their own agencies for consideration by the SCR Sub Committee.
- Members will participate as required in SCR/SILR panels and be proactive in the progress of reviews.
The Chair will invite attendance from professionals with specialist knowledge and experience to contribute to the work of the Sub Committee when this is required.
SAR Methodology
To be chosen by the Sub Group based on each individual case. Methodologies to be considered include:
- SILP (Significant Incident Learning Process)
- Action Learning Approach
- Multi-Agency Learning Review
- Traditional Model
- Root Cause Analysis
If any agency seeks to challenge a decision made by the SAR sub group, this should be done by contacting the independent Chair of DSAB
The DSAB currently does not have access to a budget funded by partners; therefore in the event of a SAR being commissioned, financial contributions would be sought from the 3 statutory members of DSAB (Derbyshire Police, Derbyshire County Council and Derbyshire CCGs) and other relevant organisations(case dependant) to cover the costs of the Review, including payment of independent reviewers if required.
Review Arrangements
The Terms of Reference is to be reviewed annually: Next Planned Review: June 2017.
Sub Group members can request that changes/updates are made to the ToR at any time throughout the year via the Sub Group Chair.
DSAB SAR Sub Group Terms of Reference Agreed May 2016 (NG)