Faculty Development Office
Faculty of Medicine, McGill University
Problem Residents - Suggested Readings
The problem resident: learning from our mistakes. Fam Med. 1999;31(10):729-31.
Blumberg P, Cohen GS, Ryan NC, Sullivan PL. An analysis of academic problems encountered by medical students. Teach Learn Med. 1994;6:96-101.
Blumberg P, Cohen GS, Sullivan PL, Ryan NC. The progress of students who encounter repeated difficulties in a problem-based medical school. Teach Learn Med. 1995;7:23-28.
Boreham NC, Russell C, Wastells DG. Can past academic criteria predict students at risk of future failure? Med Educ. 1988;22(2):94-8.
Catton P, Hutcheon M, Rothman A. Academic difficulty in postgraduate medical education: results of remedial programs at University of Toronto. Annals RCPSC. 2002;35:232-7.
Cohen GS, Blumberg P. Investigating whether teachers should be given assessments of students made by previous teachers. Acad Med. 1991;66(5):288-9.
Dickstein LJ, Stephenson JJ, Hinz LD. Psychiatric impairment in medical students. Acad Med. 1990;65(9):588-93.
Flynn SP, Hekelman FP. Reality shock in first-year family practice residents: a case study. Fam Med. 1993;25(10)25:633-6.
Goodman CJ, Lindsey JI, Whigham CJ, Robinson A. The problem resident: the perspective of chief residents. Acad Radiol. 2000;7(6):448-50.
Gordon MJ. A prerogatives-based model for assessing and managing the resident in difficulty. Fam Med. 1993 Nov-Dec;25(10):637-45.
Grams GD Longhurst MF, Whiteside CBC The faculty experience with the “troublesome” family practice resident. Fam Med. 1992 24 197-200
Howell JB, Schroeder DP. Physician Stress: A Handbook for Coping. Baltimore: University Park Press; 1984.
Hunt DD, Scott CS, Phillips TJ, Yergan J, Greig LM. Performance of residents who had academic difficulties in medical school. J Med Educ. 1987;62(3):170-6.
Ikkos G. Responding to trainee doctors in difficulty. Hosp Med. 2000;61(5):348-51.
Irby DM, Milam JD. The legal context for evaluating and dismissing medical students and residents. Acad Med. 1989;64:639-43.
Jensen PS. Barriers to working with impaired trainees: a resident's viewpoint. Psychiatric Quarterly. 1983;55:268-71.
Neher JO. Late-night reflections on the difficult resident. Fam Med. 1999;31:732-3.
Noel GL. A system for evaluating and counselling marginal students during clinical clerkships. J Med Educ. 1987;62(4):353-5.
Paice E, Orton V. Early signs of the trainee in difficulty. Hosp Med. 2004;65(4):238-40.
Parenti CM. A process for identifying marginal performers among students in a clerkship. Acad Med. 1993;68:575-7.
Peterkin AD. Staying Human During Residency Training. Ottawa: Canadian Medical Association; 1991.
Rankin JW, Kelly MB. Evaluating medical residents - "fairness," "due process" and other legalities. In: JS Lloyd, G Langsley, editors. How To Evaluate Residents. Chicago: American Board of Medical Specialties; 1986.
Rose TG. Due process in residency training. In Little M, editor. Becoming a Family Physician. New York: Springer-Verlag; 1989.
Shapiro J, Prislin MD, Larsen KM, Lenahan PM. Working with the resident in difficulty. Fam Med. 1987;19:368-75.
Steinert Y, Magonet G, Rubin G, Carson K. The emotional well-being of housestaff: a comparison of residency training programs. Can Fam Physician. 1991;37:2130-8.
Steinert Y, Levitt C. Working with the “problem” resident: guidelines for definition and intervention. Fam Med. 1993;25:627-32.
Stitham S. Educational malpractice. JAMA. 1991;266:905-6.
Walters JA, Croen LG. An approach to meeting the needs of medical students with learning disabilities. Teach Learn Med. 1993;5(1):29-35.
Winter RO, Birnberg B. Working with impaired residents: trials tribulations and successes. Fam Med. 2002;34:190-6.
Yao DC, Wright SM. National survey of internal medicine residency program directors regarding problem residents. JAMA. 2000;284:1099-104.
Yao DC, Wright SM. The challenge of problem residents. J Gen Intern Med. 2001;16:486-92.