Tuesday 3rd November 2015 at 8pm at Holloway Hill Sports Pavilion.

Members attending: Chris Jagger (Chair), Maggie Jagger, Laurence Pearce, Deborah Woodward, Pippa Sibley, Neil Brown, Karina Jacoby, Claire Ventress, Sam Hector, Martin Lee, David Burndred, Roger Matthews, John Allen, Paul Rennie, Robert Ransome, Paula Hamilton-Gray, John Lapworth, Madeleine Lapworth, Peter Cox, Jonathan Jefferies, Nick Munns.

Apologies for absence: Seb Munns, Jean Godber, David Ventress, Barrie and Margaret Hogan.

Appointment of Minutes secretary: Pippa Sibley.

Minutes of last year’s AGM: approved and signed as an accurate account.

Matters arising: BTA still requires male and female captains.
John Lapworth questioned again, a year later, whether the junior courts are still being used. It was confirmed that they are used for coaching, as an overflow on club nights in summer and by families with young children. It was explained that they are maintained by Waverley Borough Council while the adult courts are maintained by BTA.

Chairman’s report: (a copy of the full report is attached).

Chris Jagger thanked a number of members who have worked voluntarily for BTA over the past year as well as the coaches. Roger Matthews, a director, thanked Chris for his energy, enthusiasm and hard work for BTA year after year.
The courts are holding up well but will need re-painting within the next couple of years and re-surfacing in the near future. General maintenance has been carried out by WBC and BTA but volunteers are needed to help pressure wash the courts in the next few weeks.
The courts are being well used by groups, families and club night players on Tuesdays and Thursdays as well as for coaching.
The Pavilion now has extended bar opening hours and is available to hire and members were urged to make use of the facility and encourage friends to do the same.
There are good relationships between the various groups and members of the community who use the recreation ground.
It has been a successful year for tournaments and social events.
Links with LTA are strong and BTA members are urged to become or remain members of British Tennis and to “opt-in” annually for BTA to receive Wimbledon tickets.
BTA and Godalming Lawn Tennis Club continue to work together with some players enjoying membership of both.
Along with other recreation ground groups, BTA has worked with Fields in Trust to ensure that the tennis courts are protected in perpetuity regardless of any changes in government housing policy.
Future aspirations include maintaining the courts to a high standard, building membership, utilising the Pavilion, promoting BTA and welcoming all newcomers.

Financial report:

Maggie Jagger reported that, as previously, there are two accounts: a general account for subscriptions in and expenses out and the former floodlight appeal account into which floodlight payments from club nights are paid and out of which the electricity bill is paid. For the year ending 5th April 2015 the general account received about £3000 from subscriptions with a further £500 approximately from other sources which just about covered expenditure so breaking even. The balance today stands at £2816. The floodlights fund received about £1300 from payments and the electricity bill was just over £200. The balance today is £10,754 but much of this comprises money raised during the floodlight appeal several years ago.

Maggie reported that membership is falling from around 500 members last year to 425 members currently (312 adults and 113 children). Membership is made up of 70 families and 128 individuals.

Annual Accounts:

David Burndred provided the meeting with detailed accounts to 5th April 2015 and gave a brief report. Overall net income (ie total income less expenditure) was similar to the previous year. However subscription income was £700 lower than the previous year and growing this is a key priority to ensure the Club is operating on a sustainable financial basis given its significant obligations such as the Lease and repairs. Expenditure on maintenance and repairs was £500 lower than the previous year although this is likely to increase in the coming year.

Income generation from the floodlights remained satisfactory. While technically the floodlight Profit and Loss Account shows a loss of £3,107 for the year, if the annual depreciation accounting charge for the lights is excluded then the floodlight fund shows a surplus of £1,100 for the year. This is a larger surplus than the previous year but that is largely due to the way the electricity bill is paid based on estimated readings.

David stressed that it is important that both the floodlight fund and the main fund are built up steadily in the next few years to cope with future capital / maintenance works such as re-painting and re-surfacing of the courts which are major expenses that will need to be incurred over the next 5 years or so. To illustrate BTA’s likely obligations over the next 5 years David tabled a graph setting out projections for capital spend and the resulting net cash balance each year after incurring both ongoing operating costs and BTA’s share of major project costs and assuming a modest increase in individual and family subscription amounts. The projections indicated that provided BTA continued to build up cash reserves in the manner outlined then BTA would be able to finance these major projects. The projections also reflect any part-funding that Waverley is obliged to provide under the terms of the Lease. The figures tabled were also used as the basis for the discussion about future subscription levels – see next point below.

It was also noted that the final instalment on the interest-free loan for the CCTV had been repaid in summer 2015.

David thanked BTA member Sam Crossley who carried out the auditing of the accounts.

Paul Rennie proposed and John Allen seconded that the accounts be accepted and the vote was carried.


There was a lively debate about increasing subscriptions with caution expressed about the risk of raising the level too high resulting in loss of members countered by arguments about the excellent value for money in view of the high standard of the facilities, particularly in comparison to other tennis clubs around the UK. It was also noted that subscriptions have been frozen at the same level for four years. Two proposals were put to the meeting:

1.  To increase individual membership from £10/year to £15/year and family membership from £25/year to £35/year where a family comprises 2 adults and up to 3 children up to the age of 18 with any additional children to be charged at £5 each. Once children reach 18 years of age they will need to have their own individual membership.

2.  To increase individual membership for all adults from £10/year to £15/year and all children to be charged £5 each with no specific family membership.

Due largely to the administrative difficulties of implementing proposal 2, the meeting voted in favour of proposal 1. The new charges will come into effect at the start of the next membership year ie April 2016.

Coaches’ report: (copy of the full report attached).

Nick Munns reported that overall coaching has run smoothly but it has proved difficult to find a young coach to run the under-8s programme. There is pressure to find one ready to start in spring 2016.
Private coaching for children and private and group coaching for older juniors is in demand while holiday camps during Easter and summer are increasingly popular. Private and group coaching for adults is also running well.
There has been some concern from parents about moss on the courts being a possible safety issue.
The coaches, Nick and Seb, have challenged members to “beat the coaches” as a potential fundraiser.


The Directors of BTA were re-elected for another year.


The website still requires updating and greater access for members who are involved with various aspects of BTA. Sam Hector reported that he had reached a point during the website redevelopment where BTA would have to invest some money. He had been in discussion with Jennie Routley who currently hosts the site and who was going to revamp the website but this has not yet happened. Sam will contact Jennie again and if there is no progress he will put a proposal to BTA.


Volunteers are needed to help with power washing the courts to remove moss, fixing the fencing and other general maintenance tasks An email will be sent to all members with a date for maintenance work to be carried out and asking as many as possible to turn up on the day.

Diary dates for 2016:

Spring tournament – 23rd April
Wimbledon ballot – May (date tbc)
Dan Eley tournament – 16th July
Summer barbecue – 3rd September
Autumn tournament – 24th September
AGM – 8th November
Christmas party – 10th December


John Allen asked what had happened to the windbreakers and it was explained that they had been taken down because they created a “sail” effect, damaging the fencing and it is unlikely that an alternative solution will be found.

The subject of vandalism was raised and it was reported that there has been a decline overall.


Chairman’s Report for AGM Tuesday 3rd November 2015.

Ø  Thanks to Peter Mayne, Social committee inc. Claire Ventress, Pippa Sibley, Pippa for doing minutes too, David Ventress for competently running the men’s ladder and for assisting with maintenance, all the Directors for ongoing encouragement and support. David Burndred for close supervision of finances and attention to peripheral issues including Fields in Trust and insurance/maintenance/long term financial strategy. Big thanks to Nick and Seb for consistency and ongoing support and hard work on the coaching front. Thank you to Sam Crossley for auditing our BTA accounts.

Ø  A very special thanks to Maggie Jagger for all her hard work and dedication regarding membership and collection of fees, administration and banking all the weekly income, preparation of financial statement for submission to David Burndred and for hosting the various social activities and preparation for the Wimbledon ballot.

Ø  Facilities and maintenance – courts are holding up quite well but the actual courts need a thorough clean and would benefit from repainting either next year or the year after. Quotes have been requested from two firms. Re-painting increases the life of the court and prevents cracking up and re-surfacing. Attention has been given to the notice board, lower chain link fence fixation and re-painting of the table on the decking. Weed killing has been organised through Waverley BC to all the areas of grass under the fences. This has been effective. More work is needed on chain link fence fixation if anyone has some spare time and pressure hosing of the courts would be welcome.

Ø  Activities and groups – the courts are attracting good numbers and receiving a good amount of use by couples and by groups. Club night continues to be popular and it is a great joy to have a range of ages and levels of competence. The young contingent is most welcome and replace our lads recently off to university. The hard hitters Thursday evening session run by Claire and David Ventress continues to work well and is popular. The Milford and Godalming U3A has been faithfully supporting BTA and growing in numbers and competence!! Wednesday morning session Vicars v Profs and Docs is likewise growing and giving much joy. Saturday group hosted by Bob Moores and Richard Flavelle continues to thrive. Recently new members Ken and Maggie have been using the floodlights. Nick will be giving his report regarding the coaching sessions.

Ø  The Pavilion and promotion – BTA continues to promote the Pavilion and has posted ‘Your Local’ signs on notice boards and at the entrance to the recreation ground and put an article in the Bridge magazine. Please continue to use the pavilion whenever possible for bar facilities or social bookings and please continue to spread the word that this is the ‘place to be’ in Busbridge. Bring your friends along for a ‘pre-fuel’ session before going off for a meal in the town.

Ø  Relationships within the recreation ground – continue to be harmonious and mutually supportive and we are grateful to be a part of this very special sporting and social community. The new children’s playground has brought in many young families to the recreation ground and many stop to read our notice board. The dog walkers community takes a very special interest in BTA and some very happy occasions and assistance with litter picking takes place. Sandra Speares particularly keeps an eye on the courts and is invited to our social occasions

Ø  Events inc. BBQ ,tournaments and Dan Eley Charity event have all gone well this year. The Dan Eley tournament was a joint event with the Godalming Lawn Tennis Club in Summers Rd and went particularly well and raised a good amount of money for Dan’s charity. We were able to give Darnielle and Andy a good send off with a party at Elmcroft. Having all the dates advertised at the start of the year on the website was a very good strategy and will be repeated

Ø  Wimbledon tickets and links with LTA continue to work well and the ‘opt in’ BT membership seemed to work pretty well last year. We would encourage all BTA members to ensure that they are British Tennis members and to ‘opt in’. The more BT/opted in members the greater the ticket allocation.