Activity: Responsive Classroom Peer Groups TLC points:10

Date: 9/5/06

Teaching & Learning Cooperative

Facilitator Proposal (for Groups of 5 or more participants)

Proposal Facilitator: Christina Glady and Lynette McDonnell

Phone: 858-485-0042 ext 4101Email:

Intended Audience: AllChaparralElementary School Teachers

Start and End Dates:November 2006- June 2007

District Goal(s) Addressed:X K-12 Literacy (Support for K-12 Reading,

Writing, or Mathematics)

X Proficiency for all students across all grade

levels and content areas as measured by

standardized state measures (CST, CAHSEE)

X Increased access to rigorous curriculum &

coursesfor all students (AP classes, A-G)

Anticipated Professional Learning Outcomes:

Participants will:

  • Gain an in depth understanding of setting expectations with children, establishing classroom routines, generating rules with students and using logical consequences, working with families and staff to support rules, conducting social conferences, avoiding power struggles and using effective teacher language
  • Develop and affirm the good practices they are already using.
  • Develop a team of practicing teachers to offer support in implementing Responsive Classroom while building a community of learners.
  • Develop real solutions for turning past classroom problems into future successes.
  • Develop a team for camaraderie with fellow educators to share ideas, get support for challenges and feel the power of community membership.

Professional Development Activities: (Including Timeline)

Acquiring New Learning Activities: November 2006 through May 2007. We will meet on the ThirdWednesday of every month either before school from 7:45-8:30. Participants must attend all 6 meetings. If they cannot attend a meeting they must arrange to meet and discuss with facilitators. Through monthly meetingsall participants will explore techniques and components of Teaching Children to Care. Participants will share what is working and what is not working in the classroom. Participants will gain new strategies for classroom management and working with students, staff and parents. The lesson will reflect the most recent reading.

Classroom Implementation Activities: November 2006 through May 2007

Following their participation in discussion groups, teachers will work in collaborative teams at the monthly meetings to create model lessons incorporating Responsive Classroom techniques. These sessions will feature discussions and planning with peers which will result in significant growth in understanding the components of Responsive Classroom. Each month participants will be required to read 2-3 chapters from the book Teaching Children to Care and they will reflect upon their reading in a journal and share out any reflections.

Monthly Reading Outline:


Chapter 1: Intentions

Chapter 2 :I see you, I see Everything


Chapter 6: Using Logical Consequences When Rules are Broken

Chapter 7: Time-Out: Establishing Boundaries and Promoting Self Control

Chapter 8: The Five Percent


Chapter 9: Working together to Support the Rules

Chapter 10: Empowering Language: Say what You Mean and Mean What You Say

Chapter 11: Stress the Deed, Not the Doer


Chapter 12: The Voice of Authority

Chapter 13: Problem-Solving Class Meeting

Chapter 14: Teachers as Mirrors: Using Social Conferences


Chapter 15: Individual Contracts

Chapter 16: Teaching by Clear Positives: Revisiting Ideals

Chapter 17: Clear positive Action


Chapter 3: Making the Rules with Children

Chapter 4: Teaching the Rules

Chapter 5: The Critical Contract: A Student’s Individual Goals for the Year

Reflection Activities: Classroom Implementation Activities: November 2006 through May 2007. To support the goals and action plan, participants will reflect monthly on the effect of their previous month’s lesson plans and the chapter from the book Teaching Children to Care. Monthly each person will share their classroom experiences and share aloud those experiences and how they relate to the reading. We will discuss the next best steps for the lessons during each session as well.

II. Outside Learning Activities.

a. Reading and Reflecting of the Teaching Children to Care by Ruth Sidney Charney

(2 hours of reading before each of 6 meeting=12 hours)

b. Journal 2 times per month about best practices, what worked?, next best steps and questions.

(1 hour per month for 6 months = 6 hours)

c. planning mini lessons based on new learning from reading and monthly meeting.

Total: 18 Hours

Classroom Implementation Activities

Participants will implement and reflect on reading and lesson plans.

Activities for may include:

1Delivering mini-lessons based on new learning from reading and monthly meetings (including the planning). These lessons will be reflected upon in the journal and they will be discussed in the monthly meeting. (30 minutes per week for 22 weeks)

2Implementation and management of conferring strategies and assessments. The teachers will work on conferring with students and working with the students. (30 minutes per week for 22 weeks)

( approximately 22 hours)

Reflection Activities:

  • The identified sharing and reflecting activities built into each session
  • Reflection journal with reflections from the monthly reading
  • Reflection journal with reflections on how things are going in the classroom- what is working? what is not working?
  • Summary of personal learning and the impact on students in the last session.

Time Totals

Monthly Meetings: 4.5 hours

Outside learning Activities: 18hours

Classroom Implementation and Activities: 22 hours

Sum Total Approximately: 44.5 hours

Expected cost:

Teaching Children to Care By: Ruth Sidney Charney $29.95 per book *10 books $295.50 plus 5% for shipping and handling. Books will be purchased from Northeast Foundation for Children Inc.

Teacher hours for facilitators - 3