PASC Sub-committee Reports
Vice-chair: Travis B.
Please be patient and as understanding as possible as this position is new for me and I am trying to serve the Portland Area in this capacity to the best of my current ability. Thank you for allowing me to do so.
I did not attend the Activities, Hotline, Literature or Outreach sub-committee business meetings. I plan to attend these sub-committees business meetings in May.
I did attend the H&I sub-committee meeting and feel confident in the current leadership’s ability to continue the journey toward continued improvement and maintenance of the duties set forth in the by-laws and laid out in the H&I dedication to service.
I also attended the PI sub-committee business meeting and am excited about the direction they are headed with some of their ideas.
My mission for the following month is to locate the calendar for ASC meetings and get it to the web-host. I will have a more detailed and thorough report for the next ASC meeting.
I am hopeful, that the atmosphere of recovery can be strengthened, and the ties that would tear us apart will be weakened through everyone’s participation in directional shifting.
I believe that we can all be more positive and less negative. We are all human, so we can falter. We are all human, so we can be understanding, and compassionate.
I look forward to the Area Inventory process and the growth we as an area can achieve, and I am grateful for the opportunity to serve the Portland Area.
Your trusted servant,
Travis B.
Activities Sub-Committee Report: Eric P.
For April 13, 2008
8800 SE 80th Avenue @ 2:00pm
Eric opened the meeting with a moment of silence followed by the serenity prayer. Lawrence read 12 Traditions; Ron read the 4th Concept, Billi read the Decorum Statement. First time visitors were Michael, Wess, Tom, Alicia, and Megan. The second time visitors were Trina and Tana. The Chair reported to the committee then called for reports from the Treasurer, RCM, Calendar Coordinator, Flyer Coordinator, Reminder Coordinator, Gratitude Coordinator, Storage Coordinator, Newcomer Coordinator, Fundraising Coordinator and Archivist. Quorum was met; We had 16 voting members present.
There was no unfinished business.
In Future & Ongoing Events there are fundraisers on for Beverly Beach and Fort Stevens Campouts, Unity in the Streets is doing fundraisers; 4th of July picnic, Annual picnic, End of Year Dance, Fishing, and Government Island campout, all have coordinators and are in planning stages. Picnic in the Park has started up. The Paint Ball Campout is on June 6th – 8th. Multnomah Falls hike is June 14th.
In past events Snow Day had 7 people in attendance; Bowling had 22 people in attendance.
In new business we had elections: Gene is the new Chair, Nannette P. is the new Vice-Chair, Steve R. is the RCM, the Treasurer and Secretary positions are still open.
The meeting closed at 5:00pm.
I would like to thank all for letting me be of service for the past 2 years and hope that people will still call on me for my input.
In Loving Service,
Eric P.
H & I Chair Report: Lawrence J.
April 2008
Rent at All Saints Episcopal Church will be raised from $40 to $50 in May.
DePaul Panel Chair stepped down, replaced by Erin G.
Portland Adventist Panel Chair stepped sown, replaced by Jeff D.
Coffee Creek Panel Chair stepped down, replaced by no one as of yet.
There will be a 1 month suspension of commitments for this facility. There have been some issues with the facility and members have been turned away from the facility due to non-communication from within the facility itself. Chair will contact them to iron out the kinks and get the ball rolling smoothly again.
Number of commitments 49
Missed 6
Cancelled 1
Number seen 772
RCM report was given by Lawrence, Chair of H&I who attended region due to the fact that H&I is without an RCM. Hole in the Wall at OSP will be having a 20th Anniversary meeting on June 5, 2008. anyone who is interested and has clearance might be able to participate. See H&I Chair for details.
H&I has been receiving mail from inmates. Any inmate institution request for literature will be referred to NAWS.
In Service,
Lawrence Johnson
H&I Chair
Hotline Report: Linda A.
Meeting opened 4:00pm April 24th.
Four new shift workers: Melody J., Bill H., Kelly F., and Matt C.
All shifts covered.
Looking forward to having PI and Outreach joining us next month.
Thank you.
In Service,
Linda A.
Hotline Chair
Subcommittee Financial Report
Subcommittee: Literature
Report Month: 03-29-2008 / 04-26-2008
Beginning Cash Balance: $2,487.14
Income Description Amount
Area’s Sales – Literature $ 2,226.45
Total Income: $ 2,226.45
Total Income: $ 2,226.45
Expense Description Amount
Total Expenses $ 2,539.41
Ending Balance: $ 2,174.18
Report presented by Sean
Outreach: Troy J.
Good afternoon. I am Troy, and I’m an addict.
Frank V. has volunteered to help where needed – meeting tech.
Jeff M. is Vancouver meeting tech.
New GSRs are:
Tom D. – Late Night Recovery
Jeff W. – Late Night Recovery (alt. GSR)
Zak F. – Freedom in the Flats
Dan G. – New Journey (alt. GSR)
Please make them feel welcome.
Outreach has had a request to come to Here and Now for guidance. I was unable to attend this month, but will attend next month. I will be attending Diversity group next month also. I have received 3 letters and will follow up on them.
Thank you.
In service,
Troy J.
Portland Area Public Relations Report: Steve G.
The new meeting schedule will be changing formats starting today. They are formatted by meetings from different areas, locations and their times and day. It is much easier to use and will help hotline workers to direct addicts to meetings in the caller’s area.
We will be having an orientation for our Booth Sitting volunteers, our Presentation Panel, and our Hotline shift workers on April 27th. This is a workshop designed to train everyone involved with our Area Contingency Plan and how we address professionals, the public, and the media. We would like to specially invite all those involved with “Unity in the Streets”, and the “4th of July Picnic” to be a part of this as well, as these events are in the public eye. All are welcome, and we will be serving food. The event is at the Fire Station #12 on 8646 NE Sandy Blvd. at about 4:30p.m. There are flyers available and we hope you can attend.
We have approved the Bi-Laws, and have entered a motion to get them approved by the Area. The PR Committee will be moving to the same place and time as the Hotline Committee meeting starting in May. This will be reflected in both the May/June schedule and the website, and should be reflected in the “Activities at a Glance” as well. Thank you all for your support and cooperation as we are making this careful transition to a Public Relations Committee. We had eight members in attendance, including one new person and the PASC vice chairperson. Our next meeting will be on May 25th, at 4:00 p.m., located at Round Table Pizza on the corner of Foster Rd. & Holgate Blvd. (6250 SE Foster Rd).
We are having trouble filling all our open positions and are currently looking for some people who can be of service. Please spread the word for addicts who are willing to help.
Our web team has been reduced to one person as Jim K. has resigned as Alternate Web host. Andrea C. is doing a great job, but we are looking for people with web skills to help. Please contact Andrea at . All meeting changes are being updated and shared with all the people involved with meeting schedules to ensure accurate information.
We are trying to set up a new page for posting flyers presented to the website, but the personal phone numbers must be removed per our web guidelines. All the PASC minutes and other documents are being posted promptly. The newly elected subcommittee chairpersons need to contact the web host so the mail from the website can be forwarded to them. H&I have submitted updated bylaws and a list of facilities visited for their web page. The Rose City Metro page remains deactivated until further notice.
Service in action,
Steve G
PR Chairperson
RCM report to the PASC: Michael McD.
Good afternoon to you all. First, I want to thank you for your trust in electing me to serve you as your Regional Committee Member. It is a privilege and an honor to serve our area.
This month I attended the Pacific Cascade Regional Service Conference in Canby, Oregon. We met on Saturday, April 19th. There will be several motions from Region for us to make on over the next two months. I will present the motions to you next month and we can make our decisions on them the following month. Region meets quarterly and the next meeting will be held in Salem July 19 – 20, 2008. This meeting will be a Regional Assembly and Learning Day with a speaker meeting in the evening on Saturday and the RSC will follow on Sunday. I urge all GSR’s to attend as well as our Officers and Sub-Committee members. Nominations and elections were held for Vice Chair and a new Interim Vice Chair, Mike R. from Portland was elected. Nominations were held for RSC officers and Sub Committee Chairs. Kathy K, of Springfield, was nominated for Chair, Michael R. was nominated for Vice Chair, JoAnn K, of Springfield, was nominated for Treasurer, Tauni M., of Grande Ronde, was nominated for Regional Delegate, Lisa H., of Salem, was nominated for Alternate Regional Delegate, Jeph M., of Eugene, was nominated for Convention and Conference Chairperson, Pati N., of Corvallis, was nominated for Literature Chai, Jim B., of Portland, was nominated for Public Information Chair, and Tim A., of Medford, was nominated for Policy and Procedure Chair.
The 2008 PCRSC budget was sent to the Areas for approval by July, a motion to fund the Learning Day was approved for $ 400.00, and a motion to reimburse a $ 41.00 loss for the regional assembly to the hosting Area was also approved. All other motions will be voted on at the July meeting.
There was no one in attendance from the Host committee for the PCRCNA XV and no report was submitted.
I also briefly attended the regional H&I meeting as well as the regional PI meeting.
I was asked by the Chairperson to assist in rewriting the Regional Guidelines with the P&P Chair. I will also be involved in the Learning Day in Salem.
I made copies of flyers for events being held around our region and they are on the back table.
I attended a meeting of the new BOD and Sub Committee Chairs on Wednesday, April 23rd. I expect that the Chair well report on that meeting.
I am sure I have left something out, but more will be revealed.
Yours in Service,
Michael McD.
~ End of Reports ~