Department Chairs Council

7 February 2013

Attendance: Chris Seddon, Kenneth Fitzpatrick, Tom Cappelletti, Richard Yang, Melissa Fellman, Chris Daubert, Daniel Styer, Angela Block, Bill Doonan, Sue Roper, Ann Lewis, Laurie Perry, Shanna Stein, Craig Davis, Mel Duvall, Gabriella Nuttall, Tricia Warrell, Amy Zannakis, Mary Turner, Elaine Ader, Carl Sjovold, Pam Posz.

Mary Turner

The Instruction Office is in the process of updating the education Master Plan for the college and is in need of information from each department. Although the Unit Plans submitted by each department provide some information on where each department is going, the Instruction Office needs to see the long range vision for each department—a vision that extends beyond that sketched out in the Unit Plans. In order obtain this information from each department, Mary will soon send out a list of questions about where each department wants to go. These questions should be distributed to the department chairs soon. She would like for the chairs to pass these questions on to faculty in the department. After the chairs have heard from their faculty, they will be able to pass this information along to Mary through a survey that she will distribute later this semester through Survey Monkey.

Tom Cappelletti

Handed out a list of websites for us to check out. Regards the redesign of the SCC website.

Hired on a contract basis (using ESAs) several faculty and students to deeply examine the existing website and developing alternatives and enhancements to our new website. This involves mapping out the existing website (literally thousands of pages) and seeing what works and what can be improved.

Tom would like to found out from us what would be our vision of our portions of the SCC website.

By the next DCC meeting, come up with some suggestions/needs/etc that we’d like to see in the website. Essentially provide a “wish list” of what we’d like in our department websites.

Ingeniux will be disappearing (most likely)...WordPress is being explored as an alternative platform.

Timeframe – ideally January 2014 for the public “face” portion of the website (Stage 1). Subsequent “other pathways” will be developed following Stage 1.

The Academics area will remain in the main site.

Tuesdays 1-2 (Mainly L105) – meeting time for the committee working on the website re-design.

D2L will still exist.

eServices will still exist.

Next Meeting: 21 February 2013

We’ll be discussing Unit Plan materials and also discussing Accreditation (Mary Beth Beuchner) and also Tom Cappelletti re: websites.