oha sepsis initiative Key messages

May 7, 2015 Webinar (11:00 a.m.)

Project goals

·  30% reduction in incidence of sepsis

·  30% reduction is severe sepsis/septic shock mortality

·  Sustainable evidence of change in practice

Basic information

·  Sepsis initiative is a two year agreement

·  We encourage all Ohio hospitals to participate, no matter if it is acute care, critical access, long term acute care, pediatric or other specialty

·  Integration of efforts will occur with the HEN 2.0, regional collaboratives and any other initiatives

·  The participating hospital is expected to have an internal multidisciplinary improvement team

·  Hospitals are required to perform a baseline gap analysis and action plan. Programming will be modified based on identified areas of opportunity

·  The gap analysis document will be sent to participating hospitals in June

·  ED & ICU are recommended as a starting point in those hospitals where a sepsis initiative has not been implemented but certainly housewide implementation is welcome especially for those hospitals who are already working on reducing sepsis

·  This is a free initiative. There is no stipend associated with this OHA quality initiative

·  Letters of commitment may continue to be submitted until Friday – June 5, 2015 to


·  Existing Administrative database will be used for outcome measures. The primary focus will be severe sepsis and septic shock for the outcome measures

·  Monthly process data submission is required

·  Baseline data for outcome measures will be 2010 – 2014 data. Baseline data for process measures will be third and fourth quarter 2015 data.

·  “Surviving Sepsis” data definitions will be used for the three hour bundle

·  The new CMS sepsis metric incorporates both the 3 and 6 hour bundle, we will work to align the process measure as much as possible

·  A user friendly data entry and analysis process will be used, allowing for enhanced comparability

·  The common data entry site will be used for sepsis and other quality projects such as HEN 2.0

Education and meetings

·  There will be a combination of face to face meetings (will try to attach to existing meetings i.e. OHA annual meeting, collaborative meetings, etc.), web-ex meetings, and periodic coordinator visits

·  All informational web-ex sessions will be recorded and made available on the OHA website for easier access

·  Information will be spread through the OHA sepsis website, education programming as well as through regional quality collaboratives