May 25, 2017

The York Room

Attendance: Malivika Sundararajan, Edward Saiff, Steve Rice, Christopher Romano, Aaron Lorenz, Dorothy Echols Tobe, George Gonpu (for Stephen Anderson), Brian Chinni, George Tabback, Emily Abbey, Steven Perry , Liz Siecke, Eric Daffron, Gurvinder Khaneja, Michele Dunn, Roark Atkinson, Beth Barnett.

Eric Daffron (chair) called the meeting to order.

The Provost approved all policies/procedures that were recommended at the previous meeting on April 27, 2017.

The council approved the minutes from April 27, 2017 with three abstentions.

Policies in Review

Policy 300-YY - Definition of a Ramapo College Student: This policy will remain in review.

To Be Activated Into Review

Policy 300-J1 – Student Military Leave – Suggestions for edits include: Policy Executive – should be Provost.

Under Reason for Policy: To accommodate students who are called to duty.


Third paragraph: “Students that are called to partial or full mobilization for State of federal active duty must contact the Office of the Registrar “as soon as possible” changed from “ immediately.”

Additional wording changes in 4th and 6th paragraph.

Policy/Procedure recommended to Provost, with these edits, for approval.

Policies to be activated into review:

Policy/Procedure 300-K1 – Priority Registration for Students on Active Military Duty.

  • Discussion of active duty definition. And wording.
  • Suggestions on adding a reference to the academic calendar in the procedure.

Policy/procredure will be put in review, and discussed at a future PC meeting in June.

Information Items

Policy/Procedure 300-FF – Transferring Academic Credit –

Procedure – Part 3 - Suggestion made to add language that currently exists in Residency policy regarding student credit - concerning exclusions from the residency requirement.

Policy/Procedure 300 A – Academic Standing –

Discussion of student options under Academic Suspension which include:

Accept decision,

Appeal decision

Take a special session of the course or courses.

Typographical errors were noted.

Both policies/procedures accepted as information items and recommended to Provost for approval.