TGJ4M – CCT Project
Due Dates:Completed sketches and planning (June 2nd)
Completed Magazine Spread Design and reflection (June 9th)
Magazine Article Assignment
For your CCT, you will design a 4 page magazine article for a topic of your choice. The article you choose will serve as an inspiration for the look and feel of your design project.
•Design communicates powerful ideas.
• Design creates meaning and purpose.
•Design develops creative thinking and problem solving skills.
•How/where do designers get their ideas?
•What choices do designers make?
•How does design communicate?
•Where is design in our world?
•Do designers need skills to create art?
Students will:
•Learn how to use InDesign to design magazine page spreads.
•Learn how to add and edit type in InDesign.
•Learn how to edit the size, colour and shape of images.
•Learn how to correctly set up an InDesigndocument.
•Locate and identify examples of how type dominant and image dominant design is used in magazine page design.
•Learn how to create sketches for design projects.
•Create a 4 page magazine article that incorporates text and images in a visually successful way and is also clear and legible for the reader.
Step 1: Article Selection
Begin by looking for articles online that are on a topic that interests you. For example, if you love music, you should find an interview with your favorite band. Or if cooking is more your style, find an article that shares culinary tips and secrets. Once you have found your article, copy and paste it into a Word or text editing application. Be sure to include thetitleandauthor of the article, as well as theURLof where you found it.
Tell me a bit about your article
1. Title: Author:
2. In a nutshell, what is this article about?
3. What is the tone of the article?
4. What are some words that represent some of the ideas, themes or parts of this article?
5. What are some images that represent some of the ideas, themes or parts of this article?
Step 2: Inspiration
Next, search around the internet and find at least 8 examples of nicely designed magazine feature articles. 4 of the images should betype dominantand the other 4 should beimage dominant.Print these out and glue them in your work book.
Type Dominate:
Image Dominate:
Step 3: Vocabulary
Next, label the parts of this magazine page by reading the “Elements of a Magazine Page” on our class website.
Step 5: Sketching
Complete4 detailed, colored thumbnail sketchesof your magazine spread layout ideas in your workbook. Two sketches should be type dominant, and the other two should be image dominant.
Here are some elements for you to consider including in your design.
•Horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines
•Straight, zig zagged, curved or freeform lines
•Lines used in a pattern
•Non-solid line (dashed, dotted, etc.)
•Geometric shaped elements
• Organic shaped elements
• Silhouettes
Typographic Treatment
• Bold, light, italic, heavy, thin, condensed, extended type
• Handmade Type
•Serif, Sans Serif or Scripts
•Punctuation as design elements
• Loose/tight tracking
• Vertical, horizontal or diagonal type
Here are some questions to consider when creating your sketches:
Does the voice of your type match the voice of the article? Is your type shouting, whispering or simply conveying a message?
Have you experimented with different sizes, spacing, styles, and directions of your type?
Is your typography or image the most important thing on your page?
Have you experimented with patterns, shapes, colors, and lines?
Type Dominant
Image Dominant
Once all your sketching is complete, choose your most successful sketch and try to recreate it using InDesign and possibly Illustrator and Photoshop. Your spreads must have the following project requirements:
Feature Opening Spread
•Size: two A4 pages printed on a A3 sized paper
•Image or Dominant type
•Required Text:
-Page numbers
-Name of imaginary magazine
-Issue date
-Intro paragraph
Inside Spread
•Size: two A4 pages printed on a A3 sized paper
•Visually match the tone of the opening spread
•Contain at least three images
•Required Text:
-Page numbers
-Sidebar box
-Photo credits
-Photo captions
-Body text
-Name of imaginary magazine
-Issue date
Self Reflection
1. How do the images you used represent the idea/theme/mood behind your article?
2. How did you use colour and design elements to enhance the design of your page spreads?
3. How does your use of typography support the main idea and tone of the article?
4. Describe the challenges you had when working with the type. How did you come to a resolution?
5. What is the strongest part of your magazine article design and why?
6. Which area(s) of your magazine article design do you think needs improvement?
7. Think about the whole CD design process, from planning to production. What part of the process did you excel at and why?
8. What part of the process did you struggle with and why?
9. What was the main concept/idea/skill that you took away from this project?
10. How could this project be improved for the future?