What are some ways citizens can collaborate to influence government and solve community and state problems?


Identify ways citizens work together to influence government and

help solve community and state problems.


Identify ways citizens work together to influence government and

help solve community and state problems.

Correlated Florida Standards (See Full Text on Cover Page)

  • LAFS.4.SL.1.1, LAFS.4.SL.1.2

Essential Question

What are some ways citizens can collaborate to influence government and solve community and state problems?

Learning Goals/Objectives

  • Students will understand how solutions can be accomplished by working together.


Students will engage in whole class discussion to understand how school problems can be solved through collaborative efforts.


  • Civics Content Vocabulary handout


  • 15-20 minutes with additional time for extension activities

Activity Sequence


  1. Pass out and/or project the Civics Content Vocabulary handout and work together as a whole class to review the terms and come up with an example for each term and a symbol.


  1. Place students into pairs and instruct students to think of some problems impacting them at school or in their community that they would like to see fixed.
  2. Have the students share out.
  3. Vote as a class to determine one problem to focus on.
  4. Write the problem on the board and if possible, show a visual (i.e. cars are speeding through school zones).
  5. Model a possible solution to the problem and steps to carry out that solution and write them on the board as an example (i.e. create postersabout speed limits as a whole class and display themin visible traffic areas).
  6. Discuss additional solutions and how those solutions could be accomplished by working together as a class or as a school community. Write all plausible solutions on the board (i.e. use content web model).


  1. Have students watch the following video: “Teamwork Helps You Win, Not Arguments” discuss how the video relates to the concept of working together to solve problems. Teacher Note:if needed download the video before the lesson using


  1. Usethe identified school related problem on the board and instruct students to work out a plan of action in collaborative groups to solve the problem identified. Assign each group one of the proposed solutions. Students may use the graphic organizer provided (See page 4) to detail their steps in solving the problem.


Civics Content Vocabulary

Directions: Review each civic vocabulary word and definition. In your own words, provide an example and illustrate its meaning.

Word / Definition / Example in your own words / Draw a visual/symbol
community / a group of people who live in the same area and who share common issues and government
local / close to home
state / a subdivision of the United States

Extended Activity:

Action Plan Collaborative Group Activity

Directions: Develop an action plan for the problem identified.

Goal: Identify wayscitizens collaborate to influence government and solve community and state problems?
State the problem: ______
State the solution you will be developing: ______
Action Steps
What Will Be Done? / Responsibilities
Who Will Do What? / Timeline
By When? / Resources/Materials
What resources/materials will you need to solve the problem/issue? / Communications Plan
How will you communicate with people involved in solving the problem?
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4: