OklahomaCounty Dental Society
Board of Directors
Call To OrderThe OCDS Board of Directors meeting was called to order on Tuesday, March 8, 2011 6:00 PM at the ODA by President Lars Bouma. Dr. Justin Power, Secretary/Treasurer, declared a quorum present.
MinutesThe minutes of the October 26, 2010 Board meeting were approved as mailed.
PresidentDr. Lars Bouma thanked everyone for attending the Installation of Officers in January. Dr. Bouma reported board members would be contacted via e-mail at least two hours in advance of a board meeting if a meeting is to be cancelled due to inclement weather.
Secretary/TreasurerDr. Justin Power reported total assets of OCDS to be $158,945.36. Dr. Power also reported five new members: Drs. Onur Kadioglu, Justin Marriott, Brian Prince, Katie To and Todd Walker.
Program ChairmanDr. Dan Wilguess, Chairman, reported Dr. Glen Houston will be speaking on April 1, 2011 at River Oaks Golf Club. The course title will be “Practical Approach to Oral Pathology in Clinical Practice.”
Council on AdminDr. Les Hardy, Chairman, presented a comparison of the 2010 budget versus the actual expenses and reported it was a good year.
Awards CommitteeDr. Vann Greer, Chairman, reported that she and Drs. Pat Woods, Brent Moody and Somer Heim nominated four individuals for ODA awards to be presented at the ODA meeting. Dr. Greer reported a file has been developed to help future awards committees.
Dr. Greer moved a Standing Rule be added to make this a standing committee of the Board: “The Award Committee shall be a diverse committee of 5 chaired by the Past President with 4 members appointed by the Past President for the purpose of submitting nominees for ODA awards each year.” Motion seconded and carried.
Dr. Greer moved to begin the process of accumulating CV information about members of the Board and as many of the general membership as possible by e-mail, fax or by personal submission as reference material for the Awards Committee and further that a notice for update be requested annually. The form to be submitted shall be created by the Awards Committee and recommended to be brief. Motion seconded and carried.
OKMOMDr. Krista Jones reported 2011 OKMOM in Oklahoma City was a huge success. Dr. Jones reported OKMOM 2012 will be held February 3-4 in McAlester, 2013 in Lawton and 2014 in Enid.
OU College of DentistryDr. Frank Miranda reported current admission numbers and class of 2015 statistics.
Board of DentistryDr. James Sparks reported recent activities at the Board of Dentistry including the hiring of a new Executive Director, Susan Rogers.
Government AffairsDr.Mark Hanstein reported current activities at the legislature.
Executive SecretaryRachel Harper reported Leadership updates are available for pick up and also on the OCDS webpage. She reported a $500 donation has been given to the ODA for Dentist Day at the Capitol and two CE season passes for the DENPAC silent auction. Rachel also reported forms for the ADA Golden Apple awards are due June 1, 2011.
AnnouncementsGeneral Assembly – March 31, 2011 – River Oaks
CE – April 1, 2011 – River Oaks – Dr. Glen Houston
Next OCDS Board Meeting – April 19, 2011 – ODA
ODA House of Delegates – April 28, 2011 – Tulsa
Dr. Miranda reported a book titled Smile OK – The History of the School of Dentistry will be out soon.
AdjournmentMoved by Dr. Vann Greer, “that the meeting adjourn.” Motion carried by consensus.