Most Common Narratives in COEUS for NIH F32 grants:
(updated 04/26/2017)
Investigator: ______Application Due: ______
If resubmission/revision
COEUS# ______Original Grant Number______
NIH_Unknown = 000772 (if new grant application, otherwise specific agency)
For F32 grants the Program Announcement = PA-16-307 (expires May 8, 2019)
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!!!! Need final Scientific Title before application can be routed.!!!!
*Biosketches(need final versions OF ALL to route for internal approval – needs to be in new 5/25/16 format-
List by institution and year all undergraduate courses and graduatescientific and/or professional courses germane to the training sought under this award, withgrades. In the space following the chart, explain any grading system if other than 1-100, A, B, C,D, F, or 0-4.0. Show levels required for a passing grade. (you can also use SciENcv to help create your Biosketch:
Note: Each line with an asterisk (*) below represents an individual .pdf file you will provide
*Narrative(need draft to route for internal approval)
*Project_Summary – Abstract (need draft to route for internal approval)
The Following Four attachments to be provided by Mentor:
*Facilities(need draft to route for internal approval)
*Equipment(need draft to route for internal approval)
* PHS_Fellow_ Sponsor_Sponsor Information (Limited to 6 pages)
~Research Support Available
~Sponsor/Co-Sponsor’s Previous Fellows/Trainees
~Training Plan, Environment (including Equip&Facilities) – NOTE: Need Draft
~ Number of Fellows/Trainees supported during this fellowship
~ Applicant's Qualifications and Potential for a Research Career
*Inst_Environment Commitment (2-Page Limit,1 sections)
a) Description of Institutional Environment and Commitment to Training
The sponsoring institution must document a strong, well-established research program related to the candidate's area of interest, including the names of key faculty members relevant to the candidate's proposed developmental plan. Describe opportunities for intellectual interactions with other investigators, including courses offered, journal clubs, seminars, and presentations. Indicate how the necessary facilities and other resources will be made available for both career enhancement and the research proposed in this application; refer to the resources description in Facilities and Other Resources.
b) Additional Educational Information text provided in emailed attachment from DGS
(effective 5/25/16, section b) is not required on F32 applications).
…The Above Items are needed before the grant can be routed for internal approval…
*Bibliography (A.K.A. Literature Cited)–NOTE: note mentioned in instructions, but should be okay to provide and upload
*Cover Letter (Required – includes list of referees)
*Specific Aims(one-page limit)
*Research Strategy (6-page limit total- three sections, one .pdf file)
~ Significance
~ Innovation (Fellowships should not include Innovation unless specified in FOA)
~ Approach
*Resource Sharing Plan
*Respective Contributions
* Selection of Sponsor and Institution (Limited to 1 page)
*Training for Responsible Conduct of Research
*Goals for Fellowship Training and Career (6-Page Limit Previously 3 separate attachments)
~Doctoral Dissertation and Research Experience
~Training Goals and Objectives
~Activities Planned
…. Optional Sections….
If Applicable – (are any of these Optional Narratives needed???)
*PHS_ResearchPlan_Appendix (if applicable – will there be Appendices? Clinical Trial Protocols, Investigator’s Brochures, Informed consent blank forms, Blank data collection forms, and FOA required materials ONLY NOT-OD-16-129)
*Progress Report Publication List (Rare instance of Renewal)
*Concurrent Support
*Select Agent Research(if Biological Hazards included use this section to identify strains of the select agent that will be used from this list:
*Letters of Support (all combined into one .pdf document) (6-Page Limit)
*PHS_Assignment_Request_Form(Must complete before internal routing to select Agencies, Study Sections, not include certain reviewers, or specify expertise needed to review)
*Other Attachment: Foreign_Justification (If yes on Questionnaire must include) you should include in your justification a description of how the mentor at the foreign site will contribute the scientific advantages of the foreign training experience as compared to the training available domestically.
*PHS_Auth_KeyBioChem_Resources(Do not include, not yet required)
If “Resubmission”, formerly known as “revision” or A1 or A2, this addresses the concerns of the reviewer:
*PHS_ResearchPlan_Introduction to Application
If there are animals:
*PHS_Vertebrate Animals
Description of Procedures
Justifications of Species/goals
Minimization of Pain and Distress
If Human Subjects/IRB (if any of these are needed, they are ALL needed):
*Protection of Human Subjects
*Inclusion of Women and Minorities
*Inclusion of Children
*PHS_ Data_And_Safety_Monitoring_Plan(Clinical Trials Only)
---Also…1 Inclusion Enrollment Form – No attachment, but need information for additional questionnaire in COEUS – send PI the “1 Inclusion Enrollment Form 052516” to complete)
---Also…. internally we PI to log in “FACTr” website to include the FACTr number in COUES for the Hospital person (usually Sandy Greeno) to approve the internal routing:
If “YES” to VICTR / CRC funds, facilities, or supplies being used for this proposal, then need to include a Letter Of Support from VICTR- standard draft letter available, or PI can log application at ( )
Link to new instructions for F32 applications:
Link to NIH instruction manual for Fellowships SF424 applications (updated 2-3 times per year):
Letters of Reference - Individual Fellowship Application Guide:
Some types of programs require the submission of reference letters by the referee. Referees must submit these letters by the application deadline in order to be considered as part of the application. Learn the process and policies for submission of reference letters.
Letters of reference are an important component of the application for fellowship support. Applicants for this fellowship must arrange to have at least three (but no more than five) letters of reference submitted on their behalf to the eRA Commons Web site. The letters should be from well-established scientists (referees) addressing the qualities of the Fellowship Applicant as well as his/her potential to develop research skills needed in preparation for a productive research career as a physician-scientist or clinician-scientist in scientific areas related to the mission of one of the participating Institutes. These letters should be from individuals not directly involved in the application, but who are familiar with the candidate’s qualifications, training, and interests, including advisory committee members (if applicable). Resubmission applications will require new letters of reference.
Letters of reference may be submitted any time after the FOA opens and no later than 5 business Days after the application due date.
Applications that are missing the required letters of reference may be delayed in the review process or not reviewed.
For a detailed explanation of each attachment/questionnaire question visit the following website: