Information Systems and Technology Accreditation Council Institutional Questionnaire

Institutional Questionnaire

Information Systems and Technology Accreditation Council (ISTAC)

School Name:

Program Name(s) (for which accreditation is being sought):

Submitted by (name and position):

Date Submitted:

Contact Information (tel. and e-mail:

Table of Contents

Contact Information

A. The College Environment

B. Curriculum

B.1) General Curriculum

B.2) Application Domain or Organizational Areas

B.3) Basic Technical Curriculum – Diploma and Degree Programs

B.5. Advanced Technical Curriculum

B.6) Applied Curriculum

B.7) Communications Curriculum and Professionalism

C. Faculty

D. Facilities and Resources

E. Administration, Planning and Internal Process

F. Students

G. Industry Support

H. Innovation and Research

Appendix A. Supplementary Information

Appendix B. Required On-Site Course Information

Appendix C. Privacy Code Statement

Contact Information

This questionnaire is intended to elicit information to assist the ISTAC and the accreditation team in appraising your program(s) against the criteria.

All information should be submitted at least six weeksprior to the visit to:

CIPS Accreditation Secretariat

5090 Explorer Drive, Suite 801

Mississauga, Ontario L4W 4T9

For questions contact:

Gina van Dalen, Manager Professional Standards

(905) 602-1370 ext. 329 or

(905) 486-1079

Draft Accreditation Report Production Guidelines

The following draft accreditation report production guidelines are used by the accreditation team. The Department can expect to receive the draft report within the noted time lines.

Regular review single program -Draft ready within 6 to 8 weeks

Regular review multiple programs-Draft ready within 8 to 10 weeks

A. The College Environment

A.1) Complete the following table to show the enrollment pattern.

Program ID:
(create a table for each program submitted for review)

3 years ago / 2 years ago / 1 year ago / Current year
Applications FT
Applications PT*
Accepted FT
Accepted PT
Enrolled FT
Enrolled PT

* If applicable

B. Curriculum

Note: If accreditation is sought for multiple programs, please ensure that the relevant information is submitted for all programs.

B.1)General Curriculum

B.1.1) Please complete the following tables for the program(s) for which you are seeking accreditation.

Program to be considered
Official Program Name / Program ID

NOTE: Program ID may be an acronym or short name by which the program is known. If such a name is not in common use, you may identify the program by any means you wish (e.g., short mnemonic or number) so that the entries in subsequent tables on this questionnaire may be easily related to the corresponding programs.

B.1.2) How does the Department ensure that the program(s)(and courses) evolves in response to industry needs (include any references or documentation to appropriate environmental scans and curriculum renewal policies and procedures)?

B.2) Application Domain or Organizational Areas

Complete area B.2 for both Computer Systems Technology Diploma and Bachelor of Computing/Information Technology/Systems Degree or Applied Degree programs

This curriculum component of the program consists of the courses and learning activities which prepare students for the context in which their information systems skills are likely to be applied.

Complete the following table to indicate which required courses develop a knowledge base in the following Application Domain areas. (Topics can be covered in a dedicated course or embedded throughout the program).

The major academic objective associated with this group of topics is the development of a knowledge base rather than the development of a specific level of proficiency in the following subject areas.

Note:At the degree level, the academic objective associated with this group of topics should go beyond a general exposure to principles and include the development of management and supervisory proficiencies and skills. This can be accomplished through senior level coursework in this area or significant work-based projects.

Program ID* / Course Name(s)/Number(s) / Demonstrable Outcomes
BTech / A234 – Organizations
A234 - Organizations
B134 – Strategic Planning / Familiarity with the role and importance of strategic planning, mission, goals and objectives.
Exposure to the needs of functional areas of an application domain as appropriate such as: finance, HR, manufacturing, production, marketing, distribution, R&D, engineering, accounting etc.
Knowledge of how IT is applied within the organizational or application context.
Skills related to information and requirements gathering techniques.
Skills that will contribute directly to the needs and goals of the organization in addition to detailed knowledge of the appropriate use of specific computer hardware and software products.
Skills related to quality control and assurance
Knowledge of risk and security management

* List all Program ID’s for which you are seeking accreditation, list the course name(s) and number(s) that corresponds with the demonstrable outcome for that specific area of that program.An example has been provided in this table to shows a use of color coding to match program ID with course name and numbers. The alternative is that you copy and complete this table for each program.

* List all Program ID’s for which you are seeking accreditation, list the course name(s) and number(s) that corresponds with the demonstrable outcome for that specific area of that program.

B.3) Basic Technical Curriculum – Diploma and Degree Programs

Complete area B.3 for Computer Systems Technology Diploma programs and for Bachelor of Information Technology/Systems Degree or Applied Degree programs

B.3.1) Complete the following table to indicate which required course(s) provide coverage of and develop a basic understanding in the following Technical Curriculum areas. (Topics can be covered in a dedicated course or embedded throughout the program).

Note: The area in orange below only needs to be completed for Bachelor of Information Technology/Systems Degree or Applied Degree programs. For these programs, it should also be noted that the curriculum design for all areas needs to demonstrate the development of cumulative skills and knowledge from the introduction of new topics in the early semesters up to eventual development of competency levels normally associated with I.T. professionals. All relevant courses therefore should be listed.

Program ID* / Course Name(s)/Number(s) / Area / Demonstrable Outcomes
Computer Architecture /
  • Identify computer internal components
  • Identify computer peripherals
  • Describe internal computer organization

Internet Applications and Technologies /
  • Design and develop a basic web interface
  • Utilize or implement an API

Internet Applications and Technologies /
  • Design an Internet site architecture

Software/Productivity Tools /
  • Utilize application software tools
  • Utilize office productivity tools

Database Management /
  • Demonstrate an ability to use DBMS
  • Identify components of a DMBS

Operating Systems /
  • Identify the function of an operating system
  • Describe operating systems components and relationships

Computer Networking /
  • Identify computer network components
  • Describe a network model
  • Identify network topologies
  • Describe, configure, deploy, and maintaina network.

* List all Program ID’s for which you are seeking accreditation, list the course name(s) and number(s) that corresponds with the demonstrable outcome for that specific area of that program. The alternative is that you copy and complete this table for each program.

Programming /
  • Demonstrate algorithm development
  • Implement a programming solution based on a specification
  • Utilize proceduraland OO programming languages
  • Implement problem solving techniques using formal design documents
  • Use appropriate programming languages to develop, modify and integrate programs in different platforms
  • Apply knowledge of a variety of techniques to test and debug programs

Standards of Practice /
  • Identify and apply appropriate Bodies of Knowledge
  • Describe applications of Bodies of Knowledge

B.3.2)Complete the following table to indicate which required course(s) develop competencies and skills which will allow graduates to perform as fully functional members of a development team. (Topics can be covered in a dedicated course or embedded throughout the program)

Note: The areas in orange only needs to be completed for Bachelor of Information Technology/Systems Degree or Applied Degree programs

Program ID* / Course Name(s)/Number(s) / Area / Demonstrable Outcomes
Systems Development Lifecycle /
  • Identify and describe system development life cycles
  • Apply a system development methodology
  • Compare alternate system development methodologies

Data Modeling /
  • Interpret and apply a data model
  • Compare and contrast data model methodologies
  • Create data model diagrams

Process Modeling /
  • Demonstrate an understanding of business process modelling
  • Create process model diagrams

Systems Integration /
  • Outline steps of software application integration
  • Demonstrate exposure to software evolutions

Systems Analysis and Design /
  • Apply principles of SAD
  • Identify and describe different SAD’s
  • Analyze and apply standard systems modeling and/or management tools and methodologies
  • Perform feasibility for a proposed system
  • Develop and document business and systems requirements for an application
  • Apply knowledge of a variety of analysis, design, and development concepts and methodologies
  • Demonstrate an ability to use CASE
  • Interpret and apply data and process modeling using structured and Object Oriented approaches
  • Interpret system requirements by using tools such as fact-finding, interviews, document gathering, sampling, and research
  • Evaluate strategic alternatives such as: in-house software, acquiring software, or outsourcing

Database Design /
  • Interpret and apply appropriate database design methodologies
  • Differentiate between different database models
  • Apply a model for conceptual data modelling of a database application
  • To identify security issues
  • Perform database table normalization to at least the 3rd normal form
  • Demonstrate how to select, create and alter data from a database
  • Prepare database queries such as joins, sub-queries and unions
  • Apply the use of database triggers to enhance data integrity and security

Database Design /
  • Analyze and implement database security procedures

Quality Assurance and Testing /
  • Demonstrate awareness of the different types of quality controls and their general purposes
  • Distinguish between Quality Control and Testing
  • Interpret testing terminology
  • Plan the testing and evaluation of software systems
  • Prepare a quality assurance plan for a software project

Project Management /
  • Define and describe all elements of project management and associated process methods.
  • Describe the different types of relationships that exist between project activities and their dependencies
  • Create a project charter
  • Create a work breakdown structure, and/or a project schedule
  • Identify problems that will affect the project timelines and recommend an action plan to resolve problems
  • Use project management software

User Support and design of user interfaces /
  • Apply appropriate user interface design principles
  • Create screen and dialogue designs to be applicable to the business settings and purposes of the computer/user dialogue
  • Implement a designed dialogue, with particular emphasis on its need for database or networking needs
  • Code, test, and implement (including user training) the designed dialogue
  • Create templates for an application to ensure consistency of presentation

Security, Network, and Administrative Controls /
  • Describe the goals of information and network security
  • Identify and define key terms and critical concepts of information and network security
  • Determine the security requirements associated with the development and deployment of information systems and network infrastructures
  • Investigate security risks and describe common security threats
  • Identify and discuss common approaches to cryptography, access control and firewalls

  • Evaluate system threats and attack methodologies and implement measures to safeguard against them
  • Assess appropriate security technologies in a network environment or information system to achieve the set security goals and eliminate the identified security risks

* * List all Program ID’s for which you are seeking accreditation, list the course name(s) and number(s) that corresponds with the demonstrable outcome for that specific area of that program. The alternative is that you copy and complete this table for each program.

B.3.3) Complete the following table to indicate which required course(s) provide a familiarization and a basic understanding in the following emerging issues/technologies areas. (Topics can be covered in a dedicated course or embedded throughout the program). Topics may include the following.

Program ID* / Course Name(s)/Number(s) / Area
Artificial Intelligence
Data Warehousing/Data Marts
Network or computer security
Embedded systems
Artificial intelligence
Contemporary technologies (proprietary or open-source)
Advanced topics in programming, database, networking, etc.
Mobile computing

* List all Program ID’s for which you are seeking accreditation, list the course name(s) and number(s) that corresponds with the demonstrable outcome for that specific area of that program. The alternative is that you copy and complete this table for each program.

B.5. Advanced Technical Curriculum

Complete area B.5 for Bachelor of Computing/Information Technology/Systems Degree or Applied Degree programs Only

Program ID* / Course Name(s)/Number(s) / Area
Advanced technical issues (i.e. in the forms of specializations, advanced theory courses, and comprehensive coverage)
Exposure to state-of-the-art computing practices
% / Percentage of the course work and or project activity is at the advanced technical level

* List all Program ID’s for which you are seeking accreditation, list the course name(s) and number(s) that corresponds with the demonstrable outcome for that specific area of that program. The alternative is that you copy and complete this table for each program.

B.6) Applied Curriculum

Complete area B.6 for Bachelor of Computing/Information Technology/Systems Degree or Applied Degree programs only

Program ID* / Course Name(s)/Number(s) / Area
Formal systematic (and required) component in the program that provides hands-on and applied experience.

* List all Program ID’s for which you are seeking accreditation, list the course name(s) and number(s) that corresponds with the demonstrable outcome for that specific area of that program. The alternative is that you copy and complete this table for each program.

B.7) Communications Curriculum and Professionalism

Complete area B.7.1 for both Computer Systems Technology Diploma and Bachelor of Computing/Information Technology/Systems Degree or Applied Degree programs


Program ID* / Course Name(s)/Number(s) / Area
Oral presentation and the use of presentation tools: overhead projectors, slide projectors,use of graphics, multi-media
Writing skills: letters, memos, business reports, electronic communications media
Use of productivity software
Interpersonal skills: listening skills, interviewing, analyzing problem situations, team work, leadership, organizational skills
Workplace and employment skills
Interpersonal skills
Customer relations and user support skills
Time management skills
Face-to-face and electronic communications
Remaining current (technical and non-technical)
Training and knowledge transfer
Ethical and legal impact of information systems and emphasize on professionalism
Critical thinking, problem solving, and independent learning.

* List all Program ID’s for which you are seeking accreditation, list the course name(s) and number(s) that corresponds with the demonstrable outcome for that specific area of that program. The alternative is that you copy and complete this table for each program.

Complete area B.7.2 for Bachelor of Computing/Information Technology/Systems Degree or Applied Degree program only.


Program ID* / Course Name(s)/Number(s) / Area
Liberal arts and general education

* List all Program ID’s for which you are seeking accreditation, list the course name(s) and number(s) that corresponds with the demonstrable outcome for that specific area of that program. The alternative is that you copy and complete this table for each program.

C. Faculty

Please submit any relevant salary policy documents, collective agreements, and so forth.
Note: These should be made available to the team during their visit. These do not have to be submitted with the materials outlined in this questionnaire.

C.1) Please complete the following tables:

Minimum for Faculty Members / Maximum / Number of Faculty Members included / Comments or clarifications
Professional or other allowances
Other funding
Other financial support
(as of this past April 1)
Number of full-time faculty:
Number of other faculty:
Number of open positions:
Number of additional projected positions:

Faculty Profiles
**Also provide full or abbreviated CV’s with the accreditation submission**

Full-time, Part-time, Probationary

Name / Status / Degree / Major / Professional Experience (# of years and type) / Subject(s)Taught

Faculty Workload

Full-time, Part-time, Probationary

Name / Hours/Week / Other Hrs/Wk / Description of Other Duties / Total Hours

C.2) How many courses are taught annually by non-regular faculty?

C.3) How is the administrative load distributed among the faculty?

C.4) How is the teaching load distributed among the faculty?

C.5) How are teaching assignments made?

C.6) Professional development

a)What is the college’s formal policy on professional development? (a copy of the policy can be attached to this document or a URL reference can be provided)

b)What is the annual funding allocation for faculty professional development? (a fiveyear average can be provided)

c)In general, what type of professional development activities are undertaken by faculty? (i.e. formal and informal learning and development activities, formal writing activities, reading and research related activities).

D. Facilities and Resources

D.1) Summarize the physical facilities (including offices, laboratories, and classrooms) available to meet program needs.

D.2) Describe the computing resources (hardware and software) available to your students. List microcomputer and software separately from mainframe software.

D.3) What policies and procedures are in place for maintaining and upgrading software and equipment?

D.4) Indicate the names of all programs (whether candidates for accreditation or not) that share the use of this hardware. Also include information regarding any administrative functions that may share these resources.

D.5) What are the opening hours of the computational facilities (i.e. terminals and microcomputers)?

D.6) Provide a copy (or URL link) of the hard and software maintenance plan.